A-Z Road Map Index

Use the A-Z Road Map Index below to look up the name of a specific city, country, or region. The maps are listed alphabetically by place name and each indicates the date, scale, and publisher. These maps are located on Level 6 of the Central Library in the map area filing cabinets. Note that these maps are reference materials, and may only be used inside the library.
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A - Abbotsford to Azerbaijan
Abb-Ade | Afg-Aku | Al-Ald | Ale-Alp | Ami-Ara | Arg-Asi | Ath-Aus | Australia | Aus-Aze
Abbotsford to Adelaide
Abbotsford, British Columbia * See also: Fraser Valley
Abbotsford/Chilliwack * British Columbia * Various scales * 2018 * MapArt
Abbotsford and Clearbrook * British Columbia * 1:20,000 * 1992 * ITMB
Abbotsford/Mission (2) * British Columbia * 1:25,000 * 2023 * MapArt
Aberdeen (and Hoquiam and Shelton) * Washington * Various scales * [received 1996] * King of the Road Maps
Acapulco, Mexico * See also: Mexico - Guerrero and Acapulco
Acapulco * Mexico * Various scales * 1989 * Touristic Pronto Map
Accra & Ghana South * Various scales * 2014 * ITMB
Adelaide * South Australia * Australia * 1:9,100 ; 1:300,000 * 1989 * Gregory's
Adelaide and South Australia * Australia * Various scales * Hema Maps
Afghanistan to Akureyri
Afghanistan * 1:1,000,000 * 2010 * ITMB
Afghanistan * 1:1,000,000 * 2002 * ITMB
Afghanistan * 1:3,000,000 * 2001 * Oxford Catrographic
Africa * 1:10,000,000 * 1998 * Collins
Africa - Central and Southern * 1:5,000,000 * 1996 * Bartholomew
Africa - North * 1:2,000,000 * 1992 * Freytag and Berndt
Africa - Northeast * See also: Sudan and Ethiopia, North East Africa
Africa - Northeast * 1:4,000,000 * 1991-92 * Michelin
Africa - South * 1:4,000,000 * [received 2001] * American Map
Africa - Southern * 1:2,750,000 * 4th edition * Map Studio
Africa - West * See: Cape Verde & West Africa
Agassiz, British Columbia * See: Abbotsford, British Columbia
Akureyri * Iceland * Akureyri City
Al Manama to Aldergrove
Al Manama * Bahrain * See: Bahrain
Alabama * United States * 1991-92 * Alabama Bureau of Tourism and Travel
Alaska * United States * See also: Yukon/N.W.T./Alaska
Alaska * United States * Various Scales * 2006 * Fodor's
Alaska * United States * Various Scales * 2005 * Frommer's
Alaska * United States * 1:2,500,000 * 2000 (3rd edition) * ITMB
Alaska Highway * See: British Columbia - North East
Alaska - Inside Passage * 1:1,000,000 * 1997 * Coastal Cruise Tour Guides
Albania * 1:450,000 * 1996 * Bartholemew
Albania * 1:450,000 * 1995 * Bartholemew
Alberta * See also: British Columbia – Southern * Southern BC & Alberta
Alberta * Various scales * 2024 * MapArt
Alberta * Various scales * 2017 * MapArt
Alberta, Central Alberta Towns * See: Red Deer + Central Alberta Towns
Alberta, Northern * See: Canada (Except B.C.) Parks and Trails Map - Alberta
Alberta/Saskatchewan * Various scales * 2019 * MapArt
Alberta, South * See also: Calgary * Alberta * Calgary & Alberta South
Alberta, Southwest * Southwest Alberta & Southeast B.C. * 1:500,000 * 2016 * Gem Trek
Alberta, Southwestern (2) * Southwestern Alberta and Southeast British Columbia * 1:600,000 * 1994 * Gem Trek
Alberta and British Columbia * Various scales * 2001 * CAA
Aldergrove, British Columbia * See also: Abbotsford, British Columbia
Aldergrove (2) * British Columbia * Canada * 1:20,000 * 1992 * ITMB
Aleppo to Alps
Aleppo, Syria * See: Syria
Algarve, Portugal * See: Portugal - Algarve
Algeria * See: Tunisia/Algeria (Hallwag)
Algonquin Park, Ontario * See: Canada (Except B.C.) Parks and Trails Map Box
Alice Springs * Northern Territory * Australia * 1990 * Universal Press PTY Ltd.
Alpine Meadows, British Columbia * See: Whistler
Alps * Europe * 1:800,000 * 2011 * Marco Polo
Alps * Europe * 1:1,000,000 * 1991-92 * Hallwag
Alps - Ennstaler Alps * Austria * 1:100,000 * Freytag-Berndt and Artaria
Alps - French Riviera, Northern Italy * 1:800,000 * 2001 * Hammond International
Alps - Graz Bergland, Hochlantsch * Austria * 1:100,000 * Freytag-Berndt and Artaria
Alps - Hochschwab and Mrztal * Austria * 1:100,000 * Freytag-Berndt and Artaria
Alps - Julian Alps * Europe * 1:100,000 * Freytag-Berndt and Artaria
Alps - Kartner Lakes-Saualpe * Austria * 1:100,000 * Freytag-Berndt and Artaria
Alps - Eastern Salzkammergut * Austria * 1:100,000 * Freytag-Berndt and Artaria
Alps - Otscher, Mariazell * Austria * 1:100,000 * Freytag-Berndt and Artaria
Alps - Lower Ennstal * Austria * 1:100,000 * Freytag-Berndt and Artaria
Alps - Northern Italy, French Riviera * See: Alps - French Riviera, Northern Italy
Amiens to Aran
Amiens, France * See: Le Havre/Dieppe/Amiens
Amsterdam * Netherlands * 1:15,000 * [1998?] * GeoCenter
Amsterdam * Netherlands * 1:12,500 * 2000 * Dorling Kindersley
Anacortes, Washington * See: Sedro-Woolley * or Washington - Skagit County
Anchorage, Alaska * See also: Alaska
Anchorage (Transit) * Alaska * Bus Map * 1993
Ancona * Italy * 1:5,000 * [1991?] * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Andalucia * See: Spain - Andalucia
Andhra Pradesh * India * 1:1,220,000 * 1995 * TTK Pharma
Andorra & Pyrenees * Various scales * 2017 * ITMB
Annecy * France * 1:10,000 * [1983?] * Plans-Guides Blay
Aran Islands * See: Ireland - Aran Islands
Argentina to Asia
Argentina * See also: Chile and Argentina
Argentina * 1:2,000,000 * 2012 * Michelin
Argentina * 1:2,500,000 * [received 1996] * Automapa
Argentina/Chile * 1:5,000,000 * 2000 * Collins
Argentina, North & Uruguay * Various scales * 2012 * ITMB
Argentina, Northeast * See: Buenos Aires & Argentina NE
Argentina, South & Tierra del Fuego * Various scales * 2012 * ITMB
Arizona and New Mexico * United States * 1:343,000 * 1994 * AAA
Arkansas * United States * Various scales * 1993 * Rand McNally
Armenia * See also: Georgia & Armenia
Armenia & Azerbaijan * 1:560,000 * 2012 * ITMB
Armenia and Azerbaijan (2) * 1:650,000 * 2000 * ITMB
Arnhem * Netherlands * 1:10,000 * [1989?] * Falk
Arras * France * 1:9,000 * 1981 * Plans-Guides Blay
Aruba/Bonaire/Curacao * 1:80,000 * 2001 * Insight Fleximap, Berndston and Berndston
Ashburton, New Zealand * See also: New Zealand AA Itinerary Map
Ashburton * New Zealand * 1:12,500 * 1981 * Department of Lands and Survey, New Zealand
Ashcroft * British Columbia * [No Scale] * 2001 * Ashcroft and District Chamber of Commerce
Asia, Central * 1:1,750,000 * 1999 * Freytag and Berndt
Asia, South East * 1:4,000,000 * 2014 * ITMB
Asia, South East * 1:4,000,000 * 2004 * ITMB
Asia, South East (2)* 1:6,000,000 * 2nd ed. [199?] * ITMB
Athens to Austin
Athens (2) * Greece * Various scales * 2014 * Greek National Tourism Organisation
Athens * Greece * 1:15,000 * 2006 * Hallwag
Athens * Greece * Various scales * 2000 * Baedeker's
Athens * Greece * 1:15,000 * [1998?] * GeoCenter
Atlanta * Georgia * 1:12,500 * 2001 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Atlantic Provinces * See: Canada - Atlantic Provinces
Augsburg * Germany * 1:5,300 * 1986 * Bollman
Augusta * Georgia * 1985 * Champion
Aurora, Ontario * See: Newmarket and Aurora, Ontario
Aurora, Ontario * See: Newmarket and Georgina, Ontario
Austin * Texas * 1:44,000 * 1996 * Rand McNally
Australia * See also: Asia, South East and Australia * or Asia, West Pacific
Australia * 1:4,000,000 * 2013 * Michelin
Australia * Handy Atlas * Various scales * 1999 * Hema Maps
Australia - Central Coast * [1983?] * Robinson's/Lansdowne Press
Australia - East * See also: Sydney & Australia East
Australia - New South Wales-Blue Mountains * 1:19,000 * [1982?] * Gregory's
Australia - New South Wales-Windsor-Richmond and Upper Hawkesbury * 1:25,000 * 1979 * Gregory's
Australia - New South Wales-Wollongong and District * 1981 * Gregory's
Australia - Queensland * Various scales * [No date] * Periplus
Australia - Queensland * 1:2,500,000 * [1988?] * UBD
Australia - Queensland-Brisbane Area * 1:500,000 * [1987?] * Robinson's/Runaway
Australia - Snowy Mountains * [1983?] * Broadbent's, div. of Lansdowne Press
Australia - Victoria, Western * 1 inch = c.10 km. * [1987?] * Broadbent's/Runaway Publications
Austria to Azerbaijan
Austria * 1:300,000 * 2011 * Marco Polo
Austria * 1:750,000 * 2000 * Baedeker
Austria * 1:400,000 * 1997 * Michelin
Avignon * France * 1:7,800 * 1987 * Plans-Guides Blay
Azerbaijan * See: Armenia and Azerbaijan
B - Baghdad to Bydgoszcz
Bag-Ban | Bar-Bei | Bel | Bell-Bil | Bir-Bor | Bos-Bran | Brat-Bris | Brit | Brn-Buf | Bul-Byd
Baghdad to Bangui
Baghdad, Iraq * See also: Iraq & Baghdad
Baghdad * Iraq * 1:25,000 * 2003 * ITMB
Baghdad * Iraq * 1:30,000 * 1983 (Reprinted 1991) * Engineering Surveys Reproduction Ltd.
Bakersfield and Kern County * California * [1983?] * Road Map Div., Rockwell Enterprises, Inc.
Balaton * Hungary * 1979
Balearic Islands * Spain * 1:185,000 * 1994 * Hildebrand
Bali, Indonesia * See: Indonesia - Bali
Baltic States * 1:500,000 * 2016 * ITMB
Baltic States * 1:750,000 * 2006 * ITMB
Baltimore * Maryland * 1 inch = .45 miles * Gousha Fastmap * [received 1996]
Baltimore (50 mile radius) * Maryland * 1 inch = 3 miles * 1994 * ADC The Map People
Bamfield * British Columbia * Not to scale * [received 1997] * Bamfield Chamber of Commerce
Bandar Seri Begawan * See: Brunei
Bandung, Indonesia * See also: Indonesia - Java
Bandung * Indonesia * Various scales * 2005/2006 * Periplus Travel Maps
Banff, Alberta * See: Canada – Banff & Jasper National Parks
Banff, Alberta * See: Canada (Except B.C.) Parks and Trails Map Box - Alberta
Bangkok * Thailand * 1:10,000 * 2005 * ITMB
Bangkok * Thailand * [No scale] * [rec'd 2003] * Tourism Authority of Thailand
Bangkok * Thailand * 1:20,000 (Central Bangkok); 1:130,000 (Greater Bangkok) * 2002 * Lonely Planet
Bangkok * Thailand * 1:75,000; 1:15,000 * [199?] * Nelles
Bangkok and Central Thailand * Thailand * 1:1,000,000/1:15,000 * 1996 * Periplus Editions
Bangkok & Thailand South * Thailand * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
Bangladesh * 1:750,000 * 2003 * ITMB
Bangui (Central African Republic) * See: Central African Republic
Barbados to Beirut
Barbados * 1:67,500 * 1999 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Barbados * Various scales * 1992 * Ordnance Survey (UK)
Barcelona * Spain * 1:15,000 * 2012 * Marco Polo
Barcelona * Spain * 1:15,000 * 2011 Hallwag
Barcelona * Spain * 1:12,5000 * 2005 * ITMB
Barcelona * Spain * Euro-City Map * 1:15,000 * [received 2001] * GeoCenter
Barcelona * Spain * City Map * Various scales * 2000 * Lonely Planet
Barcelona & Catalunya * Spain * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
Barcelona (Transit) * Spain * Barcelona by the Metro * 1999 * Michael Brein's Inc.
Bari * Italy * 1:10,000 * [1989?] * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Barrie/Orillia * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 2005 * MapArt
Basel * Switzerland * 1:15,000 * [received 2001] * ADAC
Basel * Switzerland * 1:17,000 * 2001 * Grundbuch-und Vermessungsamt Basel-Stadt
Bases, Military - U.S. * See: Japan - U.S. Bases
Battle Creek Area and Calhoun County * Michigan * 1981 * Universal Map Enterprises
Battleford, Saskatchewan * See: Saskatoon/Prince Albert/The Battlefords * Saskatchewan
Bavaria * See: Germany - Bavaria
Bayonne, Biarritz and Anglet * France * 1:13,000 * [1983?] * Plans-Guides Blay
Bayreuth * Germany * 1:5,000/1:15,000 * 1983 * Bollman
Beijing * China * [No scale] * [received 2015] * Panda
Beijing * China * 1:15,000 * 2009 * Hallwag
Beijing * China * Various scales * 2004-05 * Periplus Travel Maps
Beijing * China * 1:27,000 * 1999 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Beijing * China * 1:23,000 * [1996?] * ITMB
Beijing * China * [No scale] * [1995?] * CNPIEC * (Includes street index)
Beijing and the Great Wall * China * Various scales * 2010 * ITMB
Beira, Mozambique * See: Mozambique
Beirut, Lebanon * See: Lebanon & Beirut
Belarus to Bellevue
Belarus * See also: Ukraine, Belarus and Western Russia
Belarus * 1:600,000 * 2015 * ITMBBelarus * 1:600,000 * 2005 * ITMB
Belarus * 1:800,000 * 1993 * Belarus Committee of Geodesy
Belfast * Northern Ireland * 1:12,000 * 2000 * Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland
Belfast * Northern Ireland * 1:15,000 * 1995 * Bartholemew
Belfast * Northern Ireland * 4 1/4 in. = 1 mi. * 1995 * Bartholomew
Belgium * 1:250,000 * 2000 * Baederker's
Belgium - Brugge-Rotterdam-Antwerp * 1:200,000 * 1992 * Michelin
Belgium - Brussels-Oostende-Liege * 1:200,000 * 1994 * Michelin
Belgium - Mons-Dinant-Luxemburg * 1:200,000 * 1994 * Michelin
Belgium/Luxembourg * 1:350,000 * 2015 * Michelin
Belgium/Luxembourg (2) * 1:300,000 * 2011 * Marco Polo
Belgium/Luxembourg * 1:350,000 * 2004 * Michelin
Belgium/Netherlands/Luxembourg * 1:500,000 * [1992?] * RAC (Recta Foldex)
Belgrade * Yugoslavia * 1:20,000 * 2001 * Freytag and Berndt
Belize * See also: Central America
Belize (2) * 1:350,000 * 1997 * ITMB
Belize * [No scale] * 1990 * JPK Maps Ltd.
Belize City * See: Belize
Belleville and Trenton * Ontario * Various scales * 1992 * Metromap
Belleville/Trenton/Kingston, Ontario * See also: Kingston/Belleville/Trenton * Ontario
Bellevue, Washington * See also: Seattle/Bellevue
Bellevue * Washington * 1.5 in. = 1 mi. * 1996/97 * King of the Road Maps
Bellevue/Redmond/Kirkland/Issaquah * Washington * 1:33,000 * 1999 * Rand McNally
Bellingham to Billings
Bellingham, Washington * See also: Washington - Whatcom County
Bellingham * Washington * 2.25 cm = 1 km * 1996 * MFGIS
Bend * Oregon * [1996?] * Bend Chamber Visitor and Convention Bureau
Bergen * Norway * See: Oslo & Bergen * Norway
Berlin * Germany * 1:15,000 * 2012 * Marco Polo
Berlin * Germany * 1:25,000-1:32,000 * 1991-92 * Hallwag
Berlin & Eastern Germany * Various scales * 2016 * ITMB
Berlin and Munich * Germany * Various scales * 2005 * Frommer's
Berlin (Transit) * Germany * Berlin by the U-Bahn * 1999 * Michael Brein's Inc.
Bermuda * 1:14,500 * 2016 * ITMB
Bermuda * Various scales * 1998 * Frommer's
Bermuda * 1:14,500 * 2005 * ITMB
Bermuda * 1:45,000 * 2000 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Bern * Switzerland * 1:12,500 * [1991?] * Kummerly and FreyBhopal, Madhya Pradesh (India) * See: Madhya Pradesh
Bhutan * See also: Himalaya * Tibet/Nepal/BhutanBhutan (2) * 1:380,000 * 2001 * ITMB
Bhutan * 1:500,000 * 1996 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Bhutan & Northern India * Various scales * 2012 * ITMB
Billings / Bozeman * Montana * 1 3/4 in. = 1 mi. * 1994 * Seeger Map Co.
Birch Bay to Bordeaux
Birch Bay, Washington * See: Washington - Whatcom County
Birmingham * England * Birmingham A-Z * 1:21,120 * 1991 * Geographers' A-Z Map Company
Blaine, Washington * See: Bellingham
Blenheim, New Zealand * See also: New Zealand
Blenheim * New Zealand * 1979 * 1:15,000 * New Zealand Lands and Survey
Bloemfontein * South Africa * 1:20,000 * 1991 * Map Studio
Blois * France * 1:10,000 * 1980 * Plans-Guides Blay
Bojnurd * Iran * 1975 * Sahab Geographic and Drafting Institute
Bolivia * See also: Peru/Bolivia/Ecuador * or Brazil and Bolivia
Bolivia * 1:1,250,000 * 2005 * ITMB
Bolzano/Merano * Italy * 1:20,000 * 1991 * Falk
Bonaire * See also: Aruba/Bonaire/Curacao
Bonaire * Netherlands Antilles * 1:60,000 * [1996?] * B and B Publications
Bordeaux * France * 1:17,000 * 1989 * Plans-Guides Blay
Bosnia to Brantford
Bosnia & Montenegro * 1:400,000 * 2014 * ITMB
Bosnia-Herzegovina * See also: Croatia/Slovenia/Bosnia-Herzegovina * or Slovenia/Croatia/Bosnia & Herzegovina/Serbia/Montenegro/Former Yug. Rep. Of Macedonia * or Yugoslavia, Slovenia, Croatia
Bosnia-Herzegovina * 1:250,000 * 2002 * Freytag and Berndt
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Road Map) * 1:1,000,000 * 1992 * Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleza
Bosnia/Herzegovina (Geographic Map) * 1:1,000,000 * 1992 * Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleza
Boston * Massachusetts * 1:15,000 * 2001 * Rand McNally [from Fodor's 2002]
Boston * Massachusetts * City Map * Various scales * 2000 * Lonely Planet
Boston Bar/North Bend, British Columbia * See: Hope, British Columbia
Botswana * 1:1,750,000 * [1991?] * Macmillan
Boulogne-sur-Mer * France * 1981 * Plans-Guides Blay
Bournemouth * England * [199?] * Halifax Property Services
Bozeman, Montana * See: Billings/Bozeman
Bracebridge, Ontario * See: Muskoka/Bracebridge * Ontario
Brackendale, British Columbia * See: Whistler
Brampton * Ontario * 1:28,000 * [1992] * City of Brampton
Brantford * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 2004 * MapArt
Bratislava to Brisbane
Bratislava * Slovakia * 1:20,000; 1:10,000 * [1992?] * Falk/Cartographia
Bratislava * Slovakia * 1:20,000 * 1992 * Slovensk Kartografia
Brazil * See also: Amazon Basin
Brazil * 1:3,850,000 * 2012 * Michelin
Brazil * 1:5,000,000 * 2005 * Collins
Brazil * 1:4,000,000 * 1999 (1st edition) * ITMB
Brazil * 1993 * Guia Quatro Rodas
Brazil, East Coast * See: Rio De Janeiro and Brasil East Coast
Bregenz and Dornbirn * Austria * 1:10,000 * 1989 * F and B Wien
Bremen * Germany * 1:10,000 * 1975 * Falk
Brescia * Italy * 1:12,000 * 1991 * Carta Stradale d'Italia
Brest, Belarus * See: Belarus, 1993 * Ukraine, Belarus and Western Russia
Brest * France * 1:10,000 * 1983 * Plans-Guides Blay
Brisbane * Australia * Various scales * [No date] * Periplus
Brisbane * Australia * 1:500,000 * 1993 * Robinson's
Brisbane * Australia * Various scales * 1989 * Gregory's
Brisbane and Gold Coast * Australia * 1:13,000 (Central Brisbane); 1:100,000 (Gold Coast) * 2002 * Lonely Planet
British Columbia * Various scales * 2021 * MapArt
British Columbia * British Columbia Road Map & Parks Guide * 1:1,463,600 * 2020/2021 * Davenport Maps
British Columbia * 1:1,250,000 * 2019 * ITMB
British Columbia (2) * 1:1,463,600 * 2016/2017 * Davenport Maps; Tourism British Columbia
British Columbia * 1:1,250,000 * 2013 * ITMB
British Columbia * 1:1,350,000 * 2004 * MapArt
British Columbia (2) * 1:1,500,000 * 2000 * ITMB
British Columbia - Alaska Highway * See: British Columbia - North East
British Columbia – Bulkley – Nechako [Smithers to Vanderhoof] (4) * 1:200,000 * 2012 * Mussio Ventures
British Columbia – Cariboo Region (2) * 1:150,000 * 2009 * Mussio Ventures
British Columbia - Columbia Valley * See: Columbia Valley
British Columbia - Comox Valley * See: Comox Valley
British Columbia - Garibaldi Region * 1:100,000 * 1999 (2nd edition) * ITMB
British Columbia - Inside Passage * See: Alaska - Inside Passage
British Columbia – Kootenay (East) * 1:200,000 * 2019 * Backroad Mapbooks
British Columbia - Kootenay (West) * Vacation Guide Map * 2001 * Raven Creations
British Columbia - Lower Mainland * See: Vancouver
British Columbia – Northern (2) * 1:900,000 * 2023 * ITMB
British Columbia – Okanagan & Shuswap * 1:200,000 * 2008 * ITMB
British Columbia - Okanagan Cities * See also: Kelowna/Okanagan Cities
British Columbia – Okanagan Communities * Various scales * 2018 * MapArt
British Columbia - Okanagan Communities/Kelowna * 1:30,000 * 2003 * Rand McNally
British Columbia - Okanagan Valley * 1:150,000 * 2008 * Mussio Ventures
British Columbia - Prince George and Mackenzie (3) * 1:200,000 * 2012 * Mussio Ventures
British Columbia – South * 1:800,000 * 2018 * ITMB
British Columbia - South (3) * 1:900,000 * 2014 * ITMB
British Columbia – Southeast * See also: Alberta, Southwest * Southwest Alberta & Southeast B.C.
British Columbia - Southeastern * See also: Alberta, Southwestern
British Columbia – Southeastern * Various scales * 2020 * MapArt
British Columbia – Southern * Southern BC & Alberta * 1:1,000,000 * 2018 * ITMB
British Columbia - Southwest * British Columbia SW & Washington State (2) * 1:800,000 * 2017 * ITMB
British Columbia – Southwest * Southwest British Columbia & Northern Washington * 1:840,000 * 2007 * Gem Trek
British Columbia - Southwestern and Washington, Northern * 1:840,000 * 1996 * Gem Trek
British Columbia – Strathcona Plateau * 1:250,000 * 2008 * ITMB
British Columbia – Sunshine Coast * Sunshine Coast & BC Southwest * Various scales * 2021 * ITMB
British Columbia - Sunshine Coast * Various scales * 1995 * Canadian Cartographics
British Columbia - West Kootenay (2) * 1:170,000 * 2013 * Mussio Ventures
British Columbia/Alberta * Various scales * 2021 * MapArt
British Columbia Heritage Sites * Various scales * 1995 * Canadian Cartographics Ltd.
British Virgin Islands * 1:63,360 * 1991 * Ordnance Survey, World Maps
Brno to Buffalo
Brno * Slovakia * 1:12,000 * 1992 * Geodzie Brno
Brockville, Ontario * See also: Kingston, Ontario
Brockville * Ontario * 1.3 cm = 200 metres * 1995 * Henderson Printing Inc.
