Protecting Yourself

It is against the law in British Columbia for you to be charged a “placement fee” by a recruitment or employment agency.
You should not be charged a fee to use a recruitment agency. The cost of the agency’s service is paid by the employer because the agency is helping the company fill a position. There may be costs for updating your resume or for personality testing, but those costs should be optional rather than required.
Recruitment agencies must be licensed under the Employment Standards Act in BC. Check to make sure the agency is included in the following list:
- Licensed Employment Agencies in BC
Updated annually
[Note: The only time a recruitment agency does not need to be licensed is if they hire only for one company.]
If you choose to register with more than one recruiter, let each one know you are working with someone else as well. It can be an issue if your resume is given to the same employer by two or more recruiters, as recruiters get paid per placement.