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Business Sector

EAL courses and programs specific to the business sector:

Cornerstone International Community College of Canada

Cornerstone International Community College of Canada

Canadian Experience Program

After 4 months of Intensive English course certificates, the program offers a career path with different diploma programs. When students achieve Cornerstone’s level 5 or higher of English, they have 3 diploma program options:

  • Digital Marketing Specialist
  • International Business Management
  • Hospitality Management

Requirements: contact institution

Global College

Global Collage

Business English

Provides language skill building in a business context through case studies, networking, marketing, and research. Has two interrelated components:

  • Business Fundamentals and Essentials of Communications
  • Business Applications and Culture

Requirements: Interview with a Global College instructor and Global College’s Placement Test indicating a minimum of GC 3; or IELTS 3.5; or other proven and deemed acceptable equivalency by Global College.

Immigrant Services Society of BC Language & Career College

Immigrant Services Society of BC Language & Career College

Business Diploma Program

Introduces students to fundamental skills of job search and business communication. Students explore of a variety of business topics including finance, trade, marketing, customer service, and office management skills. There are independent activities, graded assignments and/or exams for each course.

Requirements: Have proven English proficiency of at least a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) of 4 or higher in at least two skills (no skill lower than 4), OR successful completion of Low-intermediate ESL courses.

Professional Communication and Marketing Diploma (PCM)

An introduction to practical skills of workplace communication. Areas of focus include product and customer research, writing promotional materials, building relationships with customers, using social media at work, and managing relationships with bosses, coworkers and employees. Students do independent activities, graded assignments and/or exams for each course; each student will work on individual as well as group projects.

Requirements: Have proven English proficiency of at least a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) of 5 or higher in at least two skills (no skill lower than 4), OR successful completion of the Business Diploma Program (BDP).

Sprott Shaw Language College

Sprott Shaw Language College

Business English Program

Learn about modern business culture where communication plays a critical role. We engage students in reading, writing, and understanding business through discussions and presentations. Students use English newspaper articles, textbooks, podcasts, and websites on current business topics.

Requirements: contact institution

English 4 Work - English 4 Accounting

For professional accountants who want to improve their English, or companies wanting to prepare their staff to deal better with international clients.

Requirements: contact institution

English 4 Work - English 4 Office

Focus is on global Workplace English, as it is spoken and written in international offices worldwide. It’s a short-course that can be used for any office environment.

Requirements: contact institution

St Giles International

St Giles International

Business English

Offers highly intensive Business English courses to help students improve their business English using core business skills. Topics covered include business language fluency, understanding cultural differences, marketing, and negotiation and selling.

Requirements: contact institution

VGC International College

VGC International College

Business English Certificate Program

For those currently working in business, wanting to be in business or planning to use English for business in the future. Teaches a solid foundation of Business English for a range of workplace situations.

Requirements: Designed for those who speak English at VGC levels 5-8.

University of British Columbia: English Language Institute

University of British Columbia:  English Language Institute

Business English (BE)

Build your confidence in speaking, listening, reading, and writing English in business contexts. Increase your vocabulary and practise using business English in everyday business situations on the telephone, and in meetings, presentations or negotiations. Learn valuable communication skills and gain knowledge to help you succeed in the global marketplace.

Requirements: Participants must have completed high school and have a minimum intermediate level of English. If participants do not have an intermediate level, they will be transferred to Global Citizenship through English (GCE) that runs at the same time as BE. You are not required to have a background in business studies for BE.

Business English for International Professionals

Aims to improve your English communication skills for the Canadian business environment. Learn how to communicate with the appropriate words, tone and expressions, increase your business vocabulary, refine your English pronunciation, and gain confidence in public speaking, meetings and presentations.

Requirements: an English level equivalent to an A2 or higher of the Council of Europe’s Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) to enrol in the courses.

University of Victoria: English Language Centre

University of Victoria:  English Language Centre

Foundations in Business English

A series of elective classes that are part of the Summer Language and Culture program. Develop your writing, presentation and discussion skills. From writing effective emails to communicating in cross-cultural business situations, this program will prepare you to approach the business world with confidence.

Requirements: have an intermediate level of English equivalent to 4.5 IELTS or 53 ibT, and must be registered in a Summer Language and Culture program.

English for Professional Communication

Through an intensive combination of English language classes and public speaking workshops, this program will strengthen your public speaking, fluency and communication confidence.

Requirements: have an intermediate level of English, equivalent to 4.5 IELTS or 53 ibT.