Photography and Video in Library Spaces
This policy provides staff and the public with an understanding of acceptable practices for photography within VPL spaces.
This policy applies to all VPL staff and members of the public.
Approved: October 1993
Revised: April 27, 1998; July 11, 2019; July 21, 2020
- M&C – VPL Marketing and Communications Department
- LSCC – Library Square Conference Centre
- Photography – Still photography, stored in any media (digital, film, etc.)
- Video – moving images captured, stored in any media (digital, film, etc.)
- Media / media organizations - A person or entity engaged in disseminating information to the general public through a newspaper, magazine, other publication, radio, television, or other medium of mass communication.
- Media use – Used by news outlets, or other media companies, to illustrate an editorial piece of content.
- Commercial use – Used to promote products or services
- Personal use – Product is not for commercial, media or educational use.
- Student use – used towards the completion of an educational project from an identified educational institution
Policy Statements
As a public space, still and video photography is permitted in VPL facilities and at VPL events provided VPL patrons and staff are not disrupted, and access or use of facilities is not restricted.
Photographs & Videos - VPL Initiated
- VPL staff are encouraged to photograph VPL programs and events for use in VPL communications materials. Images and videos should be shared with Marketing & Communications (M&C) if initiated by other departments.
- A signed release must be obtained by a VPL staff member or volunteer where a member(s) of the public or staff are clearly identifiable and intended to be featured in VPL communications materials. Permission from a parent or adult guardian must be obtained when children are being featured. The signed release must be filed with a copy of the associated image(s).
- Signed release forms are to be sent to/kept on file by M&C
- Photo releases are not required where no single person is easily identifiable, such as large groups or crowds at public events.
- VPL may post filming notices in lieu of seeking individual photo releases where large groups are anticipated at programs or events, or when VPL spaces are being documented (e.g. a photographer at a branch, during signage audit, or taking images of library interiors or garden).
- VPL reserves the right to share images with partners (e.g. VPL Foundation) Specific terms are stated on VPL photo release forms, or are available for review from M&C.
Photographs & Video – Members of the Public (personal use)
- Photography and video for personal use is allowed in library spaces provided there is no disruption to library service, damage to library property/materials, and the library’s image and reputation is not harmed.
- VPL reserves the right to terminate filming or photography that is interfering with patron or staff use of library spaces, or where there is deemed to be risk to public or staff safety or security.
- Only handheld cameras may be used; additional equipment, such as tripods or lighting, is not permitted without prior authorization from LSCC.
- The use of drones is not permitted for personal use.
- Patrons who wish exclusive use of library spaces for personal photography (e.g. wedding photos) should contact LSCC for rental rates and availability. Fees may apply where VPL spaces are used for commercial photography, special events, or where exclusive or after-hours access to VPL spaces is sought.
Photographs & Video - Media & Other Commercial Use
- Media are encouraged to coordinate with VPL’s M&C team ( in advance of shooting still or video in library spaces. All media inquiries which come directly to staff should be directed to M&C (see related Media Relations policy).
- Media organizations are not authorized to approach patrons within library spaces or at library programs without prior consent from VPL. Where patrons are to be interviewed/photographed, media organizations are responsible to ensure they secure (their own) permission and releases.
- Commercial photography and film shoots are allowed with prior authorization, and are to be coordinated through the Library Square Conference Centre (LSCC)
- Fees may apply where VPL spaces are used for commercial photography, special events, or where exclusive or after-hours access to VPL spaces is sought.
- The use of drones is not permitted without appropriate authorization from Transport Canada and LSCC.
Photographs & Videos – Student Use
- Student photography and video is administered under the same guidelines as Media Use.
- Student applications must include the name of their educational institution.
- If a student is not associated with an educational institution, use is considered personal and administered under the same guidelines as Personal Use
Related Policies
- Media Relations (Administrative Policy)
- Social Media and Public Web Participation (Administrative Policy)