Outdoor Spaces
The upper levels at Central Library offer a number of outdoor areas for the public to enjoy.
Discover the rooftop Phillips, Hager and North Garden on Level 9 as well as the north and south terraces on Level 8. The north terrace offers views of the North Shore Mountains while the south terrace adjoins the RBC Lounge, providing a perfect location to bring your lunch or purchase a quick bite to eat from the vending machines.
These outdoor spaces are open year-round during Central Library hours. Unlike other areas of the library, food and drink are allowed in the outdoor spaces. Smoking is not permitted. The view is beautiful and photography is encouraged, but please respect the privacy of your fellow library patrons and do not photograph other people without permission. Share your photos on social media with #gardenVPL.
The Kermani Family Garden is an enclosed outdoor "pocket garden," which can be viewed from the Pat Graham Reading Room.

Central Library
350 West Georgia Street
Vancouver BC V6B 6B1