Bruges * Belgium * 1:8,400 * 1999 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtsons
Brunei * See: Asia, South East * or Malaysia
Brunei Darusallam * See: Malaysia - Sabah and Sarawak
Brussels * Belgium * 1:17,500 * 2009 * Michelin
Brussels * Belgium * 1:17,500 * 2000 * Michelin
Brussels * Belgium * 1:15,000 * 2000 * Baedeker's
Bruxelles, France * See: France - Calais/Lille/Bruxelles
Bucharest * Romania * 1:18,000/1:9,000 * 1993 * Falk
Budapest * Hungary * See also: Hungary & Budapest
Budapest * Hungary * 1:15,000 * 2012 * Marco Polo
Budapest * Hungary * 1:15,000 * 2007 * Hallwag
Budapest * Hungary * 1:12,000 * 1992 * Baedekers
Buenos Aires * Argentina * 1:12,500 * 2005 * ITMB
Buenos Aires * Argentina * 1:15,000 * [1998?] * Geo Center
Buenos Aires & Argentina NE * Various scales * 2013 * ITMB
Buffalo * New York * 1:31,250 * 2005 * MapArt
Buffalo and Vicinity StreetFinder * New York * 1 3/4 in. = 1 mi. * 1993 * Rand McNally
Bulawayo to Bydgoszcz
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe * See: Harare and Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Bulgaria * See also: Romania/Bulgaria (Freytag)
Bulgaria * 1:375,000 * 2005 * ITMB
Bulgaria * 1:750,000 * 1992 * Cartographia Budapest
Bulgaria * 1:750,000 * [199?] * Ravenstein Verlag
Burkina Faso * 1:1,000,000 * 1994 * Institute Geographique Nationale
Burlington/Oakville * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 2005 * MapArt
Burlington and Oakville * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 1994 * Rand McNally
Burlington, Washington * See: Sedro-Woolley * Washington - Skagit County
Burma * See also: Myanmar
Burma * See also: Thailand/Burma/Malaysia
Burma * 1:1,500,000 * [199?] * Nelles
Burnaby, British Columbia * See: Vancouver & Burnaby
Burns Lake * Lakes District * British Columbia * 1 cm = 5 km * [received 1997] * Lakes District Printing
Burren, Ireland * See: Ireland-Burren
Burundi * See also: Rwanda and Burundi
Burundi * 1:250,000 * 1994 * IGN
Bydgoszcz * Poland * 1991 * PPWK
C - Caen to Czech Republic
Cae-Calg | Cali-Call | Cam | Canada | Can-Cap | Car-Cen | Cha-Che | Chi | Cho-Cle | Cog-Com | Con-Cor | Cos-Cri | Cro-Cuz | Cyp-Cze
Caen to Calgary
Caen * France * 1:10,000 * 1981 * Plans-Guides Blay
Cairns * Australia * [1991?] * UBD Cairns & District
Cairo * Egypt * 1:15,000 * [received 2001] * American Map
Cairo * Egypt * Various scales * 2001 * Lonely Planet City Map Series
Calais, France * See also: France - Calais/Lille/Bruxelles
Calais * France * 1:9,500 * 1982 * Plans-Guides Blay
Calcutta * India * 1:25,000 * [1983] * Tamilnad Printers and Traders Ltd.
Calgary * Alberta * 1:29,000 * 2024 * MapArt
Calgary * Alberta * 1:29,000 * 2020 * MapArt
Calgary * Alberta * Calgary & Alberta South * Various scales * 2018 * ITMB
Calgary * Alberta * 1:31,250 * 2004 * MapArt
Calgary * Alberta * 1:25,000 * 2000 * Rand McNally
Calgary * Alberta * 1:25,000 * 1998 * Map Art
Calgary * Alberta * 1:36,200 * 1998 * Rand McNally
Cali to Callaghan
Cali * Colombia * 1:20,000 * 1990 * Cartur. Note: For more California maps, see also individual city or county names, for example: San Diego or Marin County
California * United States * Various scales * 2005 * Fodor's
California - Central Coast Region and Kern County * 1:299,059 * 2005 * AAA
California - Los Angeles County * See: Los Angeles County and Area * California
California - Marin County * Various scales * 2001 * American Map Corporation
California - Monterey County * 1979 * Compass
California, Northern * See also: San Francisco & Northern California
California - Northern * Various scales * 2006 * Fodor's
California - Northern * 1:600,000 * 1997 * ITMB
California - Orange County, North * See: Anaheim & North Orange County, California
California - Orange County, South * 1:44,000 * 1993 * Rand McNally
California - San Diego Region * 1:299,059 * 2004 * AAA
California - Santa Ana and Central Orange County, California * See: Santa Ana and Central Orange County * California
California - Southern * See also: Los Angeles & Southern California
California - Southern * Freeways * 1:250,000 * 1996 * Rand McNally
California - Western Contra Costa County (Oakland/Berkeley) * Various scales * 2001 * Rand McNally
Callaghan Valley (2) * British Columbia * 1:50,000 * 2010 * Clark Geomatics
Camano to Campbell
Camano Island, Washington * See: Washington State - Stanwood Area and Camano Island
Cambodia * See: Laos and Cambodia * or Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia
Cambridge, Ontario * See: Kitchener/Waterloo/Cambridge
Cameroon * 1:1,500,000 * [received 1996] * Freytag and Berndt
Campbell River, British Columbia * See: Vancouver Island [Regional Map] * or Vancouver Island and Sunshine Coast * or Nanaimo
Canada * See also: United States / Canada Border
Canada * Various scales * 2022 * MapArt
Canada * 1:6,410,260 * 1999 * AAA
Canada - Arctic * See: Northwest Territories
Canada – Atlantic Canada * Various scales * 2021 * ITMB
Canada – Atlantic Canada * Various scales * 2020 * MapArt
Canada – Banff & Jasper National Parks * Various scales * 2020 * ITMB
Canada, East * See: United States, Northeast/Canada, East
Canada, Great Lakes * See: Great Lakes
Canada - Rockies * See also: Canada (Except B.C.) Parks and Trails Maps - Alberta
Canada – Rocky Mountains * Rocky Mountains Canada & US * Various scales * 2020 * ITMB
Canada - Rocky Mountains * 1:900,000 * 2014 * ITMB
Canada, West * See also: United States, West/Canada, West
Canada - West - Yellowhead Highway * 1:12,500,000 * 1999 * Yellowhead Highway Association
Canada – Western * Various scales * 2024 * MapArt
Canada – Western * Various scales * 2020 * MapArt
Canada - Western (2) * Various scales * 2017 * ITMB
Canary to Cape
Canary Islands, Spain * See also: Morocco (including: Western Sahara and the Canary Islands)
Canary Islands * Spain * 1:130,000 * 2012 * ITMB
Canary Islands * Spain * 1:200,000 * 1988 * Michelin
Canberra * Australia * 1991 * UBD
Cancun, Mexico * See also: Mexico
Cancun and Cozumel * Mexico * Various scales * 2000 * Rand McNally [from Fodor's 2002]
Canmore, Alberta * See: Canada (Except B.C.) Parks and Trails Map Box - Alberta - Canadian
Rockies Access Map
Cannes * France * [1984?] * Chave Editions
Canoe, Alberta * See: Alberta
Canterbury * England * 1:10,560 * [1986?] * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
Canton, China * See also: Guangzhou
Canton * China * 1:400,000 * 1995 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Canton * Ohio * 1980 * Champion
Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket * Massachusetts * Various Scales * 2005 * Frommer's
Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket * Massachusetts * Various Scales * 2000 * Rand McNally
Cape Town * South Africa * 1:17,000 * 2001 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Cape Town * South Africa * Various scales * 2000 * Lonely Planet City Map Series
Cape Verde & West Africa * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
Carcassonne to Central
Carcassonne * France * 1:7,100 * 1982 * Plans-Guides Blay
Cardiff * Wales * 1:10,000 * 1985 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.)
Caribbean * See also: West Indies and Caribbean Caribbean
Caribbean * Various scales * 1997 * Rand McNally
Casablanca * See: Morocco
Castlegar, British Columbia * See also: British Columbia - Southeast British Columbia Communities
Castlegar * British Columbia * [No scale] * 1996 * ROI Printing
Castlegar * British Columbia * 1991 * Travel Infocentres
Castres * France * 1:7,500 * 1982 * Plans-Guides Blay
Castries, Saint Lucia * See: Saint Lucia, Ordnance Survey Worldmap
Catalunya * Spain * See: Barcelona & Catalunya
Cayman Islands * 1:50,000 * 1995 * ITMB
Cayman Islands * 1:50,000 * 1992 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.)
Cebu City * Philippines * [No scale] * [1997?] * Dept. of Tourism, Philippines
Central African Republic * See also: Congo & Central African Republic
Central African Republic * 1:1,500,000 * 1993 * IGN (Map 3615)
Central America * 1:5,000,000 * [1992?] * Kummerly and Frey
Chad to Chetwynd
Chad * 1:1,500,000 * [1997?] * IGN
Chandigar, Punjab * India * 1:30,000 * 1993 * Survey of India
Channel Tunnel * See also: English Channel
Channel Tunnel * Various scales * 1996 * Michelin
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island * See also: Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown/Summerside * Prince Edward Island * 1:25,000 * 2000 * Rand McNally
Chartres * France * 1:9,150 * 1982 * Plans-Guides Blay
Chatham * Ontario * 1.5 inch = 1/2 mile * 1996 * M. Howell
Chattanooga * Tennessee * 1982 * Champion
Chehalis, Washington * See: Kelso, etc.
Chejudo * Korea, South * [No scale] * 1994 * Korea National Tourism Association
Chemainus, British Columbia * See: Nanaimo / Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Cherbourg * France * 1:10,000 * 1982 * Plans-Guides Blay
Chester * England * 1986 * Geographia
Chester-le-Street * England * 1:10,000 * [1989?] * Ordnance Survey (U.K.)
Chetwynd * British Columbia * 1993
Chiang Mai to China
Chiang Mai * Thailand * Various scales * [1998?] * Periplus Editions
Chicago * Illinois * 3 inches = .5 mile * 2009 * American Map
Chicago * Illinois * Various scales * 2001 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Chicago * Illinois * 1 inch = 0.84 miles * 1996 * Rand McNally
Chicago & Lake Michigan * Illinois/Indiana/Michigan/Wisconsin * Various scales * 2013 * ITMB
Chicago (Transit) * Illinois * CTA System Map * 1993
Chichester * England * [1986?] * Ordnance Survey (U.K.)
Chile * See also: Argentian/Chile * or Argentina/Chile/Paraguay/Uruguay
Chile * 1:1,750,000 * 2015 * ITMB
Chile * Various scales * 1992 * Esso
Chile * 1:2,000,000 * 1990 * Cartografia turismo
Chile and Argentina * 1:2,000,000 * 2015 * Michelin
Chile * Patagonia sur Tierra del Fuego * 1:1,000,000 * 1993 * Zagier and Urruty
Chile - South & Patagonia * Various scales * 2012 * ITMB
Chilliwack, British Columbia * See also: Abbotsford * or Fraser Valley
Chilliwack (2) * British Columbia * 1:25,000 * 2024 * MapArt
Chilliwack and Cultus Lake * British Columbia * 1:20,000 * 1993 * ITMB
Chilliwack and Merritt (3) * British Columbia * 1:150,000 * 2010 * Mussio Ventures
China * Various scales * [received 2015] * Panda
China * 1:4,000,000 * 2011 * Marco Polo
China * Various scales * 2005/2006 * Periplus Travel Maps
China * 1:7,000,000 * [no date] * Baedeker's
China * 1:3,025,000 * [2000?] * ITMB
China * 1:5,400,000 * 1995 * Hildebrand
China * 1:6,000,000 * [199?] (2nd edition) * ITMB
China - Great Wall * See: Beijing and the Great Wall
China - North-Eastern * 1:1,500,000 * [1992?] * Nelles
China - Northern * 1:1,500,000 * [1992?] * Nelles
China - Pearl River Delta * [No scale] * [No date] * American Express/ Genstar Advertising International Ltd.
China - Pearl River Delta * [1989?] * Universal Publications
China South & Guangzhou * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
China - Southern * 1:1,500,000 * [1992?] * Nelles
China and Mongolia * 1:6,000,000 * 1996 * Bartholomew
Chollabuk-do to Cleveland
Chollabuk-do Province, South Korea * See: Korea, South - Southwestern Region
Chollanam-do, South Korea * See: Korea, South - Southwestern Region
Christchurch * New Zealand * 1:25,000 * 1994 * Infomap
Christchurch * New Zealand * [1991?] * Universal Business Directories
Christchurch, New Zealand * See also: New Zealand AA Itinerary
Ch'ungch'ongbuk-do, South Korea * See: Korea, South-Central Area
Ch'ungch'ongnam-do, South Korea * See: Korea, South-Central Area
Cincinnati * Ohio * 1:31,000 * 1991 * Rand McNally
Cincinnati (Transit) * Ohio * System Map and Guide * 1992
Clark County, Washington * See: Vancouver and Clark County
Clearbrook, British Columbia * See: Abbotsford and Clearbrook
Clearwater * British Columbia * Not to scale * 1996 * Yellowhead Publishing
Clearwater, Florida * See: St. Petersburg/Clearwater
Cleveland * Ohio * 1 inch = .65 mile * 1995 * Rand McNally
Cleveland * Ohio * 1 inch = .65 mile * 1992 * Rand McNally
Cognac to Comox
Cognac * France * 1:7,000 * 1982 * Plans-Guides Blay
Colombia * See also: Venezuela/Colombia/Ecuador
Colombia * 1:2,000,000 * 2001 * ITMB
Colorado * United States * See also: Utah & Colorado * or Wyoming, United States
Colorado * United States * Various scales * 1999 * Frommer's
Colorado * United States * 1992 * Colorado Dept. of Transportation
Colorado/Wyoming * United States * 1:356,400 * 1996 * Rand McNally
Columbia Valley, British Columbia * See: Invermere and Columbia Valley
Columbus * Ohio * Not to scale * 1992-93 * Zimmerman
Colwood, British Columbia * See: Victoria - Suburbs
Commonwealth of Independent States * 1:7,000,000 * 1997 * Hallwag
Commonwealth of Independent States * Various scales * 1996 * Hildebrand
Comox, British Columbia * See: Campbell River/Courtenay/Comox
Comox, British Columbia * See: Comox Valley * Nanaimo (BCAA)
Comox, British Columbia * See: Nanaimo/Courtenay/Comox * British Columbia
Comox, British Columbia * See: Vancouver Island [Regional Map]
Connemara to Corsica
Connemara * See: Ireland - Connemara
Contra Costa County (Western), California * See: California - Western Contra Costa (Oakland/Berkeley)
Cook Islands-Mitiaro * New Zealand * 1:25,000 * 1983 * Dept. of Lands and Survey, New Zealand
Copenhagen * Denmark * See also: Denmark & Copenhagen
Copenhagen * Denmark * 1:15,000 * 2010 * Hallwag
Copenhagen * Denmark * 1:20,000/1:35,000 * 2000 * ADAC
Copenhagen * Denmark * 1:17,500 * [1992?] * Baedekers
Copenhagen * Denmark * 1:17,500 * 1992-93 * Hallwag
Coquitlam, British Columbia * See : Langley, British Columbia * Tri-Cities Street Map and Tourist Guide
Cordoba * Spain * See: Spain, Andalucia, Costa Del Sol, Seville, Cordoba, Granada
Corfu * Greece * 1:100,000 * 2000 * Collins
Cork * Ireland * 1:15,000 * 1998 (1st edition) * Ordnance Survey Ireland
Cormorant Island, British Columbia * See: Alert Bay
Cornwall, Ontario * See: Kingston, Ontario
Corpus Christi * Texas * 1 inch = .6 mile * [1988?] * Rand McNally
Corsica * France * 1:150,000 * 2015 * Michelin
Corsica * France * 1:200,000 * 1994 * Hildebrand
Costa Rica to Crimea
Costa Rica * See also: Central America
Costa Rica * 1:500,000 * 2001 (4th edition) * ITMB
Cote D'Ivoire * See: Ivory Coast
Courtenay, British Columbia * See: Campbell River/Courtenay/Comox
Courtenay, British Columbia * See: Comox Valley * or Nanaimo
Courtenay, British Columbia * See: Nanaimo/Courtenay/Comox * British Columbia
Courtenay, British Columbia * See: Vancouver Island [Regional Map]
Cozumel, Mexico * See: Cancun and Cozumel, Mexico
Cranbrook, British Columbia * See: British Columbia - Southeast British Columbia Communities
Cremona * Italy * 1:6,500 * 1983 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Crimea * Ukraine * 1:320,000 * 2006 * ITMB
Croatia to Cuzco
Croatia * See also: Bosnia-Herzegovina * or Slovenia/Croatia/Bosnia & Herzegovina/Serbia/Montenegro/ Former Yug. Rep. Of Macedonia * or Yugoslavia, Slovenia, Croatia
Croatia * 1:750,000 * 2015 * Michelin
Croatia * 1:550,000 * 2006 * Globetrotter
Croatia * 1:500,000 * 2002 * Freytag and Berndt
Croatia – Central and Coast/Slovenia * 1:300,000 * 2011 * Marco Polo
Croatia/Slovenia/Bosnia-Herzegovina * 1:600,000 * 1997 * Freytag and Berndt
Croatia/Bosnia/Herzegovina * 1:1,000,000 * 1992 * Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krlez a
Crofton, British Columbia * See: Nanaimo/Vancouver Island
Cuba * 1:800,000 * 2013 * Michelin
Cuba * 1:1,100,000 * [2000?] * Hildebrand
Cuba * 1:1,000,000 * 2001 (3rd edition) * ITMB
Cuba – West * See: Havana & Cuba West
Cultus Lake, British Columbia * See: Chilliwack and Cultus Lake
Cumberland, British Columbia * See also: Comox Valley
Cumberland, British Columbia * See also: Vancouver Island [Regional Map]
Cumberland * British Columbia * [No Scale] * [2000?] * Cumberland Chamber of Commerce
Curacao * See also: Aruba/Bonaire/Curacao
Curacao * 1:85,000 * [No date] * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Curitiba * Brazil * 1:20,000 * [received 1996] * Trieste Ltda.
Cusco * Peru * Tourist Guide * 1:12,500 * 1998 * Lima 2000
Cuzco & Peru South * Peru * Various scales * 2014 * ITMB
Cuzco Region (Machu Picchu) * Peru * 1:110,000 * 2003 * ITMB
Cyprus to Czech Republic
Cyprus * 1:200,000 * 2010 * Marco Polo
Cyprus * 1:250,000 * 2004 * Globetrotter
Cyprus * 1:275,000 * 1996 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Cyprus * 1:250,000 * 1980 * Dept. of Lands and Surveys, Cyprus
Cyprus * [1991?] * Clyde
Czech Republic * 1:450,000 * 2013 * Michelin
Czech Republic * 1:370,000 * 2013 * ITMB
Czech Republic * 1:600,000 * 2004 * Michelin
Czech Republic * 1:600,000 * 2002 * Michelin
Czech Republic * 1:300,000 * 2000 * ADAC
Czech Republic * 1:500,000 * 1995 * Cartographia
Czech Republic * 1:500,000 * 1994 * Bartholemew
Czech Republic * Camping * 1:500,000 * 1998 * SHOCART
Czech Republic and Slovak Republic * 1:700,000 * 1994 * Hildebrand
Czech Republic/Slovak Republic * 1:600,000 * 2012 * Michelin
D - Dade County to Dutch Antilles
Dad-Daw | Deb-Dis | Dom-Dry | Dub-Dut
Dade County to Dawson Creek
Dade County (Transit) * Florida * Metro-Dade Transit * 1992
Dallas * Texas * 1:41,800 * 1996 * Rand McNally
Dallas (Transit) * Texas * DART System Map * 1992
Dallas and Fort Worth * Texas * Various scales * 2001 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Dalmatia, Yugoslavia * See: Yugoslavia, Dalmatian Coast
Damascus, Syria * See: Syria
Dammam, Saudi Arabia * See: Saudi Arabia
Dargaville, New Zealand * See: New Zealand
Darmstadt * Germany * 1:15,000 * [1991?] * Falk
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia * See: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Darwin * Australia * 1992 * UBD
Dawson City * Yukon * Map and Attraction Guide * 1995 * PR Services Ltd.
Dawson Creek, British Columbia * See: Prince George, British Columbia
Debrecen to Disney
Debrecen * Hungary * [1985?]
Delaware * United States * 1990 * Delaware Dept. of Transportation
Delhi * India * 1:30,000 * 1987 * TT Maps and Publications Private Ltd./Recto Foldex
Delta * British Columbia * Various scales * 1997 * Community Projects Ltd.
Delta * British Columbia * 1:45,000 * 1989 * Delta Chamber of Commerce
Democratic Republic of Congo * See: Congo & Central African Republic
Denman and Hornby Islands * British Columbia * [No scale] * 2001
Denmark * See also: Scandinavia
Denmark * 1:300,000 * 2010 * Marco Polo
Denmark * 1:440,000 * 2005 * Globetrotter Travel Map
Denmark * 1:300,000 * [2000?] * ADAC
Denmark & Copenhagen * Various scales * 2016 * ITMB
Denmark and Greenland * 1:400,000 * 1994 * Freytag and Berndt
Denver * Colorado * 1:50,000 * 1996 * Rand McNally
Denver * Colorado * Regional Transportation District Bus System Map * 1992
Des Moines * Iowa * 1 inch = .75 mile * [1988?] * Rand McNally
Detroit * Michigan * 1:39,900 * 1996 * Rand McNally
Detroit * Michigan * 1 inch = 2.8 miles * 1994 * Gousha
Dieppe, France * See also: Le Havre/Dieppe/Amiens
Dieppe * France * 1:6,000 * [1989?] * Plans-Guides Blay
Disney World, Florida * See: Florida - Walt Disney World and Orlando
Dominica to Dryden
Dominica * See also: Antigua & Dominica
Dominica (2) * 1:50,000 * 1991 * Ordnance Survey of Great Britain
Dominican Republic & Haiti * Various scales * 2014 * ITMB
Dominican Republic/Haiti * 1:816,000 * 1996 * Hildebrand
Dominican Republic * 1:500,000 * 1994 (1995/96 edition) * ITMB
Dortmund * Germany * Various scales * 1988 * Bollmann
Dortmund * Germany * 1:16,000-1:40,000 * [1991?] * Falk
Douala * See: Cameroon
Dryden, Ontario * See: Thunder Bay, Ontario (Peter Heiler Map)
Dubai to Dutch Antilles
Dubai * United Arab Emirates * 1:15,000 * 2006 * ITMB
Dubai * United Arab Emirates * 1 cm = 70 metres * [1983?] * Fairey/Falcon
Dubai * United Arab Emirates * Dubai/UAE & Oman (2) * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
Dublin * Ireland * 1:10,000 * 2005 * ITMB
Dublin * Ireland * City Map * Various scales * 2000 * Lonely Planet
Dublin * Ireland * 1:8,500 * 2000 * Globetrotter
Dublin * Ireland * 4 inches = 1 mile * 1994 * Bartholomew
Dublin District * Ireland * 1:63,360 * 1987 * Ordnance Survey
Dubrovnik * See: Dalmatia
Dudley (Transit Map) * Great Britain * 2 inches = 1 mile * 1993/94 * Centro
Duncan, British Columbia * See also: Cowichan Valley * or Nanaimo
Duncan & Gulf Islands * British Columbia * Various scales * 2013/2014 * Davenport
Dunedin * New Zealand * 1:20,000 * 1988 * New Zealand. Dept. of Survey and Land Information
Dunedin, New Zealand * See also: New Zealand, AA Itinerary
Dunkirk * France * 1:12,500 * 1988 * Plans-Guides Blay
Durban * South Africa * Durban Minimap * 1:12,000/1:60,000 * Map Studio
Durham * England * 1:10,000 * 1985 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.)
Durham Region * Ontario * 1990 * Region of Durham
Dusseldorf * Germany * 1:22,000 * [1989?] * Ravenstein
Dutch Antilles * See: Aruba/Bonaire/Curacao
E - Eastbourne to Everett
Eas-Eka | El-Eri | Ess-Eve
Eastbourne to Ekaterinburg
Eastbourne * England * 1:10,000 * 1983 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.)
