What Would I Do?

Landscaping & Grounds Maintenance Labourers assist in the construction of landscapes and related structures. You maintain lawns, gardens, athletic fields, golf courses, cemeteries, parks, landscaped interiors and other landscaped areas.
Your duties may include:
- spread top soil; lay sod; plant flowers, grass, shrubs and trees; and perform other duties to help with the construction of a landscape and related structures
- cut, rake, fertilize and water lawns; weed gardens; prune shrubs and trees; and perform other maintenance duties as directed by supervisor
- maintain lawns and grass along roadsides
- operate and maintain power mowers, tractors, snowblowers, chain saws, electric clippers, sod cutters, pruning saws and other landscape maintenance equipment
- spray and dust trees, shrubs, lawns and gardens, as directed, to control insects and disease