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Working as a Licensed Practical Nurse

Industry Overview

There is a need for Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) across B.C. The province’s growing and aging population will continue to increase future demand.

Job opportunities are higher in regions with more long-term care facilities or larger hospitals such as Metro Vancouver, Victoria, and the Okanagan.

You may find new openings for LPNs in specialty areas, such as emergency and paediatric wards, and operating rooms. LPNs are taking on increased responsibilities to provide better patient outcomes and to improve the use of nursing staff. The range of options for LPNs has expanded to include mental health, community and pharmacology studies.

Your job prospects may be better if you complete an immunization certification course and the leadership post certificate course.

Job Outlook in BC

Licensed Practical Nurses

forecasted average employment growth rate, job openings, composition of job openings; from 2018 to 2028

Chart from WorkBC

WorkBC provides job openings in BC regions from 2021 to 2031:

Region Employment
in 2021
Average Annual Employment Growth Expected Number
of Job Openings
Vancouver Island 2,040 1.5% 1,020
Lower Mainland / Southwest 5,740 1.7% 2,380
Thompson-Okanagan 2,220 1.6% 810
Kootenay 460 0.5% 110
Cariboo 540 0.2% 110
North Coast & Nechako 120 0.3% 30
Northeast 170 0.7% 50

You can learn more about working in BC from the following sources:

Useful Website Description

Search Licensed Practical Nurses

Useful Website Description

Profile for Practical Nurse

Types of Employers

Licensed practical nurses work in many settings including:

  • hospitals
  • nursing homes
  • extended care facilities
  • rehabilitation centres
  • doctors’ offices
  • clinics and community health centres
  • community hospices
  • private residences
  • educational facilities


The median salary for licensed practical nurses working full-time in BC is $58,397 a year.

You may belong to a union. This means that your wage rates and benefits are negotiated by union representatives on your behalf.

In addition to your salary, full-time LPNs usually receive benefits, such as paid sick days, vacation time, and dental coverage.

Job Bank Canada provides hourly wages for Licensed Practical Nurses in BC regions:

Low, median and high hourly wages by BC region

Source: Job Bank Wage Report (Search Licensed Practical Nurse)

Working Hours

You typically work 8- to 12-hour shifts, usually on rotation, including weekends, evenings and holidays.