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Working as a Travel Counsellor

Industry Overview

The job market for travel counsellors is very competitive. You will be more successful finding work if you are fluent in several languages. Computer skills are also an asset.

Employment in this field is dependent on economic conditions, so the number of openings is likely to vary from year to year.

The majority of BC travel counsellors are employed in Metro Vancouver.

Job Outlook in BC

Travel Counsellors

forecasted average employment growth rate; job opeings; composition of job openings

Chart from WorkBC

WorkBC provides job openings in BC regions from 2022-2032:

Region Employment
in 2022
Average Annual

Expected Number
of Job

Vancouver Island 510 3.5% 360
Lower Mainland/Southwest 5,880 1.2% 1,840
Thompson-Okanagan 330 3.4% 230
Kootenay 30 0.0% 0
Cariboo 30 5.2% 10
North Coast & Nechako 40 4.1% 10
Northeast 20 n/a 0

You can learn more about working as a travel counsellor in BC from these sources:

Types of Employers

Travel counsellors work for a variety of businesses including:

  • travel agencies
  • tour wholesalers
  • airlines and other transportation companies
  • tourism organizations
  • hotel chains
  • corporate offices that have enough business travel to need their own booking divisions

You may also be self-employed.

Salary & Working Hours

The annual median salary for travel counsellors in BC is $39,626.

You may also get bonuses or incentives such as inexpensive fares, free promotional vacations, and other travel-related rewards.

In BC regions you can expect to make:

Low, Median, and High hourly salaries by BC region

Sources: Job Bank Wages

Working Hours

Most travel counsellors have regular work schedules: 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. You may be expected to work evenings and weekends, especially during peak travel periods.

If you are self-employed you usually work longer hours.