How do I become a Midwife?

To practice as a midwife in BC, you must be registered with the British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCN&M) and be a member of the Midwives Association of BC.
In order to apply for registration, you must fulfill these requirements:
- graduate from a Midwifery four year full time undergraduate degree program approved by the College of Midwifes of BC
- successfully complete the Canadian Midwifery Registration Examination
- complete the BC Jurisprudence Examination
- be currently registered as a Midwife in another Canadian jurisdiction
Internationally educated midwives
All internationally educated midwives who want to practice midwifery in British Columbia must first:
- complete UBC’s Internationally Educated Midwifery Bridging Program
- seek registration with the College of Midwives of British Columbia
For further information, see: