Expectations of Behaviour
Public libraries are for everyone’s use and enjoyment. For the benefit and safety of others, library users must NOT:
- Disturb, obstruct, molest, fight or interfere with any person's comfort and use of the library
- Verbally abuse (swear, yell, threaten), persistently argue or display belligerence towards other users or staff
- Consume alcohol, be drunk or disorderly, or use illicit drugs
- Beg or sell services, goods, wares, merchandise or any illicit substance
- Steal from the library or other patrons
- Cut, tear, deface, break, or damage any library materials or property
- Leave young children unattended
- Obstruct entrances or exits
- Bring bicycles into the building or use rollerblades, skateboards, scooters and similar equipment (except for mobility aids)
- Smoke including the use of electronic smoking devices
- Eat
- Drink beverages in uncovered containers. No liquids are allowed in Special Collections and other specifically designated areas
- Have inappropriate dress, for example, no shoes/shirt
- Bring animals into the building, except for registered assistance animals
- Sleep, or place feet on library furniture
- Use a cellular phone or other device in a manner that disrupts others
- Refuse to follow library procedures or cooperate with staff requests (i.e. refusal to have bags checked after gate alarm)
Violations of any of the above rules may result in suspension or restriction of Library privileges, including banning from library premises. Depending on the seriousness of the offence, violations may result in prosecution.