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Working as a Dental Hygienist

Industry Overview

The job outlook for Dental Hygienists is good throughout BC. There is particularly high demand for hygienists in the rural regions of the province. 

Dental hygienists may have a much broader scope of responsibilities than in the past. You may be a dental health-care educator who instructs patients in oral hygiene procedures and promotes community dental health programs. The role of dental hygienists in areas outside clinical practices, such as community health centres and residential care facilities is expected to increase.

Job Outlook in BC

forecasted average employment growth rate; job openings; composition of job openings

Chart from WorkBC

WorkBC provides job openings in BC regions from 2022-2023:

Region Employment
in 2022
Average Annual
Expected Number
of Job Openings
Vancouver Island / Coast 510 2.5% 250
Lower Mainland / Southwest 2,000 1.9% 850
Thompson-Okanagan 520 0.2% 130
Cariboo 190 -0.5% 0
Kootenay 80 0.0% 0
Northeast 70 -1.5% -10
North Coast & Nechako 60 0.0% 0

You can learn more about working as a dental hygienist in BC from:

Useful Website Description

profile for Dental Hygienist

Types of Employers

Many dental hygienists work in private dental offices. You may also find employment in hospitals, clinics, educational institutions or government agencies and private industry.

Salary & Working Hours

The median annual salary for dental hygienists working full-time in BC is $91,975.

In addition to a salary, most full-time dental hygienists receive health and dental benefits, paid sick days, and paid vacations.

Job Bank Canada provides hourly wages for Dental Hygienists in BC regions:

low, median and high hourly salaries for dental hygienists in BC

Source: Job Bank Wage Report [Search Dental Hygienist]

Working Hours

Full-time dental hygienists usually work a 5-day, 32-40 hour week. Overtime may be necessary on occasion.

Some hygienists work on a part-time schedule or work evenings and weekends.