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Inclusive Library Services


The objective of the Inclusive Library Services policy is to support staff with conversations related to racist and other unwanted behaviours, including anti-Indigenous racism, and to:

  • affirm the right of access and the right of representation of diverse groups and experiences in all of the Library’s activities and services;
  • support providing equitable and inclusive library spaces and services where all are welcome;
  • identify that the Library actively highlights voices in our community that have historically or intentionally experienced discrimination through its collections, programs, and services; and
  • assert that bullying or harassment, verbal abuse, or other disrespectful behaviour towards Library staff, Security Services’ staff, and patrons of the library is not acceptable.


This policy applies to all members of the public using VPL facilities and services, Library staff, Security staff, and Board members. It applies to all Library services, activities, and spaces, including but not limited to collections, programs, and displays. This policy does not apply to private rental of library meeting rooms, which are governed by the Public Meeting Rooms and Facilities Use policy.

Approved by the Library Board: November 23, 2022


Bullying and Harassment refers to words and/or actions that are offensive, humiliating, threatening, or intimidating toward a person. This includes verbal abuse such as yelling, swearing at staff or patrons, or the use of slurs or insults.

Discrimination is the mistreatment, or unfair treatment, of someone based on one or more personal characteristics.

Disrespectful behaviour includes bullying and harassment, and also persistent arguing, or any aggressive or belligerent actions toward staff or patrons, including microaggressions, or comments on personal characteristics.

Library Spaces include physical spaces such as branches, as well as online spaces including programs, workshops, and social media.

Microaggressions are indirect, subtle, or unintentional acts of discrimination against members of a particular group.

Personal characteristics are aspects of a person’s identity. The personal characteristics covered by this policy include, but are not necessarily limited to, race, colour, ancestry, place of origin; religion; marital status; family status; physical or mental ability; sex, gender identity/expression or sexual orientation; age; Indigeneity; receipt of public assistance; experience of homelessness/being unhoused; immigration status; or other socio-economic conditions.

Indigenous Considerations

Indigenous peoples have been historically and intentionally discriminated against, and the Library is committed to supporting article 2 of the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Indigenous peoples and individuals are free and equal to all other peoples and individuals and have the right to be free from any kind of discrimination, in the exercise of their rights, in particular that based on their Indigenous origin or identity.

The Library has taken action and will continue to prioritize and share Indigenous voices through our collections and programming and works towards establishing VPL as a place to learn about the history and cultures of Indigenous people, including the truths of the historic and ongoing impact of colonization.

Policy Statements

1. Vancouver Public Library values all people.
1.1. The Library strives to offer welcoming spaces, a sense of belonging, and positive experiences for everyone. It is a shared space that serves as a community hub for all, regardless of personal characteristics.
1.2. The Library acknowledges the compounding effects of multiple forms of discrimination that many in the community we serve experience.  
1.3. The Library is a platform that celebrates and showcases voices in the community, especially the voices of communities that have been historically or intentionally suppressed.

2. Vancouver Public Library endeavors to create a respectful, inclusive and equitable environment for its staff, patrons and the general public.
2.1  The Library is committed to intentional work to create a respectful, inclusive and equitable Library environment.
2.2 The Library values diversity, respectful spaces and communication, and access for all, without compromising its commitment to intellectual freedom, and the right to access the full range of knowledge, ideas, and opinions.
2.3 Intellectual freedom values access to diverse views. Disagreement is part of exploring ideas, however, dialogue and behaviour in library spaces must be respectful.
2.4 The Library is committed to ensuring the safety and dignity of staff members and patrons.
2.5 The Library upholds the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion in all of its activities by:
     a) Working to create an environment that welcomes, respects and celebrates the differences among us.
     b) Seeking meaningful engagement, dialogue and collaboration with individuals from equity denied groups to shape and inform library programs, services, policies and practices.  
     c) Prioritizing equity, diversity and inclusion by promoting increased public awareness through our policies and practices, collections, programs, displays, and services.
2.6 The Library works to ensure that people who have historically been excluded or underrepresented see themselves reflected in the collections, programs, and services offered.

3. Bullying, aggression, harassment, or other disrespectful or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated at the Library.
3.1. Patrons are required to conduct themselves in a responsible manner so as not to cause or participate in the mistreatment of another person or group of persons.
3.2. Patrons must not engage in abuse, including verbal abuse, persistent arguing or belligerent behaviour towards other patrons or staff.
3.3. Patrons can expect staff or security to intervene if patrons are treating other patrons disrespectfully.
3.4. Patrons who are asked to stop disrespectful behaviour are expected to do so immediately.
3.5. Disrespectful behaviour towards staff, their work, or their personal characteristics is not acceptable.

Non-compliance Consequences

Patrons who refuse to comply with this policy, or refuse to cooperate with staff requests, may be restricted from library privileges, and may be banned from library premises.

Complaints related to staff compliance with this policy will be considered under the Code of Conduct.

The VPL Board may request that Council remove board members who fail to comply with this policy.

Related Procedures