Easter Island (3) * Chile * 1:30,000 * 1998 (2nd edition) * ITMB
Easter Island & Santiago * Chile * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
Easter Islands * See also: South Pacific Islands
Ecuador * See also: Peru/Bolivia/Ecuador * or Venezuela/Colombia/Ecuador
Ecuador * 1:660,000 * 2015 * ITMB
Ecuador * 1:1,000,000 * 1993 * ITMB
Ecuador * Various scales * 1990 * Instituto Geografico Militar
Edinburgh * Scotland * 1:8,300 * 2005 * ITMB
Edinburgh * Scotland * 1:19,000 * 1999 * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
Edinburgh * Scotland * 1:19,000 * 1995 * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
Edinburgh & Scotland (2) * Various scales * 2013 * ITMB
Edmonton * Alberta * Various scales * 2018 * MapArt
Edmonton * Alberta * 1:31,250 * 2003 * Map Art
Edmonton * Alberta * 1:36,000 * [1998?] * Rand McNally
Edmonton * Alberta * 1993 * Allmaps
Edogawa City, Tokyo * See: Tokyo, Japan
Egypt * 1:1,000,000 * 2011 * Marco Polo
Egypt * 1:1,650,000 * 2008 * ITMB
Egypt * 1:2,000,000 * 2008 * Globetrotter
Egypt * 1:1,000,000 * 2000 * Collins
Egypt * 1:1,500,000 * 1993 * Hildebrand
Egypt * 1:1,000,000 * 1991-92 * Ravenstein
Ekaterinburg * Russia * 1:33,000 * 1991 * Geodesic and Cartographic Committee, USSR
El Salvador to Eritrea
El Salvador * See also: Central America
El Salvador * See also: Nicaragua & El Salvador
El Salvador * 1:375,000 * 1996 * ITMB
Elk Valley * British Columbia * [No scale] * 1997 * Community Projects Ltd. (Includes Sparwood, Nakusp and Elkford)
Elkford, British Columbia * See: Elk Valley, British Columbia
Ellensburg, Washington * See: Wenatchee
Enderby * British Columbia * 1 inch = 900 feet * [received 2001] * Enderby and District Chamber of Commerce
England * See: Great Britain
English Channel Tunnel * See also: Channel Tunnel
English Channel Tunnel (2) * [No scale] * [No date] * Kuperard
Epernay * France * 1:7,500 * 1981 * Plans-Guides Blay
Eritrea * See also: Ethiopia & Eritrea
Eritrea * 1:900,000 * 2000 (2nd edition) * ITMB
Essex to Everett
Essex County, Ontario * See: Windsor & Essex County * Ontario
Estonia * See also: Baltic States
Estonia * 1:400,000 * 2001 * ITMB
Esztergom * Hungary * 1982 * Kartografiai Vellalat
Ethiopia * See also: Sudan and Ethiopia, North East Africa
Ethiopia * 1:2,000,000 * 2003 * ITMB
Ethiopia * 1:2,000,000 * 2001 * ITMB
Ethiopia * 1:2,500,000 * 1993 * Cartographia
Ethiopia & Eritrea * Various scales * 2014 * ITMB
Europe * 1:5,000,000 * 2019 * Collins
Europe (2) * 1:5,000,000 * 2017 * Collins
Europe * 1:5,000,000 * 2015 * Collins
Europe * 1:3,000,000 * 2015 * Michelin
Europe * 1:5,000,000 * 2012 * Collins
Europe (2) * 1: 2,500,000 * 2007 * ITMB
Europe * 1:4,375,000 * 2006 * Collins
Europe * 1:4,500,000 * 2002 * Collins
Europe * 1:3,000,000 * 1997 * Michelin
Europe * 1:5,000,000 * 1996 * Bartholomew
Europe * Europe Railway & Road * 1:3,350,000 * 2015 * ITMB
Europe * Europe Railways * 1:3,350,000 * 2010 * ITMB
Europe * Europe Railways * 1:3,350,000 * 2005 * ITMB
Europe * European Rail * Various scales * [no date] * Frommer's
Everett * Washington * 1993 * Square One
F - Fairbanks to Fruitvale
Fai-Fin | Fla-Flo | Fon-For | France | Frank-Fras | Fre-Fru
Fairbanks to Finland
Fairbanks, Alaska * See also: Alaska * or Anchorage/Fairbanks
Fairbanks * Alaska * 2 inches = 1 mile * 1995-96 * King of the Road Maps
Fairhaven * Washington * [1992?] * Old Fairhaven Association
Fairmont, British Columbia * See: Columbia Valley, British Columbia
Falkland Islands (2) * 1:300,000 * 1997 * ITMB
Faroe Islands * See: Denmark
Ferndale, Washington * See: Washington - Whatcom County
Fernie, British Columbia * See also: British Columbia - Southeast British Columbia Communities
Fernie * British Columbia * [no scale] * 2001 * Savage Marketing
Fiji * See also: South Pacific Islands
Fiji & Tonga * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
Fiji Islands * 1:625,000 * [1999?] (3rd edition) * Hema
Finland * See also: Scandinavia
Finland * 1:1,250,000 * 2014 * Michelin
Finland * 1:650,000 * 2006 * ITMB
Finland * 1:500,000/1:1,500,000 * [2000?] * ADAC
Finland – South * See: Helsinki & Finland South
Flagstaff to Florida
Flagstaff * Arizona * 1:28,000 * 1995 * Northstar
Flin Flon * Manitoba * 1:16,600 * [No date] * Flin Flon Chambers of Commerce
Florence * Italy * 1:15,000 * 2007 * Hallwag
Florence * Italy * 1:6,750 * 2005 * ITMB
Florence * Italy * 1:8,500 * 2000 * Dorling Kindersley Ltd.
Florence * Italy * 1:8,500 * 2000 * Baedeker's
Florence * Italy * 1:8,000; 1:14,500 * 1990 * Geodetick a Kartografick podnik Praha
Florida * United States * 1:800,000 * 2011 * Marco Polo
Florida * United States * 1:800,000 * 2008 * Hammond
Florida * United States * Various scales * 2006 * Fodor's
Florida * United States * 1:720,000 * 2000 * ITMB
Florida * United States * Various scales * 1994 * Rand McNally
Florida * United States * 1 inch = 17 miles * [1993?] * Baedekers/Gousha
Florida & U.S. Deep South * United States * Various scales * 2014 * ITMB
Florida Keys * United States * 1:120,000 * 2014 * ITMB
Florida Keys * United States * 1:120,000 * 1999 (2nd edition) * ITMB
Florida Keys * United States * 1:125,000 * 1995 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Fontainebleau to Fort Worth
Fontainebleau * France * 1:7,000 * 1988 * Plans-Guides Blay
Fort Erie, Ontario * See: Niagara Falls
Fort Frances, Ontario * See: Thunder Bay
Fort Langley, British Columbia * See: Langley
Fort Lauderdale * Florida * 1:40,000 * 1996 * Rand McNally
Fort McMurray, Alberta * See also: Alberta, Northeastern/Fort McMurray
Fort McMurray * Alberta * [No Scale] * [received 1997] * Fort McMurray Visitor's Bureau
Fort McMurray * Alberta * 1991 Trust
Fort Nelson (2) * British Columbia * 1:1,000 * [2001?] * Fort Nelson Chamber of Commerce
Fort Nelson * British Columbia * 1:5,000 * 1979
Fort St. James * British Columbia * 4 cm = 1 km * 1993
Fort St. James * British Columbia * 1:400 * 1982 * W.D. Usher and Associates
Fort St. John * British Columbia * See also: Prince George
Fort St. John * British Columbia * 1:10,000 * 1984 * City of Fort St. John
Fort Worth/Arlington * Texas * 1:41,000 * 1994 * Rand McNally
See also: individual city names - Paris, France
France * 1:1,120,000 * 2019 * Collins
France (2) * 1:1,120,000 * 2017 * Collins
France * 1:1,120,000 * 2015 * Collins
France * 1:1,120,000 * 2012 * Collins
France * 1:1,000,000 * 2006 * Collins
France * 1:1,000,000 * [Received 2002] * ITMB
France * 1:3,000,000 * [No date] * Rand McNally [Fodor's 2002]
France * 1:1,000,000 * [1997?] * Kummerly and Frey/Blay Foldex
France - Route Planning * 1:1,000,000 * 1990 * Michelin
France - Regions - Michelin Series - 1:200,000 17 maps cover the country at a 1:200,000 scale. Index is on back of each map sheet.
France - Alsace et Lorraine * 1:200,000 * 2002 * Michelin (#242)
France - Aquitaine * 1:200,000 * 2001/2002 * Michelin (#234)
France - Auvergne * 1:200,000 * 1989 * Michelin (#239)
France - Bourgogne (Burgundy)-Franche-Comt * 1:200,000 * 1988 * Michelin (#243)
France - Bretagne * 1:200,000 * 2001/2002 * Michelin (#230)
France - Brittany * 1:200,000 * 2011 * Marco Polo
France - Centre * Berry-Nivernais * 1:200,000 * 1992 * Michelin (#238)
France - Champagne-Ardennes * 1:200,000 * 2000 * Michelin (#241)
France - Ile-de-France * 1:200,000 * 2001 * Michelin (#237)
France - Languedoc-Roussillon * 1:200,000 * 2001/2002 * Michelin (#240)
France - Midi-Pyrenees * 1:200,000 * 2001/2002 * Michelin (#235)
France - Nord: Flandres-Artois Picardie * 1:200,000 * 2001 * Michelin (#236)
France - Normandie * 1:200,000 * 2001 * Michelin (#231)
France - Pays de Loire * 1:200,000 * 1989 * Michelin (#232)
France - Poitou-Charentes * 1:200,000 * 1989 * Michelin (#233)
France - Provence-Cote d'Azur * 1:200,000 * 2001/2002 * Michelin (#245)
France - Rhone-Alpes * 1:200,000 * 1987 * Michelin (#244)
France - Rhone Valley * 1:200,000 * 1987 * Michelin (#246)
France - Other
France - Arras/Charleville-Mexieres/St. Quentin * 1:200,000 * 2001 * Michelin (#53)
France - Brittany * 1:250,000 * 1992 * RAC
France - Calais/Lille/Bruxelles (2) * 1:200,000 * 2001 * Michelin (#51)
France - Cote D'Azur * See also: France - French Riviera, Alpes Maritimes
France - Cote d'Azur * 1:250,000 * 1992 * RAC
France - Cote d'Azur and Monaco * 1:200,000 * 1994 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
France - French Riviera * 1:225,000 * 2000 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
France - French Riviera, Alps-Maritimes * 1:100,000 * 2001/2002 * Michelin (#115)
France - French Riviera/Provence * 1:200,000 * 2013 * Marco Polo
France - French Riviera/Provence * 1:200,000 * 2011 * Marco Polo
France - Marseille, Toulon, Nice * 1:200,000 * 1997 * Michelin (#84)
France - Normandy * 1:250,000 * 1992 * RAC
France - Northern * 1:1,000,000 * 2012 * Michelin
France - Northern * 1:250,000 * [1993?] * RAC
France - Pontarlier-Grenoble * 1:200,000 * 1980 * Michelin (#92)
France - Provence * 1:200,000 * 2000 * Baedekers
France - South-West * 1:250,000 * [1992?] * RAC
France - Southern * 1:1,000,000 * 2014 * Michelin
France - Vosges-Alsace * 1:200,000 * 1999/2000 * Michelin (#87)
Frankfurt to Fraser Valley
Frankfurt * Germany * 1:20,000 * [2000?] * ADAC
Fraser Lake * British Columbia * [No scale] * 1990
Fraser Valley * British Columbia * See also: Vancouver and Fraser Valley
Fraser Valley/Vancouver * British Columbia (2) * Various scales * 2007 * ITMB
Fraser Valley (2) * British Columbia * 1:37,500 * 2005 * Rand McNally
Fraser Valley * British Columbia * 1:100,000 * 1997 * ITMB
Fraser Valley * British Columbia * 1:45,000 * 1993 * BCAA
Fredericton to Fruitvale
Fredericton, New Brunswick * See also: Saint John/Fredericton * New Brunswick
Fredericton * New Brunswick * Various scales * 2001 * City of Fredericton
Fredericton * New Brunswick * 1:25,000 * 1996 * Rand McNally
Freeport City, Bahamas * See: Caribbean Islands
Fremont * California * 1980 * The Map Box
French Guiana * See also: Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana) or Guyana, Suriname & French Guiana
French Guiana (2) * (Guyane) * 1:500,000 * 1998 * ITMB
French Riviera, Northern Italy * See: Alps - French Riviera, Northern Italy
Fruitvale * British Columbia * 1985 * Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Planning Dept.
G - Gabon to Guyane
Gab-Gda | Gee-Geo | Germany | Gha-Gre | Great | Gre-Gro | Gua-Guy
Gabon to Gdansk
Gabon (2) * 1:980,000 * 2001 * ITMB
Gaborone, Botswana * See: Botswana
Gabriola Island * British Columbia * 1:50,000 * 2001 * Gabriola Island Chamber of Commerce
Gabriola Island * British Columbia * [No scale] * 1997 * Preston Graphics
Galapagos Islands * Ecuador * 1:420,000 * 2006 * ITMB
Galapagos Islands * Ecuador * 1:500,000 * 1998 (3rd edition) * ITMB
Galapagos Islands, Quito & Guayaquil * Ecuador * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
Galapagos Islands, Quito & Guayaquil * Ecuador * Various scales * 2012 * ITMB
Galiano Island * British Columbia * 1:28,000 * (added 2002) * Coast Map Corp.
Gambia * See also: Senegal and Gambia
Gambia * 1:350,000 * 1999 * ITMB
Gander (2) * Newfoundland * [No scale] * [No date] * Town of Gander
Garibaldi Highlands, British Columbia * See: Whistler
Garibaldi Region, British Columbia * See: Whistler
Gatineau, Quebec * See: Quebec - Outaouais/Gatineau
Gdansk * Poland * 1:15,000 * 1992 * PPWK
Gdansk * Poland * 1:15,000 * 1991 * PPWK
Geelong to Georgia
Geelong * Australia * 1:20,000; 1:90,000 * [1986?] * Gregory's
Geneva * Switzerland * 1:12,000 * 2011 * Hallwag
Geneva * Switzerland * 1:13,000-1:21,000 * 1988 * Falk
Geneva * Switzerland * 1:12,500 * 1989-90 * Plans-Guides Blay
Geneva & Switzerland * Various scales * 2014 * ITMB
Genoa * Italy * 1:10,000 * 1990 * Istituto Geografico
Georgia & Armenia * 1:430,000 * 2016 * ITMB
Georgia, Republic of * See also: Russia
Georgia, Republic of * 1:625,000 * 1999 (2nd edition) * ITMB
Georgia * United States * 1992-93 * Georgia Department of Transportation
Georgia * United States * 1991-92 * Georgia Department of Transportation
See also: individual city names, for example, Berlin
Germany * 1:800,000 * 2017 * AA Media Limited
Germany * 1:750,000 * 2012 * Michelin
Germany * 1:800,000 * 2010 * Marco Polo
Germany * 1:3,000,000 * Rand McNally [Fodor's 2002]
Germany * 1:750,000 * 1997 * Michelin
Germany * 1:800,000 * 1996 * American Map
Germany * 1:1,000,000 * [1992?] * Baedekers/Mairs
Germany - Eastern * See: Berlin & Eastern Germany
Germany - Northern * 1:500,000 * 2007 * ITMB
Germany - Southern * 1:415,000 * 2016 * ITMB
Germany - Southern * 1:500,000 * 2007 * ITMB
Germany - Regions - Michelin Series - 1:300,000 * 6 maps cover the country at a 1:300,000 scale. Index is on back of each map sheet.
Germany - Central-East * 1:300,000 * 2001 * Michelin (418)
Germany - Central-West * 1:300,000 * 2001 * Michelin (417)
Germany - North-East * 1:300,000 * 1999 * Michelin (416)
Germany - North-West * 1:300,000 * 2001 * Michelin (415)
Germany - South-East * 1:300,000 * 2001 * Michelin (420)
Germany - South-West * 1:300,000 * 2001 * Michelin (419)
Germany - Regions - Ravenstein Series - 1:150,000
Germany - Aachen-Dusseldorf-Koblenz 161 * 1:150,000 * 1980/81 * Ravenstein
Germany - Bayerischer Wald 179 (Bavaria, Northeast) * 1:150,000 * 1981/82 * Ravenstein
Germany - Bayreuth 168 * 1:150,000 * 1981/82 * Ravenstein
Germany - Bergisches Land Sauerland 162 (Dortmund and Essen) * 1:150,000 * 1980/81 * Ravenstein
Germany - Bremen (and area)/Hamburg 155 * 1:150,000 * 1978/79 * Ravenstein
Germany - Eifel-Hunsruck 164 * 1:150,000 * 1979/80 * Ravenstein
Germany - Frankfurt a.Main (and area) 165 * 1:150,000 * 1982/83 * Ravenstein
Germany - Hochrhein 180 * 1:150,000 * 1978/79 * Ravenstein
Germany - Karlsruhe-Freiburg 175 * 1:150,000 * 1978/79 * Ravenstein
Germany - Koln-Ruhrgebiet 160 (Cologne and Ruhr Valley) * 1:150,000 * 1980/81 * Ravenstein
Germany - Luneburger Heide * Elbufer-Drawehn 156 * 1:150,000 * 1978/79 * Ravenstein
Germany - Nordhessen 163 (North Hessen) * 1:150,000 * 1979 * Ravenstein
Germany - Nurnberg u. Umgebung (and area) 173 * 1:150,000 * 1981/82 * Ravenstein
Germany - Oberschwaben-Bodensee 181 (Black Forest Area) * 1:150,000 * 1979 * Ravenstein
Germany - Saarland-Pfalz 170 * 1:150,000 * 1978/79 * Ravenstein
Germany - Stuttgart-Mannheim 176 * 1:150,000 * 1978/79 * Ravenstein
Germany - Vogelsberg-Rhon Spessart 166 * 1:150,000 * 1981/82 * Ravenstein
Germany - Weserbergland-Harz 159 * 1:150,000 * 1978/79 * Ravenstein
Germany - Regions - Ravenstein Series - 1:250,000
Germany - Harz-Heide-Weser 214 * 1:250,000 * 1981/82 * Ravenstein
Germany - Harz-Thuringen 6206 * 1:250,000 * 1990/91 * Ravenstein
Germany - Hessen 208 * 1:250,000 * 1982/83 * Ravenstein
Germany - Mecklenburg Nordl.Mark and Brandenburg 6205 (Mecklenburg and North Brandenburg) * 1:250,000 * 1990/91 * Ravenstein
Germany - Mittelrhein-Pfalz-Saar 202 (Middle Rhine and Saar) * 1:250,000 * 1982/83 * Ravenstein
Germany - Neckar-Schwarzwald-Bodensee 201 * 1:250,000 * 1981/82 * Ravenstein
Germany - Nordost-Bayern 237 (Northern Bavaria) * 1:250,000 * 1980/82 * Ravenstein
Germany - Rheinland-Ruhrgebiet 203 * 1:250,000 * 1981/82 * Ravenstein
Germany - Sachsen Sudl.Mark Brandenburg 6207 (Saxony and South Brandenburg) * 1:250,000 * 1990-91 * Ravenstein
Germany - Schleswig-Holstein 204 * 1:250,000 * 1981/82 * Ravenstein
Germany - Other
Germany - Rhine River * [No scale] * [No date] * Stolluss Verlag
Germany - Rhon * 1:100,000 * [No date] * Ravenstein
Germany - Schneeberg-Raxalpe-Semmeringgebiet * 1:100,000 * [199?] * Freytag and Berndt
Germany - Waldviertel and Strudengau * 1:100,000 * [199?] * Freytag and Berndt
Germany - Wienerwald * 1:100,000 * [199?] * Freytag and Berndt
Ghana to Great Barrier Reef
Ghana * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
Ghana * 1:500,000 * 2005 * ITMB
Ghana * 1:750,000 * 1996 * ITMB
Ghana - South * See also: Accra & Ghana South
Gibraltar * See: Spain - Costa del Sol and Gibraltar
Gibsons/Sechelt/Sunshine Coast * British Columbia * Various scales * 1996 * Canadian Cartographic
Gibsons, British Columbia * See also: Nanaimo and Vancouver Island * British Columbia - Sunshine Coast
Glasgow * Scotland (2) * 1:19,000 * 1997 * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
Glasgow * Scotland * 4 inches = 1 mile * 1987 * Geographia
Gloucester * England * 4.5 inches = 1 mile * [1986?] * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
Goa * India * 1:160,000 * 1995 * TTK Pharma
Gore, New Zealand * See: New Zealand (Queenston, Milford Sound)
Goteborg * Sweden * 1;100,000 * 1993 * Esselte Kartor
Gozo, Malta * See: Malta and Gozo
Grand Forks * British Columbia * [No scale] * [2000?] * Grand Forks Chamber of Commerce
Grand Rapids * Michigan * 1980 * Mid-Michigan Map Services/Universal Map Enterprises
Grande Prairie * Alberta * [1993?] * RE/MAX
Grande Prairie * Alberta * [1993?] * Canterra Real Estate
Granisle * British Columbia * [1984?]
Granville Island, Vancouver * See: Vancouver - Granville Island
Graz * Austria * [1989?] * Bollmann
Great Barrier Reef, Queensland * See: Australia - Great Barrier Reef
Great Britain to Greater Vancouver
Great Britain * 1:550,000 * 2014 * Collins
Great Britain * 1:550,000 * 2013 * Collins
Great Britain * 1:720,000 * 2013 * ITMB
Great Britain * 1:550,000 * 2011 * Collins
Great Britain * 1:550,000 * 2006 * Collins
Great Britain * Various scales * 2002 * Rand McNally
Great Britain * 1:1,100,000 * [1998?] * ITMB
Great Britain * 1:1,100,000 * 1987 * Penguin
Great Britain * A-Z Reversible Road Map * 1:728,640 * 1988 * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
Great Britain * Britain for Cyclists * 1 inch = 33.3 miles * 1997 * British Tourist Authority
Great Britain * England & Wales (2) * 1:580,000 * 2015 * ITMB
Great Britain * England East, Southeast & Midlands * 1:400,000 * 2014 * Michelin
Great Britain * England North & Midlands * 1:400,000 * 2013 * Michelin
Great Britain * Inland Waterways Map (Canals) * 1:443,570 * 1995 * Nicholson Leisure
Great Britain * London & England South / Wales (3) * Various scales * 2014 * ITMB
Great Britain - Cotswolds and Wyedean * 1:200,000 * [1982?] * Estate (Leisure)
Great Britain - Devon * 1:200,000 * [1982?] * Estate (Leisure)
Great Britain - Devon and Cornwall * 1:200,000 * [1982?] * Estate (Leisure)
Great Britain - England and Scotland Borders * 1:200,000 * [1982?] * Estate (Leisure)
Great Britain - English Shires (Derbyshire; Leicestershire; Lincolnshire; Northamptonshire; Nottinghamshire) * 1:200,000 * [No date] * Estate (Leisure)
Great Britain - North West England * 1:200,000 * [1991?] * Estate (Leisure)
Great Britain - Scotland, Southern * See: Great Britain, England and Scotland Borders
Great Britain - South East England * 1:200,000 * [1991?] * Estate (Leisure)
Great Britain - Staffordshire, Shropshire and West Midlands * 1:200,000 * [1982?] * Estate (Leisure)
Great Britain - Surrey and Sussex * 1:150,000 * [1982?] * Estate (Leisure)
Great Britain - Thames and Chilterns * 1:200,000 * [1982?] * Estate (Leisure)
Great Britain - Thames and Chilterns * 1:200,000 * [1991?] * Estate (Leisure)
Great Britain - Wessex (Avon, Dorset, Somerset, Wiltshire) * 1:200,000 * [1991?] * Estate (Leisure)
Great Britain - Yorkshire and Humberside * 1:200,000 * [1991?] * Estate (Leisure) Outdoor Leisure
Great Britain - Aviemore and the Cairngorms * 1:25,000 * 1982 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.)(Outdoor Leisure)
Great Britain - Brecon Beacons, Central Area * 1:25,000 * 1981 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.)(Outdoor Leisure)
Great Britain - Brecon Beacons, Eastern Area * 1:25,000 * 1976 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.)(Outdoor Leisure)
Great Britain - The Cuillin and Torridon Hills * 1:25,000 * 1987 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.)(Outdoor Leisure)
Great Britain - Lake District, N.E. * 1:25,000 * 1989 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.) (Outdoor Leisure)
Great Britain - Lake District, N.W. * 1:25,000 * 1989 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.) (Outdoor Leisure)
Great Britain - Lake District, S.E. * 1:25,000 * 1989 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.) (0utdoor Leisure)
Great Britain - Lake District, S.W. * 1:25,000 * 1990 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.) (Outdoor Leisure)
Great Britain - New Forest * 1:25,000 * 1982 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.) (Outdoor Leisure)
Great Britain - Peak District * 1:25,000 * 1991 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.) (Outdoor Leisure)
Great Britain - Purbeck * 1:25,000 * 1985 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.) (Outdoor Leisure)
Great Britain - Snowdonia, Harlech and Bala * 1:25,000 * 1985 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.) (Outdoor Leisure)
Great Britain - Snowdonia, Harlech Area * 1:25,000 * 1982 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.) (Outdoor Leisure)
Great Britain - South Devon * 1:25,000 * 1986 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.) (Outdoor Leisure)
Great Britain - South Pennines * 1:25,000 * 1984 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.) (Outdoor Leisure)
Great Britain - Yorkshire Dales, Southern Area * 1:25,000 * 1985 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.)(Outdoor Leisure)
Great Britain - Yorkshire Dales, Western Area * 1:25,000 * 1989 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.)(Outdoor Leisure)
Great Britain - The White Peak * 1:25,000 * 1980 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.) (Outdoor Leisure)
Great Britain - Wye Valley and Forest of Dean * 1:25,000 * 1988 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.)(Outdoor Leisure)
Great Britain - Central Scotland and Northumberland * 1:250,000 * 1987 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.)(Routemaster)
Great Britain - East Midlands and Yorkshire * 1:250,000 * 1987 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.)(Routemaster)
Great Britain - England, Northern * 1:250,000 * 1987 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.) (Routemaster)
Great Britain - England, South East * 1:250,000 * 1987 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.)(Routemaster)
Great Britain - England, South West and Wales, South * 1:250,000 * 1987 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.)(Routemaster)
Great Britain - Northern Scotland * 1:250,000 * 1987 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.) (Routemaster)
Great Britain - Orkney, Shetland and the Western Isles * 1:250,000 * 1988 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.)(Routemaster)
Great Britain - Wales and West Midlands * 1:250,000 * 1987 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.) (Routemaster)
Great Britain - Western and Central Scotland * 1:250,000 * 1987 * Ordnance Survey (U.K.)(Routemaster)
Great Lakes (2) * Canada and United States * 1:1,000,000 * 2014 * ITMB
Great Wall * China * See: Beijing and the Great Wall
Greater Vancouver, British Columbia * See: Vancouver (Greater), British Columbia
Greece to Grodno
Greece * 1:700,000 * 2015 * Michelin
Greece (2) * 2013 * Greek National Tourism Organisation
Greece * Greece & the Islands * 1:300,000 * 2010 * Marco Polo
Greece * 1:700,000 * 2004 * Michelin
Greece * 1:1,500,000 * 2000 * Baedeker's
Greece * 1:700,000 * 2000 * Michelin
Greece - Athens, Peloponnese and Cyclades * 1:400,000 * [1989?] * Clyde
Greece - Chios, Lesvos, Limnos * 1:150,000 * [1989?] * Freytag and Berndt
Greece - Corfu * See: Corfu, Greece
Greece - Greek Islands * 1:125,000 * 2001 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Greece - Khalkidiki, Salonica * 1:200,000 * [1989?] * Freytag and Berndt
Greece - Pelion, Skiathos, Skopelos * 1:100,000 * [1989?] * Freytag and Berndt
Greece - Rhodes and the Dodecanese * 1:115,000; 1:135,000 * [1989?] * Clyde
Greenland * See also: Denmark and Greenland
Greenland & North Pole * Various scales * 2013 * ITMB
Greenland & North Pole * Various scales * 2010 * ITMB
Greenwood * British Columbia * 1:5,000 * [1990?] * Planning and Development Department, Regional District of Kootenay Boundary
Grenada, Windward Islands * West Indies * [1966?]
