Region Overview
The Northeast is one of the fastest-growing regions in BC thanks to the rapid development of the energy sector. The Northeast region boasts the province’s lowest unemployment rate and there is a high demand for workers.
This is one of the least-populated regions of the province, home to just over 68,300 people. Fort St. John is the largest urban center in the region, with a population of approximately 20,000.
The Northeast Region boosts some of the highest annual salaries in the province. Housing is also affordable, and there are tax incentives for northern residents.
Northeast Region
More information on working and living in the Northeast can be found here:
The Northeast region of BC has a thriving economy. The region’s economy is based on natural resources, particularly natural gas production and coal mining. Another important industry is utilities. There are many power-generating projects in the planning stages. Other industries include logging, wood products manufacturing and agriculture.
Chart from WorkBC
Chart from WorkBC
Sources: WorkBC Regional Profiles, Trade and Invest British Columbia