Art at the Branches
Art at VPL's branches is listed below by location and artist.
Kensington Branch
Kensington Branch
Tom Dean
Peaceable Kingdom, 2008
More information at the City of Vancouver Art Registry

nə́c̓aʔmat ct Strathcona Branch
nə́c̓aʔmat ct Strathcona Branch
Erica Stocking
All My Favourite People are Animals, 2017
Bronze and 1 way mirror
For more information visit the City of Vancouver Art Registry
Lisa G
nə́c̓aʔmat ct strathcona library, 2017
Digital Multimedia

Renfrew Branch
Renfrew Branch
Brian Baxter and Markian Olynyk
All Our Knowledge Has Its Origins in Our Perceptions, 1994
Copper, aluminum, and glass
More information at the City of Vancouver Art Registry

Terry Salman Branch
Terry Salman Branch
Wang Xuyuan
(Ice) Dancing, 2013; Skiing, 2013; TS, 2013; Whistler, 2013
Han shu (calligraphy and painting on rice paper)