Grenadines * See: St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Grenoble * France * 1:12,500 * 1981 * Plans-Guides Blay
Grodno * Belarus * 1:18,000 * 1993 * Belarus Committee of Geodesy
Guadalajara to Guyane
Guadalajara * Mexico * 1:12,500 * 2003 * ITMB
Guadeloupe * See also: Martinique & Guadeloupe
Guadeloupe/St-Martin/St-Barthelemy * 1:80,000 * 2016 * Michelin
Guam Island * United States * 1982 * Government of Guam
Guangzhou, China * See also: China - Pearl River Delta
Guangzhou, China * See also: China South & Guangzhou
Guangzhou * China * 1985 * Cartographic Publishing House
Guangzhou * China * 1980 * Brandt
Guatemala * See also: Central America
Guatemala * 1:470,000 * 2014 * ITMB
Guatemala * 1:500,000 * 2001 (4th edition) * ITMB
Guatemala * 1:500,000 * 1997 * ITMB
Guatemala - Eastern * See also: Belize & Eastern Guatemala
Guayaquil, Ecuador * See: Galapagos Islands, Quito & Guayaquil
Guelph * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 1992-3 * City of Guelph
Guelph/Elora/Fergus * Ontario * Various scales * 2004 * MapArt
Guelph/Elora/Fergus * Ontario * 1:250,000 * 1987 * MapArt
Guernsey * Channel Islands * Great Britain * 1 cm = 294 m. * [1997?] * GHATA
Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana) * 1:1,200,000 * 1999 * ITMB
Guilin * China * 1986 * Cartographic Publishing House
Guilin * China * 1982 * Cartographic Publishing House
Gulf Islands, British Columbia * See also: Duncan & Gulf Islands or Victoria/Gulf Islands or Vancouver Island/Sunshine Coast/Gulf Islands
Gulf Islands (2) * British Columbia * 1:60,000 * 2004 * ITMB
Gulf Islands * British Columbia * 1:60,000 * 1999 (3rd edition) * ITMB
Gulf Islands * British Columbia * Bicycler's map of the Gulf Islands * 1:100,000 * 1987 * Eagle Eye Maps
Gutersloh * Germany * 1:4,500 * 1988 * Bollmann
Guyana * See also: Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guyana)
Guyana (2) * 1:850,000 * 1998 * ITMB
Guyana, Suriname & French Guiana * 1:850,000 * 2012 * ITMB
Guyane * See: French Guiana
H - Haarlem to Hyderabad
Haa-Han | Har-Haz | Hei-Hir | Hob-Hro | Hud-Hyd
Haarlem to Hanoi
Haarlem * Netherlands * 1:10,000 * [1989?] * Falk
Hague (2) * Netherlands * 1:15,000-1:25,000 * [1989?] * Falk
Haida Gwaii * British Columbia * See also: Queen Charlotte Islands
Haida Gwaii * British Columbia * Various scales * [received 2011] * Mussio Ventures
Haiti * See also: Dominican Republic/Haiti
Haiti/Dominican Republic * 1:816,000 * 1985 * Karto and Grafik
Haiti * [No scale] * [1986] * Office National Tourisme
Halfmoon Bay, British Columbia * See: Sunshine Coast
Halifax * Nova Scotia * Various scales * 2018 * MapArt
Halifax * Nova Scotia * 1:25,000 * 1997 * Rand McNally
Halifax/Dartmouth * Nova Scotia * Various scales * 1992-93 * Allmaps/Rand McNally (Streetfinder)
Halifax Regional Municipality * Nova Scotia * 1:25,000 * 2004 * MapArt
Hamburg * Germany * 1:15,000 * 1996 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Hamburg * Germany * 1:20,000-1:30,000 * [1991?] * Falk
Hamilton, Bermuda * See: Bermuda
Hamilton * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 2004 * MapArt
Hamilton * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 2000 * Rand McNally
Hamilton/Wentworth (Transit) * Ontario * 1:26,400 * 1991 * Dunmap
Hamilton, New Zealand * See: New Zealand
Hangzhou * China * 1:28,500 * 1983 * Universal Publications
Hangzhou * China * 1984 * Cartographic Publishing House
Hannover * Germany * 1:15,000-1:34,000 * [1990] * Falk
Hanoi * Vietnam * Various scales * [received 2002] * ITMB
Hanoi & Vietnam North * Vietnam * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
Harare to Hazelton
Harare and Bulawayo * Zimbabwe * 1:34,600/1:26,200 * 2000 * ITMB
Harbin * China * 1989 * Cartographic Publishing House
Harrison Hot Springs * British Columbia * 1990 * Corporation of the District of Kent
Hartford (Transit) * Connecticut * Bus System Route Map * 1993
Hartford County (Streetfinder) * Connecticut * United States * 1 15/16 inches = 1 mile * 1994 * Rand McNally
Havana * Cuba * 1:9,000 * 2009 * Freytag & Berndt
Havana * Cuba * 1:11,520 * 2002 * Cognoscenti
Havana & Cuba West * Various scales * 2012 * ITMB
Havre, Le (France) * See: Le Havre
Hawaii * Hawaiian Islands * 1:150,000/1:400,000 * 1998 * ITMB
Hawaii * United States * 1:250,000/1:495,000 * 2003 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Hawaii & Honolulu * United States * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
Hawaii & Honolulu * United States * Various scales * 2011 * ITMB
Hawaii - Honolulu * See: Honolulu
Hawaii - Kaua'i * See: Kauai, United States or Hawaiian Islands, United States
Hawaii - Lanai * See: Maui, Molokai and Lanai, United States * or Hawaiian Islands, United States
Hawaii - Maui * See: Maui, Molokai and Lanai, United States * or Hawaiian Islands, United States
Hawaii - Molokai * See: Maui, Molokai and Lanai, United States * or Maui, Molokai and Lanai, United States or * Hawaiian Islands, United States
Hawaii - Oahu * See: Honolulu and Oahu, United States * or Hawaiian Islands, United States or Oahu/Honolulu & Big Island
Hawaiian Islands (includes Kauai/Oahu/Molokai/Lanai/Maui/Hawaii) * United States * 1:125,000/1:330,000 * [rec'd 2003] * Nelles Verlag
Hawaiian Islands (includes Interisland Air Travel) * Various scales * Rand McNally [Fodor's 2002]
Heidelberg to Hiroshima
Heidelberg * Germany * 1:16,000 * 1990 * Falk
Heidelberg * Germany * 1:10,000 * [No date] * Haupka
Heilbronn * Germany * 1:3,500 * 1988 * Bollmann
Helsinki * Finland * 1:10,000 * 2007 * ITMB
Helsinki (2) * Finland * 1:15,100 * 1989 * Kartogrfiai Vllalat
Helsinki & Finland South * Finland * Various scales * 2012 * ITMB High River and Okotoks * Alberta * 1983 * Profile Publications
Hildesheim * Germany * 1:3,500 * 1987 * Bollmann
Hillsborough County (Transit) * Florida * Transit Guide * 1992
Himalaya * 1:1,500,000 * [1997?] * Nelles Verlag
Hiroshima * Japan * 1:15,000/1:70,000 * [1982?] * Japan Guide Map Co.
Hobart to Hrodna
Hobart * Tasmania * Australia * Various scales * 1993 * UBD
Ho Chi Minh City * Vietnam * 1:18,000 * 1996 * ITMB
Ho Chi Minh City & Mekong Delta * Vietnam * Various scales * 2014 * ITMB
Hokkaido, Japan * See also: Japan - North & Hokkaido
Hokkaido (2) * Japan * 1:850,000 * [received 2001] * ITMB
Holland * See: Netherlands
Homel, Belarus * See: Belarus
Honduras * See also: Central America
Honduras * 1:750,000 * 2006 * ITMB
Honduras * 1:750,000 * 2000 * ITMB
Hong Kong * China * [No scale] * [received 2015] * Panda
Hong Kong * China * 1:15,000 * 2013 * Marco Polo
Hong Kong * China * Various scales * 1999 * Lonely Planet City Map Series
Hong Kong * China * 1:22,500 * [1998?] * Nelles
Hong Kong * China * Various scales * 1997 * ITMB
Hong Kong * China * 1:15,000 * 1993 * American Map
Hong Kong * China * 1:10,000 * 1993 * Baedekers
Hong Kong and Kowloon * Various scales * 2004/2005 * Periplus Travel Maps
Hong Kong and Kowloon * Various scales * 1999 * Periplus Travel Maps
Hong Kong & Region * China * Various scales * 2013 * ITMB
Honolulu, Hawaii * See also: Hawaii & Honolulu or Oahu/Honolulu & Big Island
Honolulu * Hawaii * Various scales * [1998?] * Rand McNally
Honolulu (Transit) * Hawaii * Bus Route Map * 1992
Honolulu and Oahu * United States * 1:35,000/1:125,000 * [rec'd 2003] * Nelles Verlag
Hope * British Columbia (2)* [No scale] * [2001?] * Hope and District Chamber of Commerce (Includes: Laidlaw, Sunshine Valley, Yale, Spuzzum, Boston Bar/North Bend)
Houston * British Columbia * [No scale] * [1994?] * Calderwood Realty
Houston * Texas * 1:37,000 * 1996 * Rand McNally
Houston (Transit) * Texas * Metro System Map * 1993
Hrodna, Belarus * See: Belarus
Hudson to Hyderabad
Hudson County * New York * Transit Guide * 1991
Hull, Quebec * See also: Ottawa/Hull
Hull, Aylmer, Gatineau * Quebec * 1:1,300 * 1978 * Pathfinder
Hungary * See also: Slovakia & Hungary
Hungary * 1:400,000 * 2014 * Michelin
Hungary * 1:400,000 * 2005 * ITMB
Hungary * 1:400,000 * 2002 * Michelin
Hungary * 1:550,000 * 1997 * Hungarian Tourist Board
Hungary & Budapest * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst and Muskoka District * Ontario * 1982 * National Map Service
Hyderabad (City) * Andhra Pradesh * India * 1:40,000 * 1994 * TT Maps and Publications Ltd.
I - Ibadan to Ivory Coast
Iba-Ill | Indi | Indo-Inv | Ioc-Ira | Ire | Isf-Ist | Ita-Ivo
Ibadan to Illinois
Ibadan * Nigeria * 5 cm = 1 km * [received 1996] * Nigerian Mapping Company
Ibiza, Spain * See also: Balearic Islands * or Majorca, Spain
Ibiza/Formentera (2) * Spain * 1:100,000 * [1989?] * Baedekers
Iceland * 1:500,000 * 2017 * Michelin
Iceland * 1:500,000 * 2016 * Michelin
Iceland * 1:400,000 * 2015 * ITMB
Iceland * 1:425,000 * 2012 * ITMB
Iceland * 1:600,000 * 2011 * Globetrotter
Iceland * 1:600,000 * 2005 * Globetrotter
Iceland * 1:898,000 * 2000 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Iceland * 1:500,000 * 1995 * Iceland Geodetic Survey
Idre, Sweden * See: Sweden, Lofsdalen-Idre
Iles Belep * See: New Caledonia
Iles de la Madeleine * Quebec * 1:50,000 * 1989 * Government of Quebec
Iles des Pins * See: New Caledonia
Iles Loyaute * See: New Caledonia
Illinois * United States * 1 inch = 12 miles * 1991-92 * State of Illinois
Illinois * United States * 1 inch = 16 miles * [1992?] * Rand McNally
India to Indianapolis
India * See also: Agra * Allahabad * Andhra Pradesh * Chandigarh * Goa * Hyderabad * Jaipur * Karnataka * Madhya Pradesh * Maharashtra * Pondicherry * Sikkim * Udaipur * West Bengal
India * 1:2,100,000 * 2012 * ITMB
India * 1:4,000,000 * 2011 * Globetrotter
India * 1:2,100,000 * 2006 * ITMB
India * 1:2,400,000 * 2003 * ITMB
India, East * See also: Bangladesh & India East
India - Eastern * 1:1,500,000 * [1991?] * Nelles
India - Indian Subcontinent * 1:4,000,000 * [1991?] * Nelles
India - North * 1:1,500,000 * [1991?] * Nelles
India - North and West * 1:1,900,000 * 2009 * ITMB
India - Northeast * See: Sikkim & India - Northeast
India - Northern * See also: Bhutan & Northern India
India - South * See also: Sri Lanka & South India
India - South * 1:1,300,000 * 2016 * ITMB
India - South * 1:1,500,000 * [1991?] * Nelles
India - Southern * 1:2,500,000 * 2004 * Globetrotter
India - West * 1:1,500,000 * [1991?] * Nelles
Indiana * United States * 1991-92 * Indiana Dept. of Natural Resources
Indianapolis * Indiana * Metro System Map * 1992
Indianapolis (2) * Indiana * 1 inch = .67 miles * [1988?] * Rand McNally
Indonesia to Invermere
Indonesia * See also: Asia, South East Indonesia * 1:2,400,000 * 2006 * ITMB
Indonesia * Various scales * 2011 * Periplus
Indonesia * Various scales * 2001 * Collins
Indonesia * 1:4,000,000 * [2000?] * ITMB/Estate Publ.
Indonesia - Bali * Various scales * 2004-05 * Periplus Travel Maps
Indonesia - Bali * 1:250,000 * [1993?] * Periplus
Indonesia - Bali & Lombok * Various scales * 2012 * ITMB
Indonesia - East Java * 1:1,500,000 * [1993?] * Periplus
Indonesia - Java * various scales * [1996?] * Periplus
Indonesia - Java Central * 1:1,500,000 * [1993?] * Periplus
Indonesia - Lombok * 1:200,000 * [1993?] * Periplus
Indonesia Regions - Nelles Map Series 7 maps cover the country at scales ranging from 1:800,000 to 1:1,500,000. Index is on the back of each map sheet.
Indonesia - Bali (Map #3) * 1:180,000 * [199?] * Nelles Verlag (2 copies)
Indonesia - Irian Jaya (Map #7) * 1:1,500,000 * [1991?] * Nelles
Indonesia - Java and Bali (Map #5) * 1:650,000 * [1989?] * Nelles
Indonesia - Java and West Nusa Tenggara (Map #2) * 1:1,500,000 * [1988?] * Nelles
Indonesia - Sulawesi (Map #6) * 1:1,500,000 * 1991 * Nelles<
Indonesia - Sumatra * 1:1,100,000 * 2010 * ITMB
Indonesia - Sumatra (Map #1) * 1:1,500,000 * 1991 * Nelles (2 copies)
Innsbruck * Austria * 1:10,000 * [1987?] * Freytag and Berndt
Inuvik * Northwest Territories * Canada * [No scale] * 1989 * Canoma
Invercargill, New Zealand * See: New Zealand
Invermere, British Columbia * See also: Columbia Valley
Invermere and Columbia Valley, British Columbia * See also: Trails-British Columbia - Invermere and Columbia Valley
Invermere and Columbia Valley * British Columbia * 1:100,000 * 1992 * ITMB
Ioco to Iraq
Ioco, Anmore, Bedwell Bay and Belcarra * British Columbia * 1 inch = 400 feet * 1979
Iowa (2) * Unites States * 1:750,000 * 1991 * Iowa Dept. of Transportation
Ipoh Town * Malaysia * [No scale] * [1967?] * Shell
Ipswich * Australia * [1991?] * Universal Business Directories
Ipswich * England * 1:10,000 * 1979 * Ordnance Survey
Iran * See also: Middle East, Tehran & Northern Iran
Iran * 1:1,800,000 * 2005 * ITMB
Iran * 1:2,500,000 * 1999 (1st edition) (2) * ITMB
Iran (2) * 1:2,000,000 * 1994 * GeoCenter
Iran * 1:2,500,000 * 1990 * Sahab Geographic and Drafting Institute
Iran & Tehran * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
Iraq * See also: Middle East
Iraq, Kuwait & The Gulf * 1:2,500,000 * 2003 * Collins
Iraq * 1:1,200,000 * 2002 * ITMB
Iraq * 1:1,200,000 * 1986 * Gita Shenassi Institute
Iraq * 1:1,500,000 * 1978 * State Establishment of Tourism
Iraq & Baghdad * Various scales * 2011 * ITMB
Ireland * 1:570,240 * 2013 * Collins
Ireland * 1:570,240 * 2012 * Collins
Ireland * 1:300,000 * 2011 * Marco Polo
Ireland * 1:570,240 * 2005 * Collins
Ireland * 1:625,000 * (received 2002) * ITMB
Ireland * 1:550,000 * 2000 * Collins
Ireland - Aran Islands * 2.2 inches = 1 mile * 1980 * T. D. Robinson
Ireland - Burren * 1.8 inches = 1 mile * 1977 * T. D. Robinson
Ireland - Connemara * 1:63,360 * 1977 * Folding Landscapes
Ireland - Cork, Killarney * 1:253,440 * 1977 * Bartholomew
Ireland - Dublin, Roscommon * 1:253,440 * 1975 * Bartholomew
Ireland - East * 1:250,000 * 1998 * Ordnance Survey Office
Ireland - South * 1:350,000 (approx) * 2005 * Collins
Ireland - South * 1:250,000 * 1982 * Ordnance Survey Office
Ireland - West * 1:250,000 * 1981 * Ordnance Survey Office
Isfahan to Istanbul
Isfahan * Iran * 1:17,000 * 1993 * Sahab GDI
Islamabad and Rawalpindi * Pakistan * [No scale] * 1997 * Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation
Isle of Sark/Channel Islands * Great Britain * [No scale] * [1997?] * Isle of Sark Shipping Co.
Isle of Wight * England * 1 cm = 1.69 km * [No date] * Last Word Leisure Map
Isle of Wight (Towns) * England * 1:10,000 * 1982 * Ordnance Survey
Isles of Scilly * England * 1:25,000 * 1982 * Ordnance Survey
Israel * 1:500,000 * 2006 * Globetrotter
Israel * 1:450,000 * 1999 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Israel * 1:360,000 * 1996 * Hildebrand
Israel and Sinai * 1:400,000 * [1998?] * Freytag and Berndt
Israel & Palestine * 1:225,000 * 2014 * ITMB
Issaquah, Washington * See: Bellevue/Redmond/Kirkland/Issaquah, Washington
Istanbul * Turkey * 1:11,000 * 2001 * ITMB
Istanbul * Turkey * Various scales * 2000 * Lonely Planet City Map Series
Istanbul * Turkey * 1:24,000 * 1998 * Turkey, Ministry of Tourism
Istanbul & Western Turkey * Turkey * Various scales * 2012 * ITMB
Italy to Ivory Coast
Italy * 1:800,000 * 2017 * AA Media Limited
Italy * 1:1,000,000 * 2014 * Michelin
Italy * 1:800,000 * 2010 * Marco Polo
Italy (2) * Various scales * 2006 * Fodor's
Italy * 1:1,000,000 * 2004 * Michelin
Italy * 1:800,000 * 2003 * ITMB
Italy * 1:850,000 * 1999 * Baedeker
Italy (2) * 1:650,000 * [1989?] * Freytag and Bernd
Italy * 1:800,000 * 1988 * Ravenstein
Italy - Abruzzo * 1:250,000 * 1989 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Italy - Aosta * 1:250,000 * 1989 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Italy - Apulia * 1:250,000 * 1989 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Italy - Basilicata * 1:250,000 * 1989 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Italy - Campania * 1:250,000 * 1989 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Italy - Central * 1:460,000 * [1989?] * Freytag and Berndt
Italy - Central and North * 1:800,000 * 1989 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Italy - Central and Southern * 1:800,000 * 1989 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Italy - Emilia - Romagna * 1:300,000 * 1986 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Italy - Fruili * 1:250,000 * 1989 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Italy - Gulf of Naples * Various scales * 1989 * Hildebrand
Italy - Lake Garda * 1:100,000 * 1998 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Italy - Lazio * 1:250,000 * 1989* Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Italy - Liguria * 1:250,000 * 1986 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Italy - Marche * 1:200,000 * 1989 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Italy - Molise * 1:250,000 * 1986 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Italy - North * 1:500,000 * 2005 * ITMB
Italy - Northern * See: Alps - French Riviera, Northern Italy
Italy - Northeast * 1:460,000 * [1989?] * Freytag and Berndt
Italy - Northwest * 1:460,000 * [1989?] * Freytag and Berndt
Italy - Puglia * 1:250,000 * 1989 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Italy - Sardegna * 1:250,000 * 1986 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Italy - Sicily * 1:200,000 * 2012 * Marco Polo
Italy - Sicily * 1:425,000 * 1996 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Italy, South * See also: Rome & Italy South
Italy - South * 1:500,000 * 2005 * ITMB
Italy - Trentino Alto Adige * 1:250,000 * 1989 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Italy - Tuscany * 1:200,000 * 2010 * Marco Polo
Italy - Tuscany * 1:400,000 * 1999 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Italy - Umbria * 1:250,000 * 1986 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Ivory Coast * 1:800,000 * 2012 * Michelin
J - Jacksonville to Jurmala
Jac-Jam | Japan | Jas-Jur
Jacksonville to Jamaica
Jacksonville (2) * Florida * 1 inch = .65 miles * [1988?] * Rand McNally
Jaipur * Rajasthan * India * 1:25,000 * 1993 * Survey of India
Jaipur * Rajasthan * India * 1:23,000 * 1982 * Tamilnad Printers and Traders Pvt. Ltd.
Jakarta * Indonesia * Various scales * 2004-05 * Periplus Travel Maps
Jakarta * Indonesia * Various scales * 2001 * Periplus Travel Maps
Jakarta * Indonesia * 1:22,500 * [1991?] * Nelles
Jakarta * Indonesia * 1:15,000 * 1990/91 * Falk
Jamaica * See also: Cayman Islands & Jamaica
Jamaica * 1:250,000 * 2001 (3rd edition) * ITMB
Jamaica * 1:356,000 * [1998?] * American Map Corporation
Japan * 1:2,000,000 * 2005 * Globetrotter
Japan * 1:1,500,000 * 2000 * ITMB
Japan * 1:1,200,000; 1:500,000 * [1998?] * Nippon Kokuseisha
Japan * 1:3,000,000 * [1991?] * Baedekers
Japan - U.S. Bases: Tokyo, etc. * 1:130,000/1:20,000 * 1982 * Japan Guide Map Co.
Japan - Chugoku and Shikoku District * 1:600,000 * [1982?] * Japan Guide Map Co.
Japan - Hiroshima * 1:15,000 * [1991?] * Japan Guide Map Co.
Japan - Hokkaido and Tohoku Districts * 1:700,000 * [1982?] * Japan Guide Map Co.
Japan - Kamakura and Miura Peninsula * 1:40,000 * 1982/1991 * Japan Guide Map Co.
Japan - Kansai District * See also: Kansai, Japan
Japan - Kansai District * 1:600,000 * [1982?] * Japan Guide Map Co.
Japan - Kanto District (including Narita Airport and Expressways) * 1:500,000 * [1982?] * Japan Guide Map Co.
Japan - Kyushu Island * 1:500,000 * [1982?] * Japan Guide Map Co.
Japan - Mt. Fuji, Hakone, Izu Peninusula * 1:100,000 * [1982?] * Japan Guide Map Co.
Japan - North & Hokkaido * 1:800,000 * 2011 * ITMB
Japan - Saitama * 1:150,000 * 1990
Japan - South * See also: Kyoto & Japan - South
Japan - South * 1:670,000 * 2015 * ITMB
Japan - Tohoku District * See: Japan - Hokkaido
Japan - West * See: Kyoto & Japan - West
Japan - Western * See: Osaka & Western Japan
Jasper to Jurmala
Jasper, Alberta * See: Canada – Banff & Jasper National Parks
Jasper, Alberta * See: Canada (Except B.C.) Parks and Trails Map - Alberta
Java, Indonesia * See: Indonesia - Java
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia * See: Saudi Arabia
Jersey * Channel Islands * Great Britain * 1 cm = 326 m. * 1996 * D. Moran
Jersey * Channel Islands * Great Britain * 1:30,000 * 1979 * Clyde
Jerusalem, Israel * See also: Israel
Jerusalem * Israel * 1:8,000 * 2006 * Borch Map
Jerusalem * Israel * 1:9,000 * 2000 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Jerusalem (2) * Israel * 1:17,000 * 1995 * Carta
Jerusalem * Israel * 1989 * Recta Foldex
Jerusalem * Israel * Jerusalem & Holy Land * Various scales * 2014 * ITMB
Johannesburg * South Africa * 1:20,000 * 6th edition * Map Studio
Johor, Malaysia * See: Malaysia - Johor & Melaka
Jordan * 1:700,000 * 2003 * ITMB
Jordan * 1:800,000 * 2001 * Freytag and Berndt
Jordan * 1982 * Jordan. Ministry of Information
Juneau, Alaska * See also: Alaska
Juneau * Alaska * [No scale] * [No date] * Alaska Division of Tourism
Jurmala * Latvia * 1:20,000 * 1993 * Jana Seta
K - Kabul to Kyrgyzstan
Kab-Kaz | Kel-Ket | Khy-Kno | Kob-Kra | Kua-Kyr
Kabul to Kazakhstan
Kabul * Afghanistan * Kabul & Historic Khyber Pass * Various scales * 2012 * ITMB
Kahoolawe, United States * See: Maui, Molokai and Lanai, United States
Kaikohe, New Zealand * See: New Zealand
Kaikoura, N.Z. * See: New Zealand
Kaitaia, New Zealand * See: New Zealand
Kamchatka * Russia * Various scales * 2005 * ITMB
Kamchatka & Eastern Siberia * Russia * Various scales * 2016 * ITMB
Kamloops * British Columbia * Various scales * 2018 * MapArt
Kamloops * British Columbia * [No scale] * [No date] * Pathfinder Maps Marketing Service
Kamloops and Interlakes * British Columbia * 1:150,000 * 2007 * ITMB
Kamloops/Kelowna * British Columbia * 1:30,000 * 1995 * Rand McNally
Kamloops/Revelstoke/Vernon * British Columbia * 1:25,000 * 1998 * Rand McNally
Kansai * Japan * [No scale] * [2000?] * Kansai Council
Kansas City * Kansas/Missouri * Greater Kansas City * 1:50,000 * 1995 * Rand McNally
Kansas City (Transit) * Kansas/Missouri * Metro System Map * 1991 * Kansas City Area Transportation Authority
Kansas * 1993-94 * Kansas Dept. of Transportation
Karlsruhe * Germany * 1:14,000 - 1:30,000 * [2000?] * Falk
Karnataka * India * 1:1,130,000 * 1984 * Tamilnad Printers and Traders Pvt. Ltd.
