Your Rights as a Young Worker

The BC Human Rights Code states that an employer cannot refuse to interview, hire or promote you or decide to fire you because of your age.
A potential employer cannot ask your age; the only acceptable question is whether you have reached the legal working age (12 years old).
In BC, you are protected from age discrimination in the workplace related to:
- employment (hiring, firing, or terms and conditions of employment);
- age requirements in employment;
- membership in a trade union, employer’s organization, or occupational association (such as excluding you from membership because of age, or discriminating against you due to your age).
Note: If you are under 19 years of age, you are not protected from age discrimination, but are protected from sexual harassment, race-related discrimination or disability-related discrimination.
If you have experienced age discrimination
- If it is safe to do so, tell the person firmly that their actions or comments are unacceptable and ask them to stop. If you find this difficult, consider asking a friend for help.
- Keep a written record of exactly what happened and when and what was said.
- File a human rights complaint with the BC Human Rights Tribunal. Filing a complaint starts a legal process that is similar to a court proceeding. Assistance is available when either filing or responding to a complaint.