Digital Library
Vancouver Public Library subscribes to thousands of online books, audiobooks, magazine and newspaper articles, indexes, and other recreational and research resources. Explore our digital collections below, or try one of our research guides, to point you in the right direction.
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This collection features archival back issues of The Guardian (from 1821-2003) and its sister paper, The Observer (from 1791-2003).
Access: Everywhere for Vancouver residents
This resource offers comprehensive medical information for students, healthcare professionals and researchers. The content is built on a core of premier scholarly journals such as: The New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet and The British Medical Journal.
Access: Everywhere for Vancouver residents
Includes the complete text of the Canadian Encyclopedia in English and French, interactive resources and timelines of Canadian and world events.
Access: Everywhere for everyone
A selection of historical images of Vancouver and British Columbia from the 1880s to the 1980s.
Access: Everywhere for everyone
A catalogue of resources in all public, college and institutional libraries in British Columbia.
Access: Everywhere for everyone
Discover the NFB’s rich online collection of Indigenous-made films.
Access: Everywhere for everyone
A streaming collection of film and video focused on Indigenous voices, culture, history, and contemporary perspectives.
Access: Everywhere for VPL cardholders
Full text access to over 1300 international newspapers, wire feeds, and more.
Access: Everywhere for Vancouver residents
Covers art, news, politics and other social topics with an African-American focus.
Access: Everywhere for VPL cardholders
The online source for Canadian consolidated acts and regulations. These consolidations are generally updated every two weeks.
Access: Everywhere for everyone