Kashgar * China * [No scale] * [No date] * People's Printing House of Xinjiang
Kashmir * See: Himalaya
Kaslo * British Columbia * 1:5,000 * 1986/1988 * Planning Dept., Regional District of Central Kootenay
Kathmandu, Nepal * See also: Nepal
Kathmandu * Nepal * Various scales * 2002 (1st Edition) * Lonely Planet City Maps
Katowice * Poland * 1:20,000 * 1990 * PPWK
Kaua'i, Hawaii * See also: Hawaii - Kaua'
Kauai * United States * 1:125,000 * [rec'd 2003] * Nelles Verlag
Kawasaki * Japan * Various scales * [199?] * City of Kawasak
Kazakhstan * See also: Uzbekistan & Kazakhstan * or Asia, Central
Kazakhstan * 1:2,300,000 * 2006 * ITMB
Kazakhstan (with Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) * 1:3,000,000 * 2002 * Gizi Map
Kelowna to Ketchikan
Kelowna * British Columbia * See also: Kamloops/Kelowna * or British Columbia - Southeast British Columbia Communities * or British Columbia - Okanagan Communities / Kelowna
Kelowna * British Columbia * Various scales * 1997 * P.R. Services Ltd.
Kelowna and Southeast British Columbia Communities * Various scales * 1998 * Rand McNally
Kelowna/Okanagan Cities * British Columbia * 1:25,000 * 2004 * MapArt
Kennewick, Washington * See: Pasco/Richland/Kennewick
Kenora, Ontario * See: Thunder Bay, Ontario
Kentucky * United States * [1992?] * Rand McNally
Kentucky * United States * 1 inch = 12 miles * [1990?] * Kentucky Dept. of Travel Development
Kenya * 1:950,000 * 2014 * ITMB
Kenya * 1:2,800,000 * 2001 * ITMB
Kenya/Tanzania * 1:2,500,000 * 1999 * Cartographia
Kenya/Tanzania/Uganda * 1:2,000,000 * 1995 * Freytag and Berndt
Ketchikan, Alaska * See: Alaska
Khyber Pass to Knoxville
Khyber Pass * See: Kabul & Historic Khyber Pass
Kiel * Germany * 1:3,500 * 1988 * Bollmann
Kiel * Germany * 1:14,000-1:26,500 * [1988?] * Falk
Kielce * Poland * 1:15,500 * 1994 * PPWK
Kiev * Ukraine * 1:12,500/1:35,000 * 1992 * Freytag and Berndt
Kiev * Ukraine * 1979 * GUGK (central Kiev only)
Kilimanjaro * See: Tanzania - Kilimanjaro * or Tanzania [Trail maps file]
Kimberley, British Columbia * See also: British Columbia - Southeast British Columbia Communities
Kimberley * British Columbia * [No scale] * [received 1994] * Kimberley Chamber of Commerce; Travel Infocentre
King's Lynn * England * 1:10,000 * 1985 * Ordnance Survey
Kingston * Ontario (2) * 1:25,000 * 1998 * Rand McNally
Kingston/Belleville/Trenton * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 2005 * MapArt
Kingston/Kingston Township/Amherstview * Ontario * 1988 * Allmaps
Kingstown * See: St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Kinmen (county) * Taiwan * [No scale] * 1994 * Government of Kinmen County
Kirkland, Washington * See: Bellevue/Redmond/Kirkland/Issaquah, Washington
Kitchener/Waterloo/Cambridge * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 2004 * MapArt
Kitimat, British Columbia * See also: Prince George, British Columbia
Kitimat * British Columbia * [No scale] * [199?] * NRS Kitimat Realty
Klagenfurt * Austria * 1:15,000 * [1989?] * Freytag and Berndt
Knoxville (2) * Tennessee * 1982 * Rand McNally
Koblenz to Krakow
Koblenz * Germany * 1:20,000 * [1986?] * Haupka
Koblenz * Germany * 1:22,000-1:26,000 * 1989 * Falk
Kone Poindimie, New Caledonia * See: New Caledonia
Kootenay Region (East) * See: British Columbia – Kootenay (East)
Kootenay Region (West) * See: British Columbia - Kootenay Region (West)
Korea (North and South) * 1:1,500,000 * [1991?] * Nelles
Korea, North * 1:750,000 * 2007 * ITMB
Korea, South * Various scales * 2007 * Periplus
Korea, South * 95 Tourist Map * 1:800,000 * 1994 * Korea National Tourism Corporation
Korea, South * South Korea & Seoul * Various scales * 2017 * ITMB
Korea, South - Central Area * [No scale] * 1994 * Korean National Tourism Corporation
Korea, South - Seoul * Scale 1:5550,00 * 1:15,000 * 2007 * ITMB
Korea, South - Southwestern Area * [No scale] * 1994 * Korea National Tourism Corporation
Kosovo * 1:250,000 * [received 2002] * ITMB
Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia * See: Malaysia - Sabah and Kota Kinabalu
Koumac * See: New Caledonia
Kowloon * See also: Hong Kong and Kowloon
Kowloon * China * 1:11,900 * [1997?]
Kowloon * Hong Kong * 1:7,826 * 1986 * Universal Publications
Krakow * Poland * 1990 * Plan Miasta
Kuala Lumpur to Kyrgyzstan
Kuala Lumpur * See also: Malaysia * or Malaysia West
Kuala Lumpur * Malaysia * 1:10,000 * 2006 * ITMB
Kuala Lumpur * Malaysia * 1:12,500 * 2001 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Kuala Lumpur * Malaysia * 1:33,000/ 1:10,000 * 1995 * Periplus Editions
Kuching, Malaysia * See: Malaysia - Sabah and Sarawak
Kunming * China * 1985 * Cartographic Publishing House
Kuwait * See also: Saudi Arabia & Kuwait
Kuwait (2) * Various scales * 1993 * Gulf Union Company
Kyongju, South Korea * See: Pusan
Kyoto * Japan * Various scales * 2003/04 * Periplus
Kyoto * Japan * 1:12,500 * 2002 * ITMB
Kyoto & Japan - South * Various scales * 2011 * ITMB
Kyoto & Japan - West * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
Kyrgyzstan * See: Turkmenistan, Tajikistan & Kyrgyzstan * or Kazakhstan * or Asia, Central
L - La Conner to Lytton
La-Lan | Lao-Lav | Leb-Lex | Lib-Lim | Lin-Lju | Lof-Lond | Long-Lou | Lua-Lyt
La Conner to Lan
La Conner, Washington * See: Sedro-Woolley * Washington - Skagit County
Labrador * See also: Newfoundland and Labrador
Labrador * Newfoundland * 1:343,000 * 1995 * Newfoundland. Dept. of Tourism, Culture and Recreation
Labrador * Newfoundland * 1:1,343,000 * [1991?] * Government of Canada
Ladysmith, British Columbia * See: Nanaimo * or Vancouver Island
Lahore * Pakistan * [No scale] * 1997 * Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation
Laidlaw, British Columbia * See: Hope, British Columbia
Lake Louise, Alberta * See: Canada (Except B.C.) Parks and Trails Map Box - Alberta - Canadian Rockies Access Map
Lake Michigan * See: Chicago & Lake Michigan
Lake Tahoe * California/Nevada * 1:43,700 * 1992 * Rand McNally
Lakeland * Florida * 1981-82 * Universal Map Enterprises
Lana'i, Hawaii * See: Hawaii - Maui
Lanaudiere, Quebec * See: Quebec - Lanaudiere Region
Langdale, British Columbia * See: Sunshine Coast * or Nanaimo and Vancouver Island
Langford, British Columbia * See also: Victoria - Suburbs
Langford * British Columbia * [No scale] * [No date] * Langford Economic Development Commission
Langley, British Columbia * See also: Fraser Valley * or Maple Ridge/North Langley * or Surrey/Langley/White Rock
Langley * British Columbia * 1:28,000 * 2000 * Rand McNally
Lansing (Greater) * Michigan * [1986?] * Universal Map Services
Laos to Laval
Laos * See also: Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia
Laos * 1:1,200,000 * 1996 * ITMB
Laos & Cambodia * 1:900,000 * 2015 * ITMB
Laos & Cambodia * Various scales * 2012 * ITMB
Laos and Cambodia * 1:800,000 * 2000 (2nd edition) * ITMB
Las Vegas * Nevada * Various scales* 2005 * Fodor's
Latin America * Various Scales * 2008 * Globetrotter
Latkaia, Syria * See: Syria - Coastal Region
Latvia * See also: Baltic States * or Russia
Latvia & Riga * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
Laval * Quebec * 1:31,250 * 2005 * MapArt
Laval * Quebec * 1:25,000 * 1989-90 * Map Art
Lebanon to Lexington
Lebanon * 1:200,000 * 1998 [revised 4th edition] * GEOprojects
Lebanon & Beirut * Various scales * 2011 * ITMB
Leeds * Leeds Location Map * England * 1:50,000 * 1992 * Leeds Development Agency
Leeds * England * 1:18,103 * [1989?] * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
Lefkosia * See: Nicosia
Le Havre * France * 1:14,000 * 1982 * Plans Guides Blay
Le Havre/Dieppe/Amiens * France * 1:200,000 * 2001 * Michelin
Leicester * England * 1:15,840 * 1989 * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
Leipzig * Germany * 1:15,000 * 1981 * Falk
Lemesos, Cyprus * See: Limassol, Cyprus
Leningrad * See also: St. Petersburg
Leningrad * Russia * 1:19,000-1:24,000 * [1989?] * Falk
Leningrad (2) * Russia * 1:19,000-1:24,000 * [1992?] * Baedekers
Lesotho * See also: South Africa/Lesotho/Swaziland
Lesotho * 1:250,000 * 1994 * Lesotho Government
Lesotho * 1979 * Automobile Association of South Africa
Lethbridge * Alberta * 1:25,000 * 2023 * MapArt
Lethbridge * Alberta * 1:25,000 * 1996 * Rand McNally
Lethbridge/Medicine Hat * Alberta * 1:25,000 * 2001 * MapArt
Leuven * Belgium * 1:12,500 * [1989?] * Falk
Lexington * Kentucky * 1 inch = 3.75 miles * [1988?] * Rand McNally
Libreville to Limoges
Libreville * Gabon * 1:10,000 * 1977 * ign France
Libya * See also: Tunisia and Libya
Libya (2) * 1:1,650,000 * 2000 * ITMB
Libya * 1:200,000 * 1993 * Cartographia
Libya * 1:3,500,000 * 1985 * Malt International
Liege * Belgium * 1:15,000 * 1989 * Falk
Lille, France * See also: France - Calais/Lille/Bruxelles
Lille * France * 1:12,000/1:18,000 * 1984 * Plans-Guides Blay
Lima, Peru * See also: Peru (South) and Lima
Lima (2) * Peru * 1:13,500 * 2001 * ITMB
Lima * Peru * [No scale] * 1994 * Peruvian Tourist Board
Lima * Peru * 1:40,000 * 1988 * Lima 2000
Lima * Peru * Lima & Central Peru * Various scales * 2016 * ITMB
Limassol * Cyprus * 1:1,000 * 1994 * Cyprus Tourism Organization
Limerick * Ireland * 1:9,000 * 1989 * Ordnance Survey
Limoges * France * 1:10,000/1:18,000 * 1983 * Plans-Guides Blay
Lincoln to Ljubljana
Lincoln * United Kingdom * 1:18,103 * 1989 * Geographers' A-Z Map Company
Lindsay, Ontario * See: Ontario - Cities - Eastern
Linz * Austria * 1:12,000 * 1989 * Freytag and Berndt
Lippstadt * Germany * 1:3,000 * 1979 * Bollmann
Lisbon * Portugal * 1:11,000 * 2011 * Michelin
Lisbon * Portugal * 1:13,500 * 1992 * Falk
Lithuania * See: Baltic States * or Russia
Little Rock * Arkansas * 1 inch = .7 miles * 1989 * H.M. Gousha
Liverpool * England * 1:18,103 * 1989 * Geographers' A-Z Map Company
Livingstone and Victoria Falls * Zambia * Various scales * 1984 * Zambia Surveys Department
Livorno * Italy * 1:9,000 * 1991 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Ljubljana (2) * Slovenia * 1:20,000 * 1993 * Geodetski zavod Slovenije
Lofsdalen to London
Loire (Chateaux of the) * France * 1:375,000 * Recta Foldex
Loire Valley * France * 1:250,000 * 1992 * RAC
Lombok, Indonesia * See: Indonesia - Bali & Lombok
London * England * See also: Great Britain
London * England * 1:8,000 * 2014 * Michelin
London * England * 1:15,000 * 2012 * Marco Polo
London * England * 1:63,360 * 2006 * Collins
London * England * 1:15,000 * 2004 * Insight Fleximap
London * England * 100 miles around * 1:300,000 * 1995 * Nicholson
London * England * A-Z Street Atlas and Index * 1:22,000 * 1998 * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
London * England * Big Ben Map * Various scales * 2012 * Collins
London * England * Handy Guide and Atlas * 1992 * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
London * England * M25 and London * 1:126,720 * 1989 * Ordnance Survey
London * England * Parking Map * 1:8,000 * 1995 * Nicholson
London * England * Premier Map (A-Z) * 1:21,477 * 1995 * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
London * England * Super Scale Street Map * 1:7,040 * 1998 * Geographer's A-Z
London (Inner London) * England * 1:7,040 * 1992 * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
London * Ontario * 1:31,250 * 2004 * MapArt
London * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 1999 * Rand McNally
London and St. Thomas * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 1988 * Map Art
Long Beach to Lourdes
Long Beach * British Columbia * Various scales * 2000 * Tofino and Ucluelet Chambers of Commerce
Long Beach * California * 1:42,000 * 1997 * Map Masters
Long Beach * California * 1 inch = .7 miles * 1991 * H.M. Gousha
Longview, Washington * See: Kelso, etc.
Lopez Island and Shaw Island * Washington * 1993 * Gus Publications
Los Angeles * California * 1:15,000 * 2012 * Marco Polo
Los Angeles * California * Various scales * 2005 * Frommer's
Los Angeles * California * Various scales * 2003 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Louisiana * United States * 1993 * Rand McNally
Louisiana * United States * 1990 * Louisiana Dept. of Transportation and Development
Louisville * Kentucky * Rand McNally
Louisville (Transit) * Kentucky * Transit Map * 1989
Lourdes * France * 1:7,000 * 1983 * Plans-Guides Blay
Luanda to Lytton
Luanda, Angola * See: Angola
Lucerne * Switzerland * 1:10,000 * 1993 * Orell Fussli
Lunenburg * Nova Scotia * 1991-92
Luxembourg * See also: Belgium/Luxembourg
Luxembourg * 1:150,000 * 2012 * Michelin
Luxembourg * 1:200,000 * 1994 * Office National du Tourisme - Luxembourg
Luxembourg * 1:100,000 * 1984 * Ravenstein
Luxor * Egypt * 1:10,000 * 1982 * Geoprojects
Lyon * France * 1:17,715/1:14,000 * 1988 * Plans-Guides Blay
Lynden, Washington * See: Washington - Whatcom County
Lytton * British Columbia * 1984 * Corp. of the Village of Lytton
M - Maastricht to Mysore
Maa-Mah | Mai-Mal | Man-Map | Mar | Mas-May | Med-Met | Mex | Mia-Mil | Min-Mit | Mod-Mon | Moo-Moz | Mun-Mys
Maastricht to Mahiley
Maastricht * Netherlands * 1:10,000 * 1988 * Falkplan-Suurland
Macau * See also: Canton, China
Macau and Zhuhai * Portugal * 1:6,000 * 1986 * Universal Publications
Macedonia * See also: Slovenia/Croatia/Bosnia & Herzegovina/Serbia/Montenegro/Former Yug. Rep. Of Macedonia * or Yugoslavia, Slovenia, Croatia
Macedonia * 1:260,000 * 1996 * Bartholomew
Machu Picchu * See: Cuzco Region, Peru
Mackenzie, British Columbia * See also: Prince George and Mackenzie
Mackenzie * British Columbia * 1990 * Mackenzie Chamber of Commerce
Madagascar * 1:8,000,000 * 2008 * Globetrotter
Madagascar (3) * 1:1,640,000 * 1999 * ITMB
Madagascar * 1:2,000,000 * 1993 * Ravenstein
Madeira * See also: Portugal
Madeira * Portugal * Madeira Holiday Map * 1:70,000 * 1996 * Bartholomew
Madhya Pradesh * India * 1:1,500,000 * 1982 * Tamilnad Printers and Traders Pvt. Ltd.
Madras * India * 1:25,000 * 1985 * Government of India
Madrid * Spain * 1:15,000 * 2013 * Marco Polo
Madrid * Spain * 1:9,000 * 2004 * ITMB
Madrid * Spain * 1:11,200 * 2000 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Madrid (City Map) * Spain * 1:10,000 * 2000 * Dorling Kindersley Ltd.
Madrid * Spain * 1:10,000 * 1997 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Maharashtra * India * 1:1,250,000 * 1985 * Tamilnad Printers and Traders Pvt. Ltd.
Mahiley, Belarus * See: Belarus
Maine to Malta
Maine, Eastern * See: Atlantic Provinces and Eastern Maine
Mainz * Germany * 1:15,000;1:100,000 * 1991 * Falk
Majorca, Spain * See also: Balearic Islands
Majorca * Spain * 1:175,000 * 1989 * Baedekers
Majorca * Spain * 1989 * Clyde Surveys
Majorca * Spain * 1:125,000 * 1985 * Hildebrand
Majorca/Ibiza * Spain * 1:150,000 * 2000 * ADAC
Malacca, Malaysia * See: Melaka, Malaysia
Malawi * 1:900,000 * 2000 * ITMB
Malaysia * See also: Asia, South East * or Thailand/Burma/Malaysia
Malaysia * Various scales *2012 * ITMB
Malaysia * 1:1,500,000 * 1991 * Nelles Verlag
Malaysia - Johor & Melaka * Various scales * 2004/2005 * Periplus Travel Maps
Malaysia - Peninsular * Various scales * 2011 * Periplus
Malaysia - Sabah and Kota Kinabalu * Various scales * [199?] * Periplus
Malaysia - Sarawak * Various scales * 2003/04 * Periplus
Malaysia - Sarawak * 1:700,000 * 2000 * ITMB
Malaysia - West * 1:650,000 * 1991 * Nelles
Maldives * 1:1,000,000 * 1993 * Ryborseh
Maldives * See also: Sri Lanka and Maldive Islands
Mali * 1:2,000,000 * 1993 * IGN
Mallorca, Spain * See: Majorca
Malta (2) * 1:40,000 * 2018 * Michelin
Malta * 1:50,000 * 1999 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson & Berndtson
Malta & Gozo * 1:28,500 * 2012 * ITMB
Malta and Gozo * 1:40,000 * 2002 * ITMB
Malta and Gozo * 1:35,000 * 1998 * Globetrotter
Manchester to Maputo
Manchester * United Kingdom * 1:18,635 * 2002 * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
Manchester * United Kingdom * 3.4 inches = 1 mile * 1986 * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
Manchester * United Kingdom * 1:250,000 * 1975 * Bartholomew
Manila * Philippines * 1:12,000 * 2010 * ITMB
Manila * Philippines * 1:17,500 * [1997?] * Nelles Verlag
Manitoba * Various scales * 2024 * MapArt
Manitoba * Various scales * 2021 * MapArt
Manitoba - Cities * Manitoba Communities * 1:25,000 * 1997 * Rand McNally
Mannheim * Germany * 1:20,000 * 1991 * Falk
Mantua * Italy * 1:10,500 * 1991 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Maple Ridge, British Columbia * See: Langley * Fraser Valley
Maputo, Mozambique * See: Mozambique
Marianas to Marysville
Marianas and Saipan * 1984 * Economic Service Counsel Inc.
Marin County, California * See: California - Marin County
Maritime Provinces * See: Canada - Atlantic Provinces
Markham * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 2000 * Rand McNally
Markham * Ontario * 1993 * Poster maps
Markham/Vaughan/Richmond Hill/Stouffville * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 2005 * MapArt
Marquesas Islands * See: South Pacific Islands
Marrakesh, Morocco * See also: Morocco
Marrakesh * Morocco * 1.5 inches = 1 mile * 1988 * Fodor's (from Fodor's North Africa)
Marrakesh & Northern Morocco (2) * Morocco * Various scales * 2009 *ITMB
Marseille * France * 1:15,000 * 1987 * Plan Guide Blay
Martha's Vineyard * Massachusetts * See: Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket * or Massachusetts
Martinique * 1:80,000 * 2016 * Michelin
Martinique * 1:100,000 * 1982 * Institut Geographique National
Maryland * United States * 1993 * Rand McNally
Maryland * United States * 1:380,160 * 1992 * Maryland Dept. of Transportation
Marysville, Washington * See: Washington - Snohomish County, Northwest
Maseru to Mayne
Maseru * Lesotho * Dept. of Lands, Surveys and Physical Planning
Massachusetts * See also: Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket * or Massachusetts
Massachusetts * United States * 1 inch = 8.3 miles * 1988 * Rand McNally
Massachusetts * United States * 1 inch = 5.8 miles * 1988 * Massachusetts Dept. of Public Works
Maui, Hawaii * See also: Hawaii - Maui
Maui * Various scales * 2005 * Frommer's
Maui, Molokai and Lanai (includes Kahoolawe) * 1:125,000 * [rec'd 2003] * Nelles Verlag
Mauritania * 1:2,500,000 * 1980 * Institut Geographique National
Mauritius * 1:120,000 * 1994 * Freytag and Berndt
Mauritius * Mascarene Islands * 1:100,000 * 1978 * Institut Geographique National
Mauritius & Rodrigues * 1:90,000 * 2012 * ITMB
Mayne Island * See also: Saturna Island/Mayne Island
Mayne Island * British Columbia * [No scale] * 2001 * Mayne Island Community Chamber of Commerce
Mayne Island * British Columbia * 1:50,000 * 1996-97 * R. Flynn Marr
zMedford to Met
Medford/Klamath Falls * Oregon * 1972 * Arrow Maps
Medicine Hat, Alberta * See also: Lethbridge/Medicine Hat * Alberta
Medicine Hat * Alberta * [No scale] * 1996 * South East Alberta Travel and Convention Association
Medicine Hat * Alberta * [No scale] * [No date] * Southeast Alberta Travel and Convention Association
Mediterranean Countries * 1:4,000,000 * 1994/95 * Kummerly and Frey
Mediterranean, Cruising the * 1:5,000,000 * 1993 * Estate Publications
Mediterranean * 1:2,000,000 * 1993 * Freytag and Berudt
Mediterranean, Eastern * 1:2,000,000 * 1983 * Ravenstein
Mediterranean, Western * 1:2,000,000 * 1983 * Ravenstein
Meknes * Morocco * 1988 * Fodor's (from Fodor's North Africa)
Melaka * Malaysia * 1989 * Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Melaka, Malaysia * See also: Malaysia
Melbourne * Australia * 1:400,000 * 1992 * Hema Maps
Melbourne and Suburbs * Australia * Various scales * [1990?] * RACV
Memphis * Tennessee * 1:35,000 * 1995 * Rand McNally
Memphis (Transit) * Tennessee * System Map and Rider's Guide * 1993
Menorca, Spain * See: Majorca/Ibiza, Spain
Merida * Mexico * [No scale] * 1988 * HFET
Merritt, British Columbia * See also: Kamloops/Revelstoke/Vernon
Merritt, British Columbia * See also: Chilliwack and Merritt
Merritt and the Nicola Valley * British Columbia * [No scale] * 2001 * Merritt and District Chambers of Commerce
Metchosin, British Columbia * See: Victoria - Suburbs
Metz * France * 1:12,700 * 1981 * Plan Guide Blay
See also: individual city names, for example, Acapulco
Mexico * See also: Central America * or United States / Mexico Border
Mexico * 1:2,000,000 * 2015 * ITMB
Mexico * 1:2, 250,000 * 2012 * Michelin
Mexico (miniatlas) (2) * 1:3,000,000 * 1999 * ITMB
Mexico (includes distance guide) * 1:1,000,000 * [No date] * Sistemas de Informacion Geografica, S.A.
Mexico * 1:3,000,000 * 1992 * Bartholomew
Mexico - Central * See: Mexico City & Mexico Central
Mexico - Regions - Quimera Series - 1:1,750,000 * 3 maps cover the country at a scale of 1:1,750,000
Mexico - Gulf of Mexico * 1:1,750,000 * 2001 * Quimera (3)
Mexico - Sea of Cortez * 1:1,750,000 * 2001 * Quimera (1)
Mexico - Sierra Madre * 1:1,750,000 * 2001 * Quimera (2)
Mexico - Regions - Guia Roji Series - 1:200,000 to 1:1,200,000 * 22 maps cover the country at scales ranging from 1:200,000 to 1:1,200,000. Detailed city maps included in this series.
