What Would I Do?

You offer assistance, advice and information on all aspects of employment search and career planning. You may also provide advice and information to employers regarding human resource and employment issues.
Your duties can include:
- interview clients to get employment history, educational background and career goals
- give and interpret tests designed to determine the interests, aptitudes and abilities of clients
- identify barriers to work and help clients with matters such as job readiness skills, job search strategies, writing resumés and preparing for job interviews
- assess need for assistance such as rehabilitation, financial aid or further vocational training and refer clients to the appropriate services
- provide established workers with information on maintaining a job or moving within an organization, dealing with job dissatisfaction or making a mid-career change
- collect labour market information for clients regarding job openings, entry and skill requirements and other occupational information
- provide consulting services to community groups and agencies, and to organizations that offer community-based career planning resources