
You may want to consider upgrading your skills to increase your employment options in this field. The following courses may improve your current skills.
Health Care Assistant Programs:
Graduates may work in any level of continuing care, including: home support, adult day care, assisted living, and complex care (including special care units).
Health Care Support Worker Program
Douglas College
Students learn to assist with daily living (bathing, personal grooming, eating, maintaining mobility), and with psychosocial challenges. This program is a combination of the Health Care Assistant (HCA) Certificate Program (two semesters) and the Community Mental Health Worker (CMHW) Certificate Program (one semester). It is the only public college program in the Lower Mainland that offers a blend of physical and mental health skills training.
Therapists Assistant Diploma
Okanagan College
This diploma prepares you to work as an Assistant to Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Recreational Therapists. It is a two-year diploma of full-time study including 16 weeks of practical experience in clinical settings.
Nursing Unit Clerk Programs
Unit Clerks work with physicians and nurses; you process doctor’s orders and instructions and perform other clerical duties. The complex and detailed nature of this job requires excellent communication, decision making and problem-solving skills to coordinate quality patient care. These are 6.5 to 8 month, full time programs.