Mexico - Aguascalientes * 1:200,000 * 1984 * Guia Roji
Mexico - Chihuahua * 1:1,200,000 * Guia Roji
Mexico - Coahuila * 1:200,000 * 1992 * Guia Roji
Mexico - Durango * 1:1,000,000 * 1992 * Guia Roji
Mexico - Guanajuato y Ciudad de Guanajuato * 1:200,000 * Guia Roji
Mexico - Guerrero y Acapulco * 1:600,000 * 1984 * Guia Roja
Mexico - Hidalgo * 1:400,000 * 1985 * Guia Roji
Mexico - Morelos y Cuernavaca * 1:200,000 * 1988 * Guia Roji
Mexico - Nvo. Leon y Monterrey * 1:800,000 * 1988 * Guia Roji
Mexico - Puebla y Ciudad de Puebla * 1:600,000 * 1987 * Guia Roja
Mexico - Queretaro * 1:400,000 * 1980 * Guia Roji
Mexico - San Luis Potosi * 1:800,000 * 1992 * Guia Roji
Mexico - Tamaulipas * 1:800,000 * 1992 * Guia Roji
Mexico - Tlaxcala * 1:200,000 * 1992 * Guia Roji
Mexico - Zacatecas * 1:800,000 * 1992 * Guia Roji
Mexico - Other
Mexico - Maya Region * 1:1,100,000 * 1998 * Guia Roji
Mexico - Yucatan * 1:500,000 * 2016 * ITMB
Mexico - Yucatan Peninsula * 1:500,000 * 2005 * ITMB
Mexico City * Mexico * 1:15,000 * 1995 * American Map
Miami to Milan
Miami * Florida * 1:28,400 * 2000 * Rand McNally [Fodor's 2002]
Middle East * See also: Iraq, Kuwait, & The Gulf
Middle East * 1:2,000,000 * 1994 * GeoCenter
Middle East * 1:3,000,000 * 1993 * Daily Telegraph
Middle East * 1:2,000,000 * 1993 * Freytag and Berndt
Midland, Ontario * See: Collingwood/Midland/Owen Sound/Wasaga Beach
Milan * Italy * 1:13,000 * 2011 * Michelin
Milan * Italy * 1:15,000 * 2011 * Hallwag
Milan * Italy * 1:12,500 * 1999 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Milan * Italy * 1:15,000 * [No date] * American Map
Minneapolis to Mitiaro
Minneapolis-St. Paul * Minnesota * 1 inch = .71 miles * 1989 * Gousha
Minnesota * United States * 1 inch = 16 miles * 1991-92 * Minnesota Dept. of Transportation
Minorca, Spain * See: Balearic Islands
Minsk * Belarus * 1:200,000 * 1991 * Belarus Committee of Geodesy
Minsk, Belarus * See also: Belarus
Mission, British Columbia * See: Abbotsford * or Fraser Valley
Mississauga * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 2004 * MapArt
Mississauga * Ontario * 1:30,000 * [1998?] * Rand McNally
Mississippi * United States * 1 inch = 14.5 miles * 1992 * Mississippi State Highway Dept.
Mississippi River, United States * See: United States, Central & Mississippi River
Missouri * United States * 1 inch = 13.5 mi. * 1995 * Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission
Mitiaro, Cook Islands * See: Cook Islands
Modena to Montserrat
Modena * Italy * 1:11,000 * 1982 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Modesto, Turlock, Stanislaus County * California * United States * 1985 * Rockwell Enterprises
Mogadishu, Somalia * See: Somalia
Moldova * See: Romania/Republic of Moldova
Moldova * See: Ukraine & Moldova
Moloka'i, Hawaii * See: Hawaii - Maui or Maui, Molokai and Lanai, United States
Monaco * See also: France - Cote d'Azur and Monaco
Monchen-Gladbach, Germany * See also: Munich
Monchen-Gladbach * Germany * 1:20,000 * 1989 * Falk
MonchenGladbach * Germany * 1988 * Bollman-Bildkarten-Verlag
Mongolia * See also: China and Mongolia
Mongolia * 1:2,500,000 * 2006 * ITMB
Montana * See: Idaho/Montana
Monte Carlo * See: Monaco
Montenegro * See: Bosnia & Montenegro * or Slovenia/Croatia/Bosnia & Herzegovina/Serbia/Montenegro/Former Yug. Rep. Of Macedonia
Monterrey Peninsula, California * See: California - Monterrey County
Monterrey * Mexico * 1:30,000 * 1983 * Guia Roji
Montevideo * Uruguay * See: Uruguay/Montevideo
Montpellier * France * 1:8,500/1:12,600 * 1982 * Plan Guide Blay
Montreal * Quebec * Various scales * 2021 * MapArt
Montreal & Southern Quebec * Various scales * 2016 * ITMB
Montrose * British Columbia * 1:5,000 * 1990 * Village of Montrose
Montserrat * West Indies * 1:25,000 * 1983 * British Government's Ministry of Overseas Development
Moose Jaw to Mozambique
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan * See also: Regina, Saskatchewan
Moose Jaw * Saskatchewan * [No scale] * 1996/97 * Moose Jaw Chamber of Commerce
Morocco * See also: Marrakesh & Northern Morocco
Morocco * 1:1,200,000 * 2012 * ITMB
Morocco * 1:800,000 * 2010 * Marco Polo
Morocco * 1:1,000,000 * 1995 * Michelin
Morocco * 1:900,000 * 1992 * Hildebrandt
Moscow, Russia * See also: Commonwealth of Independent States
Moscow * Russia * Various scales * 2011 * ITMB
Moscow * Russia * 1:13,500 * 2001 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Moscow * Russia * 1:15,000/1:35,000 * 1994 * Russian Information Services
Moscow * Russia * Various scales * 1992 * Freytag and Berndt
Moscow * Russia * 1:35,000/1:15,000 * 1992 * Northern Cartographic
Moscow * Russia * Metro Atlas * 1992
Mount Pearl, Newfoundland * See: St. John's/Mount Pearl * Newfoundland
Mount Vernon, Washington * See: Sedro-Woolley * Washington - Skagit County
Mozambique (2) * 1:1,900,000 * 2001 * ITMB
Mozambique * 1:2,000,000 * 1994/95 * Cartografia
Munich to Mysore
Munich * Germany * 1:20,000 * 2010 * Hallwag
Munich * Germany * 1:20,000 * 2000 * ADAC
Munster * Germany * 1:16,500/1:25,000 * 1989 * Falk
Murray Bridge * Australia * 1991 * UBD
Muskoka, Ontario * See: Ontario - Muskoka District
Myanmar * See also: Burma
Myanmar * Various scales * [received 2008] * Periplus Travel Maps
Myanmar/Burma * 1:1,350,000 * 2013 * ITMB
Mysore, Karnataka (India) * See: Karnataka
N - Nakusp to Nuremberg
Nak-Nan | Nap-Nel | Nep-Net | New Bru-New Eng | New For-New Ply | New York | New Zea | Newa-Niu | Nor-Nur
Nakusp to Nantucket
Nakusp, British Columbia * See also: Elk Valley
Nakusp * British Columbia * 1:1,000 * 2000 * Nakusp Chamber of Commerce
Namibia * 1:2,000,000 * 2005 * ITMB
Namibia * 1:2,000,000 * 2000 (2nd edition) * ITMB
Namibia * 1:2,400,000 * [199?] * Freytag and Berndt
Nanaimo/Parksville/Port Alberni/Qualicum Beach (2) * British Columbia * Various scales * 2023 * MapArt
Nanaimo/Parksville/Port Alberni/Qualicum Beach * British Columbia * Various scales * 2018 * MapArt
Nanaimo/Parksville/Qualicum Beach * British Columbia * 1997 * Pathfinder
Nanaimo/Qualicum/Parksville (3) * British Columbia * Tourist Map & Street Guide of Nanaimo Qualicum Parksville * Various scales * 2011/2012 * Davenport
Nanaimo/Qualicum Beach/Parksville * British Columbia * Various scales * 2017 * Davenport Maps
Nanaimo/Vancouver Island * British Columbia * 1:27,000 : 2000 * Rand McNally
Nanaimo/Vancouver Island (2) * British Columbia * 1:40,000 * 1995 * Canadian Cartographics/BCAA
Nanjing * China * 1985 * Cartographic Publishing House
Nanning * China * 1984 * Cartographic Publishing House
Nantes * France * 1:20,000 * 1982 * Plan Guide Blay
Nantucket * Massachusetts * See: Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket * or Massachusetts
Napier to Nelson
Napier, New Zealand * See: New Zealand
Naples * Florida * 1981 * West House of Maps
Naples * Italy * 1:8,000 * 2010 * Michelin
Naples * Italy * 1:12,000; 1:125,000 * 1990 * Kartografie Praha
Naples * Italy * 1:12,000; 1:125,000 * 1985 * Kartografiai Vallalat
Naples * Italy * 1:10,000 * 1983 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Nashville * Tennessee * 1:42,500 * 1995 * Rand McNally
Nashville * Tennessee * 1 inch = .67 miles * 1988 * Rand McNally
Nashville (Transit) * Tennessee * [199?] * Metropolitan Transit Authority
Nassau, Bahamas * See: Bahamas - Caribbean Islands
Near East * 1:2,000,000 * 1989 * Ravenstein
Near East * 1:2,000,000 * 1989 * Freytag and Berndt
Nebraska * United States * 1 inch = 15.7 miles (approx) * 1998 * Rand McNally
Nebraska * United States * 1992 * Nebraska Dept. of Roads
Nebraska * United States * 1989-90 * Nebraska Dept. of Roads
Nelson, British Columbia * See: British Columbia - Southeast British Columbia Communities
Nelson * New Zealand * 1:20,000 * 1980 * New Zealand Dept. of Lands and Survey
Nelson, New Zealand * See also: New Zealand
Nepal to Netherlands
Nepal * See also: Patan * Himalaya * Tibet/Nepal/Bhutan
Nepal * 1:500,000; 1:10,000 * 1989 * Nelles
Nepal - Dudh Kosi * 1:50,000 * 1981 * Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung
Nepal - Helambu-Langtang * 1:100,000 * 1987 * Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung
Nepal - Kathmandu Valley * 1:50,000 * 1989 * Arbeitsgemeischaft fur vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung
Nepal - Khumbu Himal * 1:50,000 * 1988 * Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung
Nepal - Lapchi Kang * 1:50,000 * 1985 * Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung
Nepal - Shorong/Hinku * 1:50,000 * 1987 * Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung
Nepal - Tamba Kosi -Likhu Khola * 1:50,000 * 1987 * Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung.
Netanya * Israel * 1980 * Amir Publishing
Netherlands * 1:400,000 * 2014 * Michelin
Netherlands * 1:300,000 * 2011 * Marco Polo
Netherlands * 1:400,000 * 2004 * Michelin
Netherlands * 1:300,000 * 2000 * Baedeker's
Netherlands * 1:400,000 * 2000 * Michelin
Netherlands * 1:400,000 * 1988 * Ravenstein
New Brunswick to New England
New Brunswick * Various scales * 2019 * MapArt
New Brunswick * [No scale] * 2014 * Tourisme Edmundston & Region
New Brunswick * 1:350,000 * 2010 * ITMB
New Brunswick * Various scales * 2003/04 * New Brunswick Dept. of Tourism and Parks
New Caledonia * See: South Pacific Islands
New Denver * British Columbia * [1990?] * Village of New Denver
New England * United States * See also: New York State & New England
New England * United States * Various scales * [no date] * Frommer's
New England * United States * Various scales * 1997 * Rand McNally
New England (Hudson Valley) * United States * 1:500,000 * 2015 * Michelin
New Forest to New Plymouth
New Forest * Great Britain * 1:25,000 * [No date] * Last Word Leisure Maps
New Glasgow, Nova Scotia * See: Nova Scotia/Truro/New Glasgow
New Guinea * Various scales * 2016 * ITMB
New Hampshire, United States * See also: Maine/New Hampshire/Vermont, United States
New Hampshire * United States * Winter Ski and Vacation Map * 1990-91 * New Hampshire Dept. of Resources and Economic Development
New Haven * Connecticut * 1980 * Hagstrom
New Jersey (Transit) * See also: New York - New Jersey - PATH System
New Jersey (Transit) * United States * Statewide Transit guide * [199?]
New Mexico * United States * See also: Arizona
New Mexico * United States * Various scales * 1998 * Frommer's
New Mexico * United States * 1988 * Rand McNally
New Mexico - Eastern * United States * 1990 * Highroad
New Mexico - North Central * United States * 1990 * Highroad
New Mexico - Northwestern * United States * 1990 * Highroad
New Mexico - Southwestern * United States * 1990 * Highroad
New Orleans (Downtown) * Louisiana * Various scales * [from Frommer's 2002]
New Orleans (Transit) * Louisiana * Street Map (includes transit information) * [199?]
New Plymouth * New Zealand * 1:12,500 * 1984 * New Zealand Lands and Survey
New York
New York State * United States * Various scales * 1993 * Rand McNally
New York State & New England * United States * 1:800,000 * 2017 * ITMB
New York City * New York * 1:15,000 * 2012 * Marco Polo
New York City * New York * Various scales * 1999 * Lonely Planet City Map Series
New York City * New York * 1:17,000 * [1998?] * ADAC
New York City/Manhattan * New York * 1:11,000 * 2018 * Michelin
New York City - Manhattan * New York * 1:11,000 * 2015 * Michelin
New York City - Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, Staten Island * New York * 1 inch = 0.65 miles * 2002 * Rand McNally
New York City - Manhattan Downtown * New York * Various scales * 2009 * American Map
New York City - Manhattan Midtown * New York * 2009 * American Map
New York City - Bronx Bus Map * 1993 * NYC Transit Authority
New York City - Brooklyn Bus Map * 1993 * NYC Transit Authority
New York City - Queens Bus Map * 1993 * NYC Transit Authority
New York City - Staten Island Bus Map * 1993 * NYC Transit Authority
New Zealand
New Zealand * 1:950,000 * 2016 * ITMB
New Zealand * 1:950,000 * 2011 * ITMB
New Zealand * Various scales * 2005/2006 * Periplus
New Zealand * 1:1,000,000 * 2000 * Baedeker's
New Zealand * 1:1,000,000 * 1999 (3rd edition) * ITMB
New Zealand - North Island * 1:1,250,000 * 1992 * Infomap/New Zealand Lands Survey
New Zealand - North Island * 1984 * Universal Business Directories
New Zealand - North Island - Napier * 1:12,500 * 1980 * New Zealand Lands Survey
New Zealand - South Island * 1:1,250,000 * 1992 * Infomap/New Zealand Lands Survey
New Zealand - South Island * 1984 * Universal Business Directories
New Zealand - South Island - Blenheim * 1:12,500 * 1979 * New Zealand Lands Survey
New Zealand - South Island - Oamaru * 1:12,500 * 1978 * New Zealand Lands Survey
New Zealand AA Itinerary maps. Various scales and dates. Automobile Association. Set of 28 maps showing routes between cities and small street maps of many cities.
New Zealand - Bay of Islands * New Zealand * 1:100,000 * 1983 * AA
New Zealand - Canterbury District * New Zealand * 1 cm = 3.3 km * 1980 * AA
New Zealand - Dunedin and Central Otago * New Zealand * 1 cm = 3.3 km * [No date] * AA
New Zealand - Marlborough District * New Zealand * 1 cm = 3.4 km * 1980 * AA
New Zealand - Nelson/Buller * New Zealand * 1 cm = 3.21 km * 1980 * AA
New Zealand - South Canterbury and Mt. Cook * New Zealand * 1 cm =3.3 km * [No date] * AA
New Zealand - Southern Lakes * New Zealand * 1 cm = 3.3 km * 1982 * AA
New Zealand - Southland and South Otago * New Zealand * 1 cm = 3.2 km * 1979 * AA
New Zealand - Waikato District * New Zealand * 1 inch = 3.312 miles * [No date] * AA
New Zealand - Wanaka, Hawea, Haast * New Zealand * 1 cm = 3.3 km * [No date] * AA
New Zealand - Westland District * New Zealand * 1 inch = 4.9 miles * 1979 * AA
Newark to Niue
Newark * New Jersey * Newark Transit guide * 1990
Newfoundland & Labrador * Various scales * 2024 * Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism
Newfoundland & Labrador * Various scales * 2023 * Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism
Newfoundland & Labrador * Various scales * 2022 * Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism
Newfoundland & Labrador * Various scales * 2019 * Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism
Newfoundland & Labrador * Various scales * 2018 * Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism
Newfoundland & Labrador * Various scales * 2017 * Newfoundland and Labrador Dept. of Business, Tourism, Culture and Rural Development
Newfoundland & Labrador * Various scales * 2016 * Newfoundland and Labrador Dept. of Business, Tourism, Culture and Rural Development
Newfoundland & Labrador * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
Newfoundland and Labrador * Various scales * 2013 * Newfoundland and Labrador Dept. of Tourism
Newfoundland and Labrador (2) * Various scales * 2006 * Newfoundland and Labrador Dept. of Tourism
Newfoundland and Labrador * 1:895,000 * 2000 * Rand McNally
Newfoundland and Labrador * 1:868,000 * 1997 * Newfoundland Dept. of Tourism, Culture and Recreation
Newmarket and Aurora * Ontario * [No scale] * [1996?] * Picture This Publications
Newmarket and Georgina * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 1999 * Rand McNally
Niagara Falls * Ontario * 1:31,250 * 2003 * MapArt
Niagara Falls * Ontario * 1:28,000 * 1999 * Rand McNally
Ni'ihau, Hawaii * See: Kaua'i
Nicaragua * See also: Central America
Nicaragua (2) * 1:750,000 * 1995 * ITMB
Nicola Valley, British Columbia * See: Merritt and the Nicola Valley, British Columbia
Nicosia * Cyprus * 1992 * Cyprus Tourism Organization
Ni'ihau, Hawai'i * See: Hawaii - Kaua'i
Niue * See: South Pacific Islands
Norfolk to Nuremberg
Norfolk and Hampton Roads Area * Virginia * 1 inch = .67 miles * 1989 * Rand McNally
North Battleford, Saskatchewan * See also: Saskatoon/Prince Albert/The Battlefords * Saskatchewan
North Battleford * Saskatchewan * [No scale] * [received 1997] * The Battlefords Chamber of Commerce
North Bend (Boston Bar), British Columbia * See: Hope
North Carolina * United States * 1:1,001,000 * 1994 * AAA
North Cowichan * British Columbia * [No scale] * [No date] * District of North Cowichan, Tourism Committee
North Korea * See: Korea
North Pole * See: Greenland & North Pole
North Vancouver, British Columbia * See: Vancouver
Northwest Territories * See: Yukon/N.W.T./Alaska
Northwest Territories - Southwest * See: Yukon & Northwest Territories SW
Norway * See also: Scandinavia
Norway * 1:1,250,000 * 2015 * Michelin
Norway * 1:800,000 * 2011 * Marco Polo
Norway * 1:650,000 * 2006 * ITMB
Norway * 1:1,000,00 * 1989 * Nortrabooks
Norway * 1:800,000 * 1987 * Ravenstein
Norway - Nordmarka (Oslo area) * 1:50,000 * Government of Norway
Norway - South * See also: Oslo/Bergen & South of Norway
Norway/Sweden * 1:800,000 * 2004 * Hammond International
Nottingham * Great Britain * 1991 * Nottingham City Council
Noumea * See: New Caledonia
Nova Scotia * Various scales * 2021 * MapArt
Nova Scotia * 1:640,000 * 2005/2006 * Nova Scotia Tourism and Culture
Nova Scotia * 1:640,000 * 2003 * Nova Scotia. Dept. of Tourism and Culture
Nova Scotia * 1:600,000 * 2000 * Rand McNally
Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island * 1:380,000 * 2020 * ITMB
Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island * 1:380,000 * 2015 * ITMB
Nukualofa * See: Tonga
Nuremberg (2) * Germany * 1990 * Geodeticky a kartograficky podnik Praha
O - Oahu to Oxford
Oah-Oly | Oma-Ont | Orc-Oso | Ott-Oxf
Oahu to Olympia
Oahu, Hawaii * See: Honoloulu and Oahu, United States
Oakland, California * See also: California - Western Contra Costa
Oakland * California * 1 inch = .61 miles * 1992 * Gousha
Oakland, East Bay Cities * California * 1 inch = .6 miles * 1989 * Rand McNally
Oakville, Ontario * See: Burlington, Ontario
Oamaru, New Zealand * See: New Zealand
Oaxaca * Mexico * 1:15,000 * 1983 * Guia Roji
Odessa * Ukraine * 1979 * GUGK
Ohio * United States * 1:633,600 * 1993 * Rand McNally
Okanagan, British Columbia * See: British Columbia - Okanagan Region
Okanagan, British Columbia * See: Kelowna/Okanagan Cities
Okinawa * Japan * Various scales * [1998?] * Jinbunsha
Okinawa * Japan * 1:150,000 * 1982 * Japan Guide Map Co.
Okinawa * Japan * Commerce, Industry and Labor Section. Citizen's Dept.
Oklahoma * United States * See also: Texas & Oklahoma
Oklahoma * United States * 1 inch = 16 miles * 1991 * Oklahoma Dept. of Transportation
Oklahoma * United States * 1 inch = 16 miles * 1993 * Oklahoma Dept. of
Oklahoma City * Oklahoma * Transit Guide * 1993 * Metro Transit
Oklahoma City * Oklahoma * 1988 * Rand McNally
Oliver * British Columbia * [No scale] * 2001 * Oliver and District Chamber of Commerce
Olympia * Washington * Various scales * [received 1996] * King of the Road Maps
Omaha to Ontario
Omaha/Council Bluffs * Nebraska/Iowa * 1 inch = .70 mile * 1986 * Rand McNally
Oman * See also: Dubai * United Arab Emirates * Dubai/UAE & Oman
Oman * See also: United Arab Emirates
Oman * See also: Yemen & Oman
Oman * 1:1,320,000 * 1983 * Malt International
100 Mile House (2) * British Columbia * [No scale] * 1997 * South Cariboo Visitor Information Centre
Ontario * Various scales * 2023 * MapArt
Ontario * Various scales * 2021 * MapArt
Ontario * Various scales * 2018 * ITMB
Ontario, Southern * See also: Toronto & Southern Ontario
Ontario, Southern * 1:550,000 * 2016 * ITMB
Orcas Island to Osoyoos
Orcas Island * Washington * 1993 * Gus Publications
Oregon * United States * See also: Washington/Oregon * United States
Oregon * United States * Various scales * 2013 * GM Johnson
Oregon * United States * Various scales * 2008 * GM Johnson
Oregon * United States * 1:1,200,000 * 2000 * National Geographic/MapQuest
Oregon * United States * 1993-94 * Oregon Dept. of Transportation
Oregon - Coast * 1991 * King of the Road
Oregon - Douglas County * 1992 * Douglas County Parks
Oregon - Northwest * (Columbia River Gorge/Mount Hood/Cascades) * 1993 * King of the Road
Oregon - Portland Area (Portland/Salem/Eugene/Springfield) * 1993 * King of the Road
Oregon & Washington * United States * 1:750,000 * 2017 * ITMB
Oregon/Washington * United States * 1:982,000 * 2000 * AAA
Orillia * Ontario * 1:20,000 * 2003 * Orillia District Chamber of Commerce
Orkney Islands * See: Scotland - Orkney and Shetland Islands
Orlando, Florida * See also: Florida - Walt Disney World and Orlando
Orlando (2) * Florida * 1:124,185 * 2001 * Rand McNally [Fodor's 2002]
Orlando * Florida * 1:42,450 * 1996 * Rand McNally
Orleans * France * 1:20,000 * 1982 * Plan Guide Blay
Osaka * Japan * Various scales * 2003/04 * Periplus
Osaka * Japan * 1:12,500 * 2002 * ITMB
Osaka & Western Japan * Japan * Various scales * 2012 * ITMB
Oshawa * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 1996 * Rand McNally
Oshawa (Transit) * Ontario * 1995 * Oshawa Transit
Oslo & Bergen * Norway * 1:10,000 * 2006 * ITMB
Oslo/Bergen & South of Norway * Norway * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
Oslo * Norway * 1:28,000 * 1993 * Falk
Osoyoos * British Columbia * [No scale] * 2001 * Osoyoos Chamber of Commerce
Osoyoos * British Columbia * 1996 * Osoyoos Visitors Guide
Ottawa to Oxford
Ottawa * Ontario * Various scales * 2024 * MapArt
Ottawa * Ontario * Various scales * 2021 * MapArt
Ottawa * Ontario * 1 cm = .25 km * [1995?] * Where Magazines
Ottawa/Hull * Ontario/Quebec * 1:31,250 * 2005 * MapArt
Ottawa/Hull (2) * Ontario/Quebec * 1:35,000 * 2000 * Rand McNally
Ottawa/Hull * Ontario/Quebec * 1:36,000 * [1998?] * Rand McNally
Ottawa/Hull * Ontario/Quebec * TransitWay * 1995 * Ottawa-Carleton Regional Transit Commission
Outaouais, Quebec * See: Quebec - Outaouais/Gatineau
Owen Sound, Ontario * See: Collingwood/Midland/Owen Sound/Wasaga Beach
Oxford * United Kingdom * 4 inches = 1 mile * 1989 * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
P - Pacific Northwest to Pusan
Pac-Pap | Par-Pat | Pea-Pet | Phi-Phu | Pia-Por | Port | Porta-Pow | Pra-Pus
Pacific Northwest to Papua New Guinea
Pacific Northwest, British Columbia * See: British Columbia, Southwest and Northern Washington
Pacific Northwest, U.S.A. * See: United States - Pacific Northwest
Pacific Ocean * See also: Asia, West Pacific * or South Pacific Islands
Pacific Ocean * (shows countries bordering on Pacific Ocean) * Equatorial scale: 1:30,000,000 * 1995 (3rd edition) * HEMA Maps
Pacific Ocean * (shows countries bordering on Pacific Ocean) * [No scale] * [No date] (1st edition) * New Zealand. Universal Business Directories Ltd.
Paderborn * Germany * 1:18,000-1:36,000 * 1989-90 * Falk
Padua * Italy * 1:14,000 * 1991 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Pakistan * 1:1,200,000 * 2005 * ITMB
Pakistan * 1:1,500,000 * 1989 * Nelles
Pakistan - Northern * 1998 * Pakistan Tourism Development Corp.
Palermo * Italy * [No scale] * 1997 * Telecom Italia
Palermo * Italy * 1:8,500 * 1993 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Palestine * See: Israel & Palestine
Palm Springs Desert Cities * California * Various scales * * 1998 * Rand McNally
Palmyra, Syria * See: Syria
Panaji, Goa (India) * See: Goa
Panama * See also: Central America
Panama * 1:300,000 * 2012 * ITMB
Panama * 1:800,000 * 2001 (4th edition) * ITMB
Panama City * Panama * 1984 * Publiciaria Turistica de C.A.
