Digital Library
Vancouver Public Library subscribes to thousands of online books, audiobooks, magazine and newspaper articles, indexes, and other recreational and research resources. Explore our digital collections below, or try one of our research guides, to point you in the right direction.
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A collection of popular children's fiction and non-fiction ebooks and audiobooks.
Access: Everywhere for Vancouver residents
A collection of popular young adult and teen fiction and non-fiction ebooks and audiobooks.
Access: Everywhere for Vancouver residents
A collection of popular French-language ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines.
Access: Everywhere for Vancouver residents
Enjoy an extensive selection of ebooks and audiobooks on your ereader, browser or download the Libby app for your smartphone or tablet. For more information see our help guide.
Access: Everywhere for Vancouver residents
Enjoy holds-free access to 4000+ comics and graphic novels.
Access: Everywhere for Vancouver residents
VPL's collection of digitized rare and historical books.
Access: Everywhere for everyone
Archival access to a dozen full image consumer magazines dated back to 1885.
Access: Everywhere for Vancouver residents
Cover-to-cover access to WWD Magazine; from 1910 to the present.
Access: Everywhere for Vancouver residents
A streaming collection of classic and contemporary films from around the world, including Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, and North America.
Access: Everywhere for VPL cardholders