Teen Tabletop: Honey Heist

Join us for an afternoon of tabletop roleplaying fun. We’ll explore an easy-to-learn game and launch into a strange new adventure together! In Honey Heist, players become bears/criminals and try to pull off a hilarious heist.
For ages 13-18.
Kitsilano Branch | Tuesday, March 25 | 2 - 5 p.m.
Register HERE.
Teen Services is working to make our programs accessible to all Vancouver teens. Please email us at teens@vpl.ca to let us know how our program facilitators can support you to participate fully and comfortably.
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Upcoming Events
Join us for a story program with fun games, rhymes and activities. The adventure changes each time! For Grades K – 3. VPL's Children's Services is working to make our programs accessible to all Vancouver kids. Please email us at...
10:30am – 11:30am
Central Library -
Caution, construction ahead! Use mystery materials to engineer a structural masterpiece. The materials change with every program! For Grades K-7. VPL's Children's Services is working to make our programs accessible to all Vancouver kids. Please email us at childrens.teens@vpl.ca to...
10:30am – 11:30am
Britannia Branch -
Whether you’re already a super-fan or curious about the hype, meet up with other kids for a special event celebrating all things Taylor Swift! Test your knowledge in a trivia challenge and express your fandom with creative crafts. For Grades...
11:00am – 12:00pm
Champlain Heights Branch
Upcoming Events
Join us for a story program with fun games, rhymes and activities. The adventure changes each time! For Grades K – 3.
VPL's Children's Services is working to make our programs accessible to all Vancouver kids. Please email us at...
10:30am – 11:30am
Central Library -
Whether you’re already a super-fan or curious about the hype, meet up with other kids for a special event celebrating all things Taylor Swift! Test your knowledge in a trivia challenge and express your fandom with creative crafts. For Grades...
11:00am – 12:00pm
Champlain Heights Branch -
Join us for an afternoon of tabletop roleplaying fun. We’ll explore an easy-to-learn game and launch into a strange new adventure together! In Honey Heist, players become bears/criminals and try to pull off a hilarious heist.
For ages 13-18.
2:00pm – 5:00pm
Kitsilano Branch