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Multilingual Programs

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We offer classes, workshops, book clubs and special events in several languages. Working with our staff and community partners, we teach and host events in Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish and Vietnamese and more. Check our events calendar to see what’s planned for this month.

Upcoming Events

  • This program will be conducted in Mandarin with Cantonese support.


    A fun and interactive way to share your favourite Chinese materials, including books, articles, and movies with other enthusiastic readers. Bring a few must-read titles, authors...

    2:30pm – 4:00pm

    Central Library
  • Conducted in Mandarin with Cantonese support.

    Love reading literature books in Chinese
    and want to share your thoughts and experiences with folks?
    Come see us at Renfrew Branch!

    Join our in-person Chinese World Literature Book Club. Every month we

    2:00pm – 3:30pm

    Renfrew Branch
  • Learn the basics of WeChat and stay connected with friends and family.

    Session conducted in Cantonese with Mandarin support.

    還沒用上微信? 不知道怎麼使用? 不妨來了解一下這個免費的應用軟件如何玩法?

    內容涵蓋: 下載, 註冊, 登錄微信, 添加朋友, 一對一聊天, 發起群聊, 曬朋友圈及基本隱私保護設置。

    粵語培訓, 國語輔助。

    1:30pm – 3:00pm

    Terry Salman Branch