How Do I Become a Crane Operator?

To operate a crane in BC you must have a valid operator’s certificate.
Most crane operators need to have documented proof that they are either certified or currently registered for assessment that will lead to certification by the British Columbia Association for Crane Safety (BCACS) in order to work in B.C. This regulation applies to: operators of boom trucks, mobile cranes, tower cranes and self erecting tower cranes.
The BCACS issues certificates to operators after they have successfully completed a competency assessment. No specific training program is required. However, to be eligible for certification, individuals should have completed either a three-year apprenticeship program through Skilled TradesBC or have a combination of work experience in the trade and some college or industry courses. In addition to SkilledTradesBC, competency assessments may also be performed by Fulford Certification.
There are 11 different crane operator certification categories depending on the type and lifting capacity of the crane you are operating.
Mobile and Tower crane operators are eligible for Interprovincial Standards Red Seal qualification through SkilledTradesBC. Red Seal qualification allows you to work in any province or territory in Canada.
For more information about apprenticeship programs and certification see: