Digital Audiobooks
Digital Library
Trial update: O’Reilly will continue to be offered on a trial basis through December 2025.
Contains a vast collection of technology and business ebooks, audiobooks, videos, courses, and more. A great resource for professional development.
Access: Everywhere for Vancouver residents
Enjoy an extensive selection of ebooks and audiobooks on your ereader, browser or download the Libby app for your smartphone or tablet. For more information see our help guide.
Access: Everywhere for Vancouver residents
A sneak peek at an exciting all-in-one e-reading app built specifically for libraries.
Access: Everywhere for Vancouver residents
A popular collection of talking picture books for young readers in grades K-6. Has text, animation, music, and narration.
Access: Everywhere for VPL cardholders
A collection of popular children's fiction and non-fiction ebooks and audiobooks.
Access: Everywhere for Vancouver residents
A collection of popular young adult and teen fiction and non-fiction ebooks and audiobooks.
Access: Everywhere for Vancouver residents
A collection of popular French-language ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines.
Access: Everywhere for Vancouver residents