Papeete * Tahiti * 1976 * Les editiones du Pacifique
Papua New Guinea * See also: Asia, South East and Australia * or Wewak, Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea * 1:2,000,000 * 2001 * ITMB
Paraguay to Patan
Paraguay * See also: Argentina/Chile/Paraguay/Uruguay
Paraguay * 1:800,000 * 2003 * ITMB
Paris * France * 1:10,000 * 2014 * Michelin
Paris * France * 1:15,000 * 2012 * Marco Polo
Paris * France * 1:15,000 * 2010 * Hallwag
Paris * France * 1:11,000 * 2004 * ITMB
Paris * France * 1:17,000 * 2004 * Insight Fleximap
Paris * France * Various scales * 1999 * Lonely Planet City Map Series
Paris * France * 1993 * (book) * Editions L'Indispensable
Paris * France * 1:17,500 * 1992-93 * Hallwag
Paris * France * 1:10,000 * 1991 * (book) * Michelin
Paris * France * 1:14,000 * 1990 * Plan Guide Blay
Paris * France * 1:10,000 * 1989 * (book) * Michelin
Paris * France * 1:10,000 * 1989 * Michelin
Paris (Central) * France * 1990 * Michelin
Paris * France * Environs of Paris * 1:100,000 * 1992 * Michelin
Paris * France * Paris Streets * 1:10,000 * 1993 * Recta Foldex
Parksville, British Columbia * See also: Vancouver Island [Regional Map] * or Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast * or Nanaimo
Parksville * British Columbia * 1993 * Parksville and District and Chamber of Commerce
Parksville * British Columbia * 1988 * Pat Colton
Parma * Italy * 1:8,000 * 1981 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Pasco/Richland/Kennewick * Washington * Various scales * 1996 * King of the Road Maps
Patagonia * See also: Chile
Patagonia * See also: Chile - South & Patagonia
Patagonia * 1:2,000,000 * 2005 * ITMB
Patan * Nepal * 1:7,500 * 1980 * Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung
Peace River to Peterborough
Peace River * Alberta * [No date] * Town of Peace River
Peachland * British Columbia * 1 inch = 1000 ft. * 1984 * USL Urban Systems Ltd.
Peloponnese * Greece * 1:400,000 * [1983?] * Clyde
Pemberton * British Columbia * * 1:2,000 * [2001?] * Pembertson and District Chamber of Commerce
Penang, Malaysia * See also: Malaysia
Penang * Malaysia * Various scales * 1997 * Periplus
Pender Harbour, British Columbia * See also: Sunshine Coast
Pender Harbour * British Columbia * 1983 * Dominion Map Ltd.
Pender Islands * British Columbia * 1:50,000 * 2001 * Pender Island Chamber of Commerce
Pender Islands * British Columbia * 1:60,000 * 2000 * Ultra Gamut Graphics
Pender Islands (2) * British Columbia * 1:25,000 * 1990 * ITMB
Pennsylvania * United States * 1:650,000 * 1996 * Rand McNally
Pensacola/Milton/Pace * Florida * 1983 * Universal Map Enterprises
Penticton, British Columbia * See also: Kamloops/Kelowna * or British Columbia - Southeast British Columbia Communities
Penticton * British Columbia * [No scale] * 2001 * Penticton Chamber of Commerce
Perth * Australia * Various scales * [No date] * Periplus
Perth * Australia * 1:117,500 * 1989 * UBD
Perth * Australia * Various scales * 1986 * UBD
Peru * 1:1,500,000 * 2015 * Michelin
Peru * 1:1,500,000 * 2006 * ITMB
Peru * 1:2,200,000 * 1996/1997 * Lima 2000
Peru/Bolivia/Ecuador * 1:4,000,000 * 2000 * Collins
Peru (Central) * See: Lima & Central Peru
Peru (South) * See also: Cuzco & Peru South
Peru (South) and Lima * 1:1,500,000 * 2004 * ITMB
Peru (South) * 1:1,500,000 * 2002 * ITMB
Peshawar * Pakistan * [No scale] * 1997 * Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation
Peterborough, Ontario * See: Ontario - Cities - Eastern
Philadelphia to Phuket
Philadelphia * Pennsylvania * 1:7,900 * 2001 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Philadelphia * Pennsylvania * 1:26,000 * 1996 * Rand McNally
Philadelphia County * Pennsylvania * 1:32,000 * 1990 * Street and Transit Map * SEPTA
Philippines * See also: Asia, South East
Philippines * Various scales * 2011 * Periplus
Philippines * Various scales * 2004/2005 * Periplus Travel Maps
Philippines (North and Manila) (2) * 1:1,200,000 * 2001 * ITMB
Philippines * 1:1,500,000 * 1991 * Nelles
Philippines and Celebes * 1:5,000,000 * 1989 * Bartholomew
Phnom Penh * Cambodia * [No scale] * 2001 * Adventure Cambodia Silkworm Books
Phoenix(2) * Arizona * 1:17,000 * 2004/2005 * Insight Fleximap
Phoenix * Arizona * 1:46,000 * 1996 * Rand McNally
Phoenix (east) * Arizona * 1 inch = .7 mile * 1994 * AAA/Gousha
Phoenix (west) * Arizona * 1 inch = .7 mile * 1994 * AAA/Gousha
Phoenix * Arizona * Transit Map
Phuket, Thailand * See: Thailand - Southern
Piacenza to Porirua
Piacenza * Italy * 1:10,000 * 1983 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Picton, New Zealand * See: New Zealand
Pisa * Italy * 1:8,000 * 1989 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Pistoia * Italy * 1:6,000 * 1987 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Pittsburgh (Transit) * Pennsylvania * PA Transit * 1992
Pittsburgh * Pennsylvania * 1:40,000 * 1995 * Rand McNally
Point Roberts, Washington * See also: Washington - Whatcom County
Point Roberts * Washington * 1987 * Robert B. Lindquist
Poitiers * France * 1:11,000 * 1981 * Plan Guide Blay
Poland * 1:700,000 * 2014 * Michelin
Poland * 1:800,000 * 2012 * Marco Polo
Poland * 1:700,000 * 2004 * Michelin
Poland * 1:700,000 * 1998 * Michelin
Poland * 1:750,000 * 1991 * PPWK
Poland/Czechoslovakia/Hungary * 1:1,000,000 * 1993 * Rand McNally-Hallwag
Pondicherry * India * 1:8,600 * 1985 * Tamilnad Printers and Traders Pvt. Ltd.
Pondicherry * India * 1:20,000 * 1971 * Survey of India
Pordenone * Italy * 1:7,000 * 1985 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Porirua * New Zealand * 1991
Port Alberni to Port Townsend
Port Alberni, British Columbia * See also: Nanaimo/Parksville/Port Alberni/Qualicum Beach
Port Alberni, British Columbia * See also: Vancouver Island [Regional Map], British Columbia
Port Alberni, British Columbia * See also: Vancouver Island and Sunshine Coast
Port Alberni (2) * British Columbia * [No scale] * 2000 * Graphics Factory
Port Alice * British Columbia * 1985 * Village of Port Alice
Port Clements * British Columbia * 1984 * Village of Port Clements
Port Colborne, Ontario * See: Welland/Port Colborne * or St. Catharines/Welland/Port Colborne
Port Coquitlam, British Columbia * See also: Coquitlam * or Langley * or Tri-Cities Street Map and Tourist Guide
Port Coquitlam, British Columbia * See also: Vancouver – North * British Columbia * 92 G/6 North Vancouver & 92 G/7 Port Coquitlam
Port Coquitlam (2) * British Columbia * 1:75,000 * 1993
Port Edward * British Columbia * 1990 * Village of Port Edward
Port Elizabeth * South Africa * 1:21,000 * 1991 * Map Studio
Port Hardy, British Columbia * See also: Vancouver Island and Sunshine Coast * Nanaimo * or Nanaimo and Vancouver Island
Port Hardy * British Columbia * [No scale] * 2001 * Port Hardy Chamber of Commerce
Port Hope, Ontario * See: Cobourg, Ontario
Port McNeill, British Columbia * See also: Vancouver Island * or Sunshine Coast
Port McNeill * British Columbia * [No scale] * 1997 * Town of Port McNeill
Port Moody, British Columbia * See also: Coquitlam * or Tri-Cities Street Map and Tourist Guide
Port Moody * British Columbia * 1:5,000 * 1990 * City of Port Moody
Port Moresby * Papua New Guinea * 1983 * Broadbent's
Port Townsend * Washington * 1984 * Port Townsend Chamber of Commerce
Portage to Powell
Portage la Prairie * Manitoba * 1991 * Webber Printing
Portland * Oregon * Various scales * 2000 * Johnson and Associates
Portland * Oregon * Greater Portland Street Map Book * 1:22,000 * 1998 * Rand McNally
Portland (Transit) * Oregon * Tri-Met Map * [No scale] * 1992
Porto Sango, Portugal * See: Madeira, Portugal
Portsmouth * United Kingdom * 5 in. = 1 mi. * 1975 * Geographia
Portugal * See also: Spain and Portugal
Portugal * 1:300,000 * 2011 * Marco Polo
Portugal * 1:600,000 * [No date] * ITMB
Portugal * 1:400,000 * 1996 * Michelin
Portugal - Algarve * 1:175,000 * 2008 * Globetrotter
Portugal - Algarve * 1:175,000 * 2000 * Globetrotter
Portugal - Algarve Region * 1:100,000; 1:400,000/1:500,000 * 1991 * Hildebrand
Portugal/Madeira * 1:400,000 * 2015 * Michelin
Powell River, British Columbia * See also: Nanaimo and Vancouver Island * or Vancouver Island and Sunshine Coast
Powell River * British Columbia * 1:100,000 * 1998 * Powell River Visitors Bureau
Powell River (Sunshine Coast) (2) * British Columbia * Various scales * 1996 * Canadian Cartographics Ltd.
Prague to Pusan
Prague * Czech Republic * 1:15,000 * 2012 * Marco Polo
Prague * Czech Republic * 1:20,000 * [2000?] * ADAC
Prague (Transit) * Czech Republic * Prague by the Metro * 1999 * Michael Brein Inc.
Prague * Czech Republic * 1:5,000 * 1997 * ITMB
Prairie Provinces, Canada * See: Canada - Prairie Provinces
Prato * Italy * 1:9,000 * 1982 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Pretoria * South Africa * 1:25,000 * 1984 * Map Studio
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan * See also: Saskatoon/Prince Albert/The Battle-fords * Saskatchewan
Prince Albert * Saskatchewan * Not drawn to scale * 1996 * Universal Maps of Canada
Prince Edward Island * See also: Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island * Various scales * 2019 * MapArt
Prince Edward Island * Various scales * 2010 * ITMB
Prince Edward Island * 1:277,000 * 2006 * Tourism P.E.I.
Prince Edward Island * 1:277,000 * 2003 * Tourism P.E.I.
Prince George * See also: British Columbia - Prince George and Quesnel Region
Prince George (2) * British Columbia * 1:25,000 * 2023 * MapArt
Prince George * British Columbia * 1:25,000 * 1997 * Rand McNally
Prince George * British Columbia * 1:25,000 * 1995 * MapArt
Prince Rupert, British Columbia * See also: Prince George, British Columbia
Prince Rupert * British Columbia * 1990
Prince Rupert * British Columbia * 1 inch = 750 feet * 1981 * City of Prince Rupert
Princeton * British Columbia * [No scale] * [199?] * Princeton and District Chamber of Commerce
Puerto Rico * 1:190,000 * 2012 * ITMB
Puerto Rico * Various scales * [no date] * Frommer's
Puerto Rico * 1:190,000 * 1999 (2nd edition) * ITMB
Puerto Rico * (includes San Juan) * 1979 * Rand McNally
Puerto Rico & U.S. Virgin Islands (3) * Various scales * 2014 * ITMB
Puerto Vallarta * Mexico * 1:16,000 * [199?] * Guia Roji
Puerto Vallarta * Mexico * [199?] * North American Tourist Standards
Puget Sound, Washington * See: Washington - Puget Sound
Pusan * Korea, South * [No scale] * 1995 * Korea National Tourism Organization
Pusan * Korea, South * Various scales * 1987
Q - Qatar to Quito
Qat-Qua | Quebec | Queen-Qui
Qatar to Qualicum
Qatar * See also: Doha, Qatar
Qatar * 1:230,000 * 2000 * GEOprojects
Quadra Island * British Columbia * 1:62,500 * 1983
Qualicum Beach, British Columbia * See: Nanaimo/Vancouver Island * or Nanaimo/Parksville/Qualicum
Quebec * FastTrack Quebec * Various scales * 2023 * MapArt
Quebec * Various scales * 2020 * MapArt
Quebec * 1:1,100,000 * 2016 * Michelin
Quebec - Cote-Nord * 1 cm = 15 km * [1999] * Le Quebec Maritime
Quebec - Lanaudiere region * 1:200,000 * 1989 * Tourisme de Lanaudiere
Quebec - Mauricie Bois-Francs * Snowmobile Trails * 1996/97 * Tourisme Mauricie Bois-Francs
Quebec - Southern * See also: Montreal & Southern Quebec
Quebec - Southern * 1:850,000 * 2016 * ITMB
Quebec City * Quebec * Quebec City & Gaspé Peninsula * Various scales * 2020 * ITMB
Queen Charlotte Islands to Quito
Queen Charlottte Islands, British Columbia * See: Haida Gwaii
Queenstown * New Zealand * 1:10,000 * New Zealand. Dept. of Lands
Queenstown, New Zealand * See also: New Zealand
Quesnel, British Columbia * See also: Prince George * or British Columbia - Prince George and Quesnel Region
Quesnel * British Columbia * No scale * [1997?]
Quetta and Ziarat * Pakistan * No scale * 1997 * Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation
Quito, Ecuador * See also: Galapagos Islands, Quito & Guayaquil
Quito * Ecuador * 1:12,500 * 2000 * ITMB
Quito * Ecuador * 1:15,000 * 1987 * Instituto Geografico Militar
R - Rabat to Rye
Rab-Rey | Rhi-Rho | Ric-Riy | Roa-Rou | Rug-Rye
Rabat to Reykjavik
Rabat * Morocco * See also: Morocco
Rabat * Morocco * 1981
Radium, British Columbia * See also: Columbia Valley, British Columbia
Radium Hot Springs * British Columbia * [No scale] * [2001?] * Radium Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce
Raleigh * North Carolina * Various scales * 1996 * Seeger Map Co.
Rawalpindi * See: Islamabad
Reading * United Kingdom * 3.8 inches = 1 mile * 1986 * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
Red Deer * Alberta * 1 km = 4.5 cm * 1996-97 * Red Deer Visitor and Convention Board
Red Deer * Alberta * 1:25,000 * 1997 * Rand McNally
Red Deer + Central Alberta Towns * Alberta * 1:25,000 * 2005 * MapArt
Redmond, Washington * See: Bellevue/Redmond/Kirkland/Issaquah, Washington
Regensburg * Germany * 1:11,300-1:17,000 * 1987-88 * Falk
Regina * Saskatchewan * Various scales * 2019 * MapArt
Regina * Saskatchewan * 1:25,000 * 2000 * Rand McNally
Regina * Saskatchewan * 1:25,000 * 1997 * Rand McNally
Regina * Saskatchewan * 1:25,000 * [199?] * Allmaps Canada
Regina/Moose Jaw/Saskatoon/Prince Albert * Saskatchewan * 1987 * Clear-View
Regina/Moose Jaw/Swift Current * Saskatchewan * 1:25,000 * 2002 * MapArt
Reims * France * 1:12,500 * 1982 * Plan Guide Blay
Remscheid * Germany * Various scales * 1987 * Bollmann
Rennes * France * 1:11,000 * 1981 * Plan Guide Blay
Reno/Sparks * Nevada * 1:40,000 * 1996 * Rand McNally
Republic of Georgia * See: Georgia, Republic of
Republic of Moldova * See: Moldova, Republic of
La Reunion * France * 1:100,000 * 1978 * Institut Geographique National
Revelstoke, British Columbia * See also: Kamloops/Revelstoke/Vernon
Revelstoke * British Columbia * [No scale] * 2001 * Revelstoke Chamber of Commerce
Reykjavik * Iceland * 1:15,000/1:1,000,000 * 1985-86 * Kartografiai Vallalat
Reykjavik * Iceland * 1991-92 * Reykjavik Tourism Commission
Rhine River to Rhodes
Rhine River, Germany * See: Germany - Rhine River
Rhode Island (Transit) * United States * Bus Map * 1987
Rhode Island * United States * 1990-91 * Rhode Island Tourism Division
Rhodes * Greece * 1:115,000 * 1998 * HarperCollins
Rhodes * Greece * 1:100,000 * 1991 * Freytag and Berndt
Richland to Riyadh
Richland, Washington * See: Pasco/Richland/Kennewick, Washington
Richmond (2) * British Columbia * Canada * 1:20,000 * 1992 * ITMB
Richmond (2) * British Columbia * Richmond & Vancouver Bike & Hike * 1:20,000 * 2022 * ITMB
Richmond * Virginia * 1 inch = 0.62 miles * 1988 * Rand McNally
Richmond Hill, Ontario * See: Markham * Ontario
Richmond Hill, Ontario * See: Ontario - York Region
Rideau Canal * Ontario * 1983 * Canada Minister of Supply and Service
Riga * Latvia * See also: Latvia & Riga
Riga * Latvia * Various Scales * 2007 * ITMB
Riga * Latvia * 1:30,000 * 2000/2001 * Pilsetas Plans
Rimini * Italy * 1:7,500 * 1991 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Rio De Janeiro * Brazil * 1:12,500 * 2006 * Globetrotter
Rio De Janeiro * Brazil * 1:15,000 * [1998?] * Falk
Rio De Janeiro * Brazil * 1:20,000 * 1996 * ITMB
Rio De Janeiro and Brasil East Coast * Brazil * Various scales * 2010 * ITMB
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia * See also: Saudi Arabia
Riyadh * Saudi Arabia * 1979 * Saudi Fal
Road Town to Route 66
Road Town, British Virgin Islands * See: British Virgin Islands
Roberts Creek, British Columbia * See: Sunshine Coast, British Columbia
Rochester * New York * 1972 * Arrow
Rockies, Canada * See: Canada (Except B.C.) Parks and Trails Map Box - Alberta and Canada - Rockies * Canadian Rockies Recreation Facility Map
Rocky Mountains, Canada * See: Canada – Rocky Mountains
Rodrigues * See: Mauritius & Rodrigues
Romania * 1:500,000 * [received 2001] * ADAC
Romania * 1:750,000 * 1996 * Bartholomew
Romania * 1:750,000 * 1995 * Cartographia
Romania/Bulgaria * 1:1,000,000 * 1989 * Freytag and Berndt
Romania & Moldova * Various scales * 2012 * ITMB
Romania/Republic of Moldova * 1:800,000 * 2011 * Marco Polo
Rome * Italy * 1:15,000 * 2012 * Marco Polo
Rome * Italy * 1:15,000 * 2009 * Hallwag
Rome * Italy * Various scales * 2006 * Fodor's
Rome * Italy * Various scales * 2005 * Frommer's
Rome * Italy * Various scales * 2004 * Insight Fleximap
Rome * Italy * Various scales * 2002 * Total Editions Publishing
Rome * Italy * Various scales * 2001 * Lonely Planet City Map Series
Rome * Italy * 1:15,000 * 1992-93 * Hallwag
Rome & Italy South * Various scales * 2014 * ITMB
Roseau, Dominica * See: Dominica
Rossland, British Columbia * See also: British Columbia - Southeast British Columbia Communities
Rossland * British Columbia * 1980-81 * Rossland Chamber of Commerce
Rothenburg * Germany * 1989 * Bollmann
Rotorua, New Zealand * See also: New Zealand
Rotorua * New Zealand * [No scale] * 1983 * Government Tourist Bureau
Rotterdam * Netherlands * 1:15,000 * 1983 * Falk
Rouen * France * 1:11,000 * Plan Guide Blay
Route 66 * United States * Highway 66 * Set of 8 maps * 1994 * Ghost Town Press
Rugby to Rye
Rugby * Great Britain * 1:10,000 * 1991 * Response Marketing (Based upon Ordnance Survey map)
Russia * 1:6,000,000 * 2016 * ITMB
Russia * 1:6,000,000 * 2005 * ITMB
Russia * 1:5,700,000 * 2000 * ITMB
Russia * 1:9,000,000 * 1996 * Bartholemew
Russia * 1:9,000,000 * 1995 * Carographia
Russia, West * 1:3,200,000 * 2013 * ITMB
Russia, West & St. Petersburg * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
Rwanda and Burundi * 1:400,000 * 1998 * ITMB
Rye and Romney Marsh * United Kingdom * Various scales * 1986 * Estate Publications
S - Saanich to Szczecin
Saa-Sai | Sal-Sam | San-Sand | Sant-Sao | Sar-Sav | Sca-Sco | Sea-Sey | Sha-Slo | Soe-Sov | Spa-Sri | Sta-Stu | Sud-Suz | Swa-Szc
Saanich to St. Vincent
Saanich Peninsula, British Columbia * See: Victoria - Suburbs
Saarbrucken * Germany * 1:15,000 * 1989 * Falk
Sabah, Malaysia * See: Malaysia - Sabah and Sarawak
Sacramento – South – Elk Grove * California * 1 inch = 2900 Feet * 2008 * California Automobile Association
Sahara * 1:3,400,000 * 2015 * ITMB
Sahara and Environs * 1:2,200,000 * 2000 * ITMB
Sahara, Western * See: Morocco (including: Western Sahara and the Canary Islands)
Saigon, Vietnam * See: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
St. Albert * Alberta * 4.5 inches = 1 mile * 1995-96 * St. Albert Economic Development
St. Andrews by-the-Sea * New Brunswick * [No scale] * 1994 * St. Andrews Chamber of Commerce
St. Barthelemy * See: Guadeloupe/St-Martin/St-Barthelemy
St. Catharines/Niagara Falls * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 1988 * MapArt
St. Catharines/Welland/Port Colborne * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 2005 * MapArt
St. Georges, Bermuda * See: Bermuda
St.-Germain en Laye * France * 1:6,500 * 1983 * Plan Guide Blay
Saint John * New Brunswick * 1:25,000 * 1995 * Rand McNally
Saint John * New Brunswick * 1 inch = 2250 feet * 1985
Saint John/Fredericton * New Brunswick * Various scales * 2021 * MapArt
Saint John/Fredericton * New Brunswick * 1:25,000 * 2001 * MapArt
St. John's * Newfoundland * St. John's City Street Guide * 1997 * Nimbus Publishing
St. John's * Newfoundland * 1993 * St. John's City
St. John's/Mount Pearl * Newfoundland * Various scales * 2004 * MapArt
St. Louis * Missouri * 1:40,000 * 1995 * Rand McNally
St. Louis (Transit) * Missouri * Metrolink * Bi-State Transit System Guide * 1993
Saint Lucia * See also: Dominica & Saint Lucia
Saint Lucia * 1:40,000 * 2011 * ITMB
St. Lucia * 1:50,000 * 1991 * Ordnance Survey of Great Britain World Maps
Saint-Malo * France * 1:11,000 * 1987 * Plan Guide Blay
St. Martin * See: Guadeloupe/St-Martin/St-Barthelemy
St. Nazaire * France * 1:12,500 * 1980 * Plan Guide Blay
St. Petersburg / Clearwater * Florida * 1:42,000 * 1996
St. Petersburg / Tampa * Florida * 1 inch = 4.8 miles * 1991 * AAA/Gousha
St. Petersburg, Russia * See also: Commonwealth of Independent States or Russia, West & St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg * Russia * Various Scales * 2000 * Lonely Planet
St. Petersburg * Russia * 1:19,000-1:24,000 * 1994 * Falk
St. Petersburg * Russia * 1:20,000/1:53,000 * 1992 * Freytag and Berndt
St. Vincent and the Grenadines (2) * Windward Islands * 1:50,000 * 1991 * Ordnance Survey
Salem to Samoa
Salem * Oregon * 1984 * The Better Map
Salerno * Italy * 1:150,000 * 1989 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Salisbury/Wilton * United Kingdom * 1986 * Estate Publications
Salmon Arm, British Columbia * See also: Kamloops/Revelstoke/Vernon
Salmon Arm (2) * British Columbia * Various scales * 2001 * Salmon Arm Chamber of Commerce
Salmon Arm (Transit) * British Columbia * 1995
Salt Lake City * Utah * Various scales * 1999 * Rand McNally
Salt Lake City * Utah * 1:37,000 * 1994 * Rand McNally
Salt Lake Valley (Transit) * Utah * Transit System Map * 1993
Saltspring Island, British Columbia * See: Trails - British Columbia - Gulf Islands (Pams)
Salvador * See: El Salvador
Salzburg * Austria * 1:17,000 * 2002 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Salzburg * Austria * 1990 * GKPP
Samarkand * Uzbekistan * 1981 * GUGK
Samoa * See also: South Pacific Islands
Samoa * 1980 * University Press of Hawaii
Samoa Islands * 1:250,000 * 1992 * New Zealand, Dept. of Survey and Land Information
San Antonio to Sandusky
San Antonio * Texas * 1 3/4 inches = 1 mile * [No date] * MapArt
San Antonio * Texas * 1988 * Rand McNally
San Bernardino * California * 1:32,000 * 2001 * American Map Corporation
San Diego * California * Various scales * [no date] * Frommer's
San Diego * California * 1:28,000 * 2001 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
San Diego * California * 1:40,000 * 2002 * Rand McNally
San Diego (Transit) * California * Regional Transit Map * 1992
San Francisco * California * 1:15,000 * 2013 * Marco Polo
San Francisco * California * Various scales * 2006 * Fodor's
San Francisco * California * Various scales * 2005 * Frommer's
San Francisco * California * Various scales * 2001 * Total Editions Publishing
San Francisco * California * Various scales * 1999 * Lonely Planet City Map Series
San Francisco * California * 1:30,000 * 1995 * Rand McNally
San Francisco (Transit) * California * Street and Transit Map * 1992
San Francisco & Northern California (2) * United States * Various scales * 2013 * ITMB
San Jose * California * 1:32,000 * 2000 * American Map Corporation
San Juan Islands * Washington * 1:70,000 * 1997 * ITMB
San Juan, Puerto Rico * See: Puerto Rico
San Luis Obispo (Town and County) * California * 1980 * Rockwell Enterprises
San Salvador * See also: El Salvador
San Salvador * El Salvador * 1962 * Direccin General de Cartografia
Sandusky * Ohio * 1985 * Champion Map Corp.
