Career Cruising

Career Cruising is a job search database that helps you with your career exploration and planning. It provides detailed information on hundreds of occupations in Canada. It is divided into four job search areas: Explore My Interests; Learn About Careers; Explore Education Options; Find Jobs.
Note: Access to the Career Cruising database is paid for by VPL. You will need a VPL library card to use this database from outside the library
Explore My Interests
Set up a personal account in “My Plan” and use the self-assessment tools:
- Matchmaker and My Skills – find careers that match your interests
- Learning Styles Inventory – find your learning style
- Setting up an account is free and it allows you to save your self-evaluation records, create a resume and more.
Learn About Careers
- Detailed information on almost 600 occupations in Canada including working conditions, wage, educational requirements, and related careers.
- Includes interviews with people currently working in each career.
Explore Education Options
Explore education and training programs offered by universities and colleges across Canada and the United States. Also includes information about apprenticeship programs
Find Jobs
- Search for job postings on thousands of job boards and company websites
- Find advice on all stages of your job search: developing a plan; networking; resume writing; cover letters; interview skills; starting your job
- Multi-purpose, making it helpful at different phases in your job search
- Includes self-assessment tests
- Canadian content
- Create an account and save your work
- Make a job search plan, start to finish
- Videos – real people talking about their job
Search Tips
- Search with a single keyword or phrase
- Easy to use – you do not need a lot of computer skills is to use this database
- Spend some time and explore – there’s lots of great information