Am I Suited For This Job?

Firefighters must be:
- strong and physically fit
- mentally alert
- calm and level headed
- able to deal with emotional stress
- good communicators
- able to work well as part of a team
- able to follow strict safety procedures
In large urban centres, firefighters typically work shifts with rotating days off. In smaller communities, you may work on a part-time or on-call basis. Firefighters spend much of their time in fire halls or training facilities, preparing to handle a variety of emergency situations.
You need a high degree of physical fitness and mental alertness, since firefighting is both physically and mentally demanding. The work environment is often dangerous and can include extreme temperatures and smoke. You must also be able to handle the emotional stress of the job.
Employment in this occupation is competitive and even getting selected to train for this career can be challenging. As an applicant, you need to show that you have physical and mental strength and stamina.
Sources: WorkBC Career Profile & Career Cruising