Santa Ana to Sao Paulo
Santa Ana & Central Orange County, California * 1:32,000 * 2000 * American Map Corporation
Santa Barbara * California * 1987 * Treaty Oak Press
Santa Barbara * California * 1986 * Compass Maps
Santa Clara County (Transit) * California * Bus and Rail Map * 1993
Santa Cruz * California * 1981 * The Map Box
Santa Fe * New Mexico * 1:38,000 * 1995 * Rand McNally
Santa Monica * California * [No scale] * 1999 * Santa Monica Convention and Visitors Bureau
Santiago * Chile * See also: Easter Island & Santiago
Santiago * Chile * 1:12,500 * 2006 * ITMB
Santiago * Chile * 1:12,500 * [2000?] * ITMB
Santiago * Chile * 1:25,000 * 1979 * Servicio Nacional de Turismo
Santiago de Cuba * Cuba * 1983 * Instituto Cubano de Geodesia y Cartografia
Sao Paulo * Brazil * 1:17,000 * 2000 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson & Berndtson
Sao Paulo (2) * Brazil * 1:20,000 * 1995 * Geomapas
Sarasota to Savona
Sarasota * Florida * 1981 * West House of Maps
Sarawak, Malaysia * See: Malaysia - Sarawak * or Malaysia - Sabah and Sarawak
Sardinia * Italy * 1:200,000 * 2010 * Marco Polo
Sardinia * Italy * 1:350,000 * 1982 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Sarnia, Ontario * See also: Chatham/Sarnia * Ontario
Sarnia * Ontario * 1:13,800 * 1978 * Pathfinder Air Surveys
Saskatchewan * See also: Alberta/Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan * See also: Manitoba/Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan * Various scales * 2024 * MapArt
Saskatchewan * Various scales * 2021 * MapArt
Saskatchewan * Various scales * 2012/2013 * Tourism Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan * [No scale] * 2005-2006 * Tourism Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan * Various scales * 2005 * MapArt
Saskatchewan * 2003 * Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation
Saskatchewan * Various scales * 2001-2002 * Tourism Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan * 1:1,500,000 * [1998?] * Rand McNally
Saskatoon * Saskatchewan * 1:25,000 * 1997 * Rand McNally
Saturna Island * British Columbia * [No scale] * 2001 * Saturna Tourism
Saturna Island/Mayne Island * British Columbia * [No scale] * 1990 * Signature Associates
Saudi Arabia * See also: Arabia
Saudi Arabia * 1:3,500,000 * (2nd edition)[received 2001] * GEOprojects
Saudi Arabia & Kuwait * Various scales * 2014 * ITMB
Sault Ste. Marie * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 2004 * MapArt
Sault Ste. Marie * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 1997 * Rand McNally
Saumur * France * 1:10,000 * 1980 * Plan Guide Blay
Savannah * Georgia * 1985 * Champion Map Co.
Savona * Italy * 1:10,000 * 1982 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Scandinavia to Scotland
Scandinavia - North * 1:1,000,000 * 1993 * Kummerly and Frey
Scandinavia/Finland * 1:1,500,000 * 2013 * Michelin
Scandinavia/Finland * 1:1,500,000 * 2004 * Michelin
Scarborough * Ontario * 2.5 cm = 1 km * 1995 * Rand McNally
Scotland * See also: Edinburgh & Scotland
Scotland * See also: Great Britain
Scotland * 1:550,000 * 2017 * Collins
Scotland * 1:400,000 * 2015 * Michelin
Scotland * 1:370,000 * 2014 * ITMB
Scotland * 1:550,000 * 2013 * Collins
Scotland * 1:550,000 * 2011 * Collins
Scotland * 1 inch = 8.7 miles * 2005 * Collins
Scotland * Various scales * 2000 * Collins
Scotland - Orkney and Shetland Islands * 1:28,000 * [1998?] * Estate Publications
Scotland - Southern Upland Way * 1:50,000 * 1983 * HMSO Books
Scotland - Southwest * Ayrshire, Dumfries and Galloway * 1:200,000 * Estate Publications
Seattle to Seychelles
Seattle (2) * Washington * Various scales * 2015 * GM Johnson City Map
Seattle * Washington * Various scales * 2010 * GM Johnson
Seattle * Washington * 1:12,500 * 2003 * ITMB
Seattle * Washington * Various scales * 2000 * GM Johnson City Map
Seattle * Washington * Various scales * 1999 * Rand McNally
Seattle * Washington * Streetwise Seattle * 1996 * Streetwise Maps
Seattle * Washington * 1:21,700 * 1996 * GM Johnson
Seattle & Northwest USA * United States * Various scales * 2012 * ITMB
Sechelt, British Columbia * See: British Columbia - Sunshine Coast * or Nanaimo and Vancouver Island * or Vancouver Island and Sunshine Coast
Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh * See: Hyderabad
Sedro-Woolley, Washington * See also: Washington - Skagit County
Sedro-Woolley * Washington * 1992 * Merchant Maps
Segovia * Spain * 1982
Semarang, Indonesia * See: Indonesia - Java
Senegal & Gambia * Various scales * 2012 * ITMB
Senegal and Gambia * 1:800,000 * 1999 * ITMB
Seoul * South Korea * See also: Korea, South * South Korea & Seoul
Seoul * South Korea * Various scales * 2007 * ITMB
Seoul * South Korea * 1:15,000 * 2001 * ITMB
Seoul * South Korea * 1:7,500 * 1994 * Korea National Tourism Corporation
Sept-Iles * Quebec * 1991
Serbia * See: Slovenia/Croatia/Bosnia & Herzegovina/Serbia/Montenegro/Former Yug. Rep. Of Macedonia
Seville * Spain * See also: Spain, Andalucia, Costa Del Sol, Seville, Cordoba, Granada
Seville * Spain * 1:18,000 * 2000 * Cartographia
Seward * Alaska * 1972 * Arrow Maps
Seychelles * 1:50,000 * [199?] * Freytag and Berndt
Seychelles - Mahe * Seychelles * 1:50,000 * 1989 * Ordnance Survey
Seychelles - Praslin * Seychelles * 1:30,000 * 1986 * Ordnance Survey
Seychelles * 1:6,000,000/Various scales * 1985 * Hildebrand
Shanghai to Slovenia
Shanghai * China * [No scale] * [received 2015] * Panda
Shanghai * China * 1:16,000 * 2005 * ITMB
Shanghai * China * 1:15,000 * 2001 * GeoCenter
Shanghai * China * 1:20,000 * [1996?] * ITMB
Shanghai * China * [No scale] * 1986 * Cartographic Publishing House
Shaw Island, Washington * See: Lopez Island and Shaw Island
Shawinigan * Quebec * 1989 * Carto Plus
Sheffield * United Kingdom * 1:18,103/1:9,051 * 1989 * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
Shelton, Washington * See: Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Shelton
Shenyang * China * 1984 * Cartographic Publishing House
Shenzhen * China * 1983
Shetland Islands * See: Scotland - Orkney and Shetland Islands
Shuswap, British Columbia * See also: British Columbia – Okanagan & Shuswap
Shuswap Lakes * British Columbia * 3 cm = 10 km * 1996 * Tourism Shuswap
Siberia * Russia * 1:3,600,000 * 2016 * ITMB
Siberia - Eastern * Russia * See: Kamchatka & Eastern Siberia
Sicamous * British Columbia * [No scale] * 2001 * Sicamous Chamber of Commerce
Sicily, Italy * See: Italy - Sicily
Sienna * Italy * 1:5,000 * 1989 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Sierra Leone (2) * 1:560,000 * 1997 * ITMB
Sigulda * Latvia * [No scale] * 1993 * Jana Seta
Sikkim * See also: Himalaya
Sikkim * India * 1:140,000 * 2003 * ITMB
Sikkim & India - Northeast * Various scales * 2012 * ITMB
Singapore * 1:15,000 * 2013 * Marco Polo
Singapore * Various scales * 2007 * Periplus
Singapore * Various scales * 2003/2004 * Periplus
Singapore * Various scales * 2000 * Periplus
Singapore * Various scales * 1993 * Nelles
Slovak Republic * See: Czech Republic/Slovak Republic or Slovakia & Hungary
Slovakia * 1:500,000 * 1995 * Cartographia
Slovakia * 1:500,000 * 1994 * Bartholomew
Slovakia & Hungary * Various scales * 2017 * ITMB
Slovenia * See also: Croatia – Central and Coast/Slovenia
Slovenia (2) * 1:370,000 * 1993 * Kartografija: Institut za geodezijo in fotogrametrijo
Slovenia/Croatia/Bosnia & Herzegovina/Serbia/Montenegro/Former Yug. Rep. Of Macedonia * 1:1,000,000 * 2013 * Michelin
Soest to Soviet Union
Soest * Germany * 1:2,400 * 1989 * Bollmann
Sofia * Bulgaria * 1991 * Falk
Sofia * Bulgaria * 1985 * Kartografiai Vallalat
Solingen and Region * Germany * 1:15,000 * 1993 * Falk
Solomon Islands * See also: South Pacific Islands
Solomon Islands * 1:900,000 * 2006 * ITMB
Solomon Islands * 1:1,200,000 * 1993 * Hema Maps
Somalia * 1:1,117,000 * 2000 * ITMB
Sooke, British Columbia * See: Victoria - Suburbs
South Africa * 1:1,500,000 * 2012 * ITMB
South Africa * 1:2,000,000 * 2005 * Collins
South Africa * 1:3,255,000 * 2001 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
South Africa * 1:2,000,000 * 1999 (3rd edition) * Map Studio
South Africa * 1:2,000,000 * 1996 * Bartholomew
South Africa * 1:2,400,000 * [1991?] * Map Studio
South Africa/Lesotho/Swaziland * 1:1,400,000 * 2018 * Michelin
South America * 1:4,000,000 * 2014 * ITMB
South America - North East * 1:2,800,000 * 2004 * ITMB
South America - North West (2) * 1:4,000,000 * 1999 (3rd edition) * ITMB
South America - Southern * See also: Argentina/Chile/Paraguay/Uruguay
South America - Southern * 1:2,800,000 * 2002 (5th edition) * ITMB
South Carolina * United States * 1:1,001,000 * 1994 * AAA
South Carolina * United States * 1991 * South Carolina Dept. of Highways and Public Transportation
South Cowichan * British Columbia * 1:60,000 * 2000 * South Cowichan Chamber of Commerce
South Dakota, United States * See also: North Dakota, South Dakota, U.S.
South Dakota * United States * 1 inch = 18 miles * 1987 * Rand McNally
South Korea * See: Korea, South
South Pacific * See also: Asia, West Pacific
South Pacific Islands * Special maps of all major islands * 1:13,000,000 * [199?] * Nelles
Southampton * United Kingdom * 1:18,103 * 1989 * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
Southampton * United Kingdom * 1:10,000 * 1979 * Ordnance Survey
Southeast Asia * See: Asia, Southeast
Soviet Union * See also: Commonwealth of Independent States
Soviet Union - Administrative Units * 1:9,000,000 * 1991 * Cartographia
Soviet Union * 1:15,700,000; 1:3,500,000 * 1990 * Hildebrand
Soviet Union (Western) * 1:2,000,000 * 1991 * Bartholomew
Spain to Sri Lanka
Spain - Andalucia, Costa Del Sol, Seville, Cordoba, Granada * 1:200,000 * 2011 * Marco Polo
Spain - Central * 1:400,000 * 1989 * Michelin
Spain - Central and Eastern * 1:400,000 * 1990 * Michelin
Spain - Costa Brava * 1:175,000 * 1990 * Hallwag
Spain - Costa Brava * 1 cm = 2 km * 1988-90 * Baedekers
Spain - Costa del Sol * 1:200,000 * 2003 * Michelin
Spain - Costa del Sol & Gibraltar * Costa del Sol & Gibraltar Holiday Map * Various scales * 1996 * Bartholomew
Spain - Costa del Sol and Gibraltar * 1:300,000 * 1989 * Euromap
Spain - North * 1:400,000 * 1989 * Michelin
Spain - North East * 1:400,000 * 1989 * Michelin
Spain - North West * 1:400,000 * 1989 * Michelin
Spain - South * 1:400,000 * 1990 * Michelin
Spain - Spanish Coast, Costa Brava to Costa Blanca * 1:900,000 * 1990 * Hildebrand
Spain & Portugal * 1:800,000 * 2017 * AA Media Limited
Spain & Portugal * 1:1,000,000 * 2014 * Michelin
Spain & Portugal * 1:900,000 * 2012 * ITMB
Spain and Portugal * 1:900,000 * 2010 * ITMB
Spain and Portugal * 1:1,000,000 * 2004 * Michelin
Spain and Portugal * 1:1,250,000 * 1996 * Bartholomew
Spain and Portugal * 1:1,000,000 * 1992 * RAC
Sparwood, British Columbia * See: Elk Valley, British Columbia
Split * See: Dalmatia
Spokane * Washington * 1:48,000 * 1995 * Rand McNally
Spokane * Washington * 1 inch = 2.75 miles * 1995 * Gousha
Spuzzum, British Columbia * See: Hope, British Columbia
Squamish, British Columbia * See also: Whistler * or Whistler-Squamish-Sunshine Coast
Squamish (2) * British Columbia * [No scale] * 1994 * Business Information Centre
Sri Lanka * 1:600,000 * 2004 * Globetrotter
Sri Lanka * 1:475,000 * 2000 * ITMB
Sri Lanka * 1:560,000 * 1999 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Sri Lanka and Maldive Islands * 1988 * KartoGraphic
Sri Lanka & South India * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
Stamford to Stuttgart
Stamford (Transit) * Connecticut * Bus System Route Map * 1993
Stanwood, Washington * See: Washington State - Stanwood Area and Camano Island
Stein Valley, British Columbia * See: Trail and Park Maps - B.C.
Stellenbosch * South Africa * 1:20,000 * 1990 * Struik House
Stockholm (2) * Sweden * 1:15,000 * 2012 * Borch
Stockholm * Sweden * 1:15,000 * 2010 * Hallwag
Stockholm * Sweden * 1:13,500 * 2001 * Map
Stockton * California * 1 inch = 8 miles; 1 inch = 0.55 mile * 1983 * Gousha/Chek-Chart
Stouffville, Ontario * See: Markham, Ontario
Strasbourg * France * 1982 * Plan Guide Blay
Stratford-upon-Avon * United Kingdom * 1:10,560 * 1986 * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
Stratford * Ontario * [No scale] * 1999/2000 * Tourism Stratford
Stratford and Woodstock * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 1986 * MapArt
Stuttgart (2) * Germany * 1:20,000 * 1988 * Baedekers
Stuttgart * Germany * 1:5,000 * 1983 * Bollmann
Sudan to Suzhou
Sudan * 1:2,700,000 * 2001 * ITMB
Sudan * 1:4,000,000 * 1980 * GEOprojects
Sudan and Ethiopia * North East Africa * 1:5,000,000 * 1995 * Bartholomew
Sudbury, Ontario * See also: North Bay, Ontario
Sudbury * Ontario * 1:31,000 * [1998?] * Rand McNally
Sumatra, Indonesia * See: Indonesia - Sumatra
Summerland * British Columbia * [No scale] * 2001 * Summerland Chamber of Commerce
Summerside, P.E.I. * See: Charlottetown/Summerside * or Prince Edward Island
Sunshine Coast, British Columbia * See: British Columbia - Sunshine Coast * or Powell River and Sunshine Coast * or Gibsons/Sechelt/Sunshine Coast * or Whistler/Squamish/Sunshine Coast * or Vancouver Island and Sunshine Coast
Sunshine Valley, British Columbia * See: Hope, British Columbia
Surabaya * See also: Indonesia - East Java * or Indonesia - Java
Surabaya * Indonesia * 1:15,000 * 2005/2006 * Periplus Travel maps
Surinam * See also: Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana)
Surinam (2) * 1:750,000 * 1998 * ITMB
Suriname * See also: Guyana, Suriname & French Guiana
Surrey, British Columbia * See also: Vancouver and Fraser Valley
Surrey/Langley/White Rock * British Columbia (2) * 1:31,250 * 2004 * MapArt
Surrey Transit Map * British Columbia * 1994 * British Columbia Transit
Sutton/Epsom/Ewell * United Kingdom * 3 inches = 1 mile * 1986 * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
Suzhou * China * 1985 * Cartographic Publishing House
Suzhou * China * [No date] * Chinese and English
SzczecinSwaziland to
Swaziland * See also: South Africa/Lesotho/Swaziland
Swaziland * 1982 * BP
Sweden * See also: Norway/Sweden
Sweden * See also: Scandinavia
Sweden * 1:1,200,000 * 2014 * Michelin
Sweden * 1:800,000 * 2012 * Marco Polo
Sweden * 1:1,500,000 * 2005 * Globetrotter Travel Map
Sweden * 1:1,500,000 * 1993 * Swedish Travel and Tourism Council
Sweden * 1:1,000,000 * 1986 * Esselte Maps
Sweden (set of 9 maps) * 1:300,000 * 1981 * Esselte Maps
Swidnica * Poland * 1:10,000 * 1989 * Plan Miasta
Swift Current, Saskatchewan * See also: Regina/Moose Jaw/Swift Current * Saskatchewan
Swift Current (2) * Saskatchewan * [No scale] * 1995 * Universal Maps of Canada
Switzerland * See also: Geneva & Switzerland
Switzerland * 1:400,000 * 2015 * Michelin
Switzerland * 1:303,000 * 2010 * Marco Polo
Switzerland * 1:400,000 * 2004 * Michelin
Switzerland * 1:606,000 * 2002 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Switzerland * 1:301,000 * 1993 * RAC
Switzerland - Northwest * See also: Zurich & Switzerland NW
Sydney * Australia * 2005 * Lonely Planet
Sydney * Australia * Various scales * 1999 * Lonely Planet City Map Series
Sydney (150 Kilometres around Sydney) * Australia * 1:400,000 * 1993 * Robinson's
Sydney (Street Directory) * Australia * 1982-83 * Gregory's
Sydney & Australia East * Australia * Various scales * 2014 * ITMB
Sydney, Nova Scotia * See: Cape Breton Island/Sydney * Nova Scotia
Syracuse * New York * [No scale] * 1983 * Champion Map Corp.
Syria * 1:1,000,000 * 2000 (3rd edition) * GEOprojects
Syria * 1:800,000 * 1995 * Freytag and Berndt
Syria * The Oxford Map of Syria * Various scales * 1982 * GEOprojects
Syria - Coastal Region * 1:250,000 * 1994 * Syria. Ministry of Tourism
Syria - Homs and Hama * 1:500,000 * [199?] * Ministry of Tourism
Szczecin * Poland * 1:28,000 * 1989 * PPWK
T - Tacoma to Tutuila
Tac-Tau | Teh-Thu | Tia-Ton | Tor-Tou | Tra-Tut
Tacoma to Tauranga
Tacoma * Washington * 1:40,000 * 1995 * Rand McNally
Tacoma * Washington * 1 inch = 0.8 mile * 1996 * Gousha
Tahiti * French Polynesia * 1:100,000 * 2011 * ITMB
Tahiti * French Polynesia * 1:100,000 * 1977 * Institut Geographique National
Tahiti * French Polynesia * 1985 * Tahiti Tourist and Development Board
Tahsis * British Columbia * [No scale] * 1985
Taipei * Taiwan * 1:15,000 * 2004 * ITMB
Taipei City * Taiwan * 1:45,000 * 2002 * Periplus
Taiwan * 1:386,000 * 2000 * ITMB
Taiwan * 1:400,000 * 1993 * Nelles
Tajikistan * See: Turkmenistan, Tajikistan & Kyrgyzstan * or Kazakhstan * or Asia, Central
Tallahassee * Florida * 1984 * Champion Map
Tallinn * Estonia * 1:15,000 * [1997?] * GeoCenter
Tampa, Florida * See also: St. Petersburg/Tampa
Tampa * Florida * 1:40,000 * 1994 * Rand McNally
Tangier, Morocco * See: Morocco
Tanzania * See also: Kenya/Tanzania/Uganda
Tanzania * 1:1,300,000 * 2017 * ITMB
Tanzania * 1:1,970,000 * 2006 * ITMB
Tanzania * 1:1,400,000 * 2000 * ITMB
Tanzania * 1:2,000,000 * 1994 * Freytag and Berndt
Tanzania * 1:2,000,000 * 1993 * Freytag and Berndt
Tanzania - Kilimanjaro * 1:62,500 * 2004 * ITMB
Tanzania - Kilimanjaro * 1:62,500 * 1998 * ITMB
Tanzania - Kilimanjaro * 1:100,000 * 1989 * Ordnance Survey
Tanzania - Kilimanjaro & Tanzania North (2) * Various scales * 2013 * ITMB
Tanzania - North * See: Tanzania - Kilimanjaro & Tanzania North
Tartus, Syria * See: Syria, The Coast
Tashkent * Uzbekistan * 1980 * GUGK
Tasmania * Australia * 1:600,000 * 1979 * Mapping Division, Lands Dept.
Taumarunui, New Zealand * See: New Zealand
Tauranga * New Zealand * 1985
Tehran to Thunder Bay
Tehran * Iran * See also: Iran & Tehran
Tehran * Iran * [No scale] * 1976 * Sahab Geographie and Drafting Institute
Tehran & Northern Iran * Iran * Various scales * 2009 * ITMB
Tel Aviv * Israel * Various scales * 1986 * Carta
Tel Aviv * Israel * 1974 * Carta
Tenerife, Canary Islands * Spain * 1:125,000 * 1990 * Euromap
Tennessee * United States * 1 inch = 14 miles * 1989 * Tennessee Dept. of Transportation
Terrace, British Columbia * See also: Prince George, British Columbia
Terrace (2) * British Columbia * [2001?] * Terrace Tourism Council
Texada Island * British Columbia * 1:133,000 * 2000 * Texada Island Heritage Society
Texas * United States * 1:472,000 * 2002 * A.A.A.
Texas & Oklahoma * United States * 1:1,300,000 * 2016 * ITMB
Thailand * See also: Asia, South East
Thailand * 1:1,370,000 * 2014 * Michelin
Thailand * 1:900,000 * 2012 * ITMB
Thailand * 1:900,000 * 2009 * ITMB
Thailand * 1:900,000 * 2006 * ITMB
Thailand * 1:1,650,000 * [received 2001] * ITMB
Thailand * 1:1,500,000 * 1996 * Bartholomew
Thailand/Burma/Malaysia * 1:2,800,000 * 1991 * Hildebrand
Thailand - South * See also: Bangkok & Thailand South
Thailand - South & Phuket * 1:750,000 * 2005 * ITMB
Thailand - Southern (Ko Samui area) * Various scales * [1999?] * Periplus
Thailand - Southern (Phuket area) * Various scales * [1998?] * Periplus
Thompson * Manitoba * 2.5 cm = 1 km * 1995 * Design North
Thunder Bay * Ontario * 1996 * Guide Printing and Publishing
Thunder Bay * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 1988 * MapArt
Thunder Bay/Kenora/Fort Frances * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 2003 * MapArt
Tianjin to Tonga
Tianjin * China * 1983 * Cartographic Publishing House
Tibet * See also: Himalaya
Tibet * 1:1,850,000 * 2006 * ITMB
Tibet and Nepal and Bhutan * 1:2,000,000 * 1994 * GeoCenter
Tierra del Fuego * Chile/Argentina * See also: Argentina, South & Tierra del Fuego
Tierra del Fuego * Chile/Argentina * See also: Chile
Tierra del Fuego * Chile/Argentina * 1:750,000 * 1998 (1st edition) * ITMB
Tierra del Fuego * Chile/Argentina * 1:150,000 * 1991 * Zagier y Urruty
Timaru, New Zealand * See: New Zealand
Timisoara * See: Romania
Timmins, Ontario * See: North Bay, Ontario
Tobago * See: Trinidad & Tobago
Tofino, British Columbia * See also: Long Beach, British Columbia
Tofino * British Columbia * Tofino & Vancouver Island South * Various scales * 2021 * ITMB
Togo * 1:500,000 * 1991 * IGN
Tokelau Islands, South Pacific * See: Atafu
Tokyo * Japan * 1:15,000 * 2011 * ITMB
Tokyo * Japan * 1:15,000 * 2006 * ITMB
Tokyo * Japan * Various scales * 2003/04 * Periplus
Tokyo * Japan * 1:12,500 * 2002 * ITMB
Tokyo * Japan * Various scales * 1997 * Shobunsha Publications
Tokyo * Japan * 1:26,500 * 1991-92 * Hallwag
Toledo * Ohio * 1982 * Champion Map Corp.
Tonga * See also: Fiji & Tonga
Tonga - Nukualofa * Tonga * 1985 * Tonga Visitors Bureau
Tonga - Vava'u Group/Tongatapu Island * 1985 * Tonga Visitors Bureau
Torbay to Tours
Torbay * United Kingdom * 1:16,040 * 1986 * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
Torino * Italy * 1:15,000 * 1991 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Toronto * Ontario * Various scales * 2024 * MapArt
Toronto * Ontario * Various scales * 2021 * MapArt
Toronto * Ontario * 1:17,500 * 2014 * Borch
Toronto * Ontario * 1:12,500 * 2004 * ITMB
Toronto * Ontario * 1:31,000 * [received 2001] * Rand McNally
Toronto * Ontario * 1:17,500 * 1998 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Toronto * Ontario * 1:29,500 * 1997 * Rand McNally
Toronto * Ontario * Streetwise * Various scales * 1997
Toronto (Transit) * Ontario * Ride Guide * 1993
Toronto * Metro Toronto (Map Book) * Ontario * 1:22,000 * 1993 * Map Co.
Toronto * Ontario * 1:100,000 * (includes postal codes) * 1988 * MapArt
Toronto & