Skills, Education and Experience

- Critical thinking and problem solving
- Good communication skills
- Detail oriented
- Able to work alone and as part of a team
- Willingness to pursue continuing education
Education and Experience
To work as a construction inspector, you generally require:
- post-secondary education in construction, civil engineering or architectural technology
- entry-level training courses and programs in construction safety, fire protection and home and property inspection, which can range in length from one day to two years
- licensing is required to work as a Home Inspector
Several years of experience as a qualified tradesperson in a construction trade such as plumbing, carpentry or electrical may also qualify you to become a construction inspector.
This occupation is regulated in British Columbia
To work as a Home Inspector in British Columbia, you must be licensed by Consumer Protection BC. Licensing requires a combination of academic training, work experience, successful completion of a competency exam and other criteria.
Professional Certification as a Construction Inspector or Property Inspector is also available through the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of British Columbia (ASTTBC) or through industry organization such as the Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors (CAHPI). Certification requires a combination of work experience and academic training.
The following designations are available:
- CHI or Certified House Inspector – this designation relates to the standard house inspection that might be carried out by a prospective home buyer.
- CPI or Certified Property Inspector – members with this designation may do house inspections, but are also certified to carry out various types of commercial property inspections.
Building inspectors working on behalf of municipalities or other local authorities are required to complete the qualification exams administered by the Building Officials’ Association of BC.