Teens Read it First

Be the first to read and review teen books before they’re released!
*Please note this program is open to Vancouver residents only
- Follow teensatvpl on Instagram and watch for posts from Teens Read it First
- Contact us through Instagram direct messages, or email teens@vpl.ca, to request a featured title - first come, first served! We will send the book to the VPL branch nearest you.
- Read the book!
- Rate it out of five stars and write a review (under 250 words).
- Submit ratings and reviews to teens@vpl.ca to get one community service hour for every 100 pages of the book!
- We will email a letter confirming the hours after we receive and evaluate your review.
Review criteria!
- We are looking for your thoughts and opinions about the book – was it interesting and engaging? Was the writing good? How did you feel about the characters and how they interacted?
- We are not looking for a summary of the book's plot
- Submissions of only one or two lines will be returned with a request for a more detailed and expansive review.
Reviews will be posted in the library catalogue.
Not from Vancouver but looking for a similar volunteer opportunity?
Check out the following libraries who offer a similar review program for community service hours:
Teen Services is working to make our programs accessible to all Vancouver teens. Please email us at teens@vpl.ca to let us know how our program facilitators can support you to participate fully and comfortably.