Phillips, Hager and North Garden
With views of the city skyline from a unique vantage point, the Phillips, Hager and North Garden on Level 9 provides Vancouver a publicly accessible rooftop garden within the downtown core. Whether you are seeking a respite from your busy day or a place to connect with friends, it is Vancouver’s natural meeting place.
The garden is planted with drought-resistant, hardy local greenery. There is a mix of arbutus hedge, honeysuckle, white roses, lavender and coral bark maple trees. Meanwhile, there are 52 solar panels installed along the outside of the roof.
Unlike other areas of the library, food and drink are allowed in the garden. Smoking is not permitted. The view is beautiful and photography is encouraged, but please respect the privacy of your fellow library patrons and do not photograph other people without permission. Share your photos on social media with #gardenVPL.
About the Donor
Vancouver’s first public rooftop garden is named in honour of visionary city builders and philanthropists Art Phillips, Bob Hager and Rudy North. The entry to the garden is named in honour of Phillips, Hager & North Investment Management’s (PH&N’s) fourth founding partner, Dick Bradshaw. All four men contributed greatly to the City of Vancouver through their numerous charitable pursuits. The rooftop garden, named in their honour, was funded by their former partners and closest friends.

Central Library
350 West Georgia Street
Vancouver BC V6B 6B1