Kensington Branch
Located in King Edward Village at the intersection of Kingsway, King Edward Avenue, and Knight Street.

1428 Cedar Cottage Mews
Vancouver BC V5N 5Z1
Branch Head
Children's Librarian Phone Number
Neighbourhood Services Manager
Public transit
- 19 Stanley Park / Metrotown Station on Kingsway
- 22 MacDonald / Knight on Knight Street
- 25 UBC / Brentwood Station on King Edward Avenue
Bike Lanes
- Dumfries Street /Woodland Drive (local street bikeway)
Bike Racks
- Bike rack towards the right of the library entrance
Free Parking
- King Edward Village parking lot accessible via King Edward Avenue and Knight Street
- Street parking
- Entrance at street level, button-engaged automatic door
- Mobility-device accessible washrooms - grab handles and motion sensor lights
- Mobility-device accessible computer worktable
- Meeting room with turnaround space
- Designated underground parking space at adjacent King Edward Village parkade
- Loading zone in front of the library for HandyDART
- Bus stops on Kingsway at Knight Street, on Knight Street, or on King Edward at Knight Street
- Adjustable Computer Desk
- Assisted Listening Device
- Keyboard with Keyguard
- Large Print Keyboards
- Magnifying Glass Domes
- Magnifying Lamps
- Touchpad Mouses
- Microsoft Windows 10 Accessibility Features
- OpenDyslexic Font
Meeting Rooms
Unique Collections
World Languages
Upcoming Events
Learn how to code using some of the latest iPad apps. For kids in grades 4-7. iPads provided.
Registration for this program begins on January 28th
VPL's Children's Services is working to make our programs accessible to all Vancouver...
2:30pm – 3:30pm
Kensington Branch -
Drop in for some LEGO®
building fun at this block party! Connect with other kids and break out the bricks for a building bonanza at the library. For Grades K-7.VPL's Children's Services is working to make our programs...
2:00pm – 4:00pm
Kensington Branch -
Need help using your computer, tablet, smartphone or e-reader? Do you have questions about using social media or the Internet? Bring your device and get help with your technology questions from library staff.
No registration required.2:00pm – 3:00pm
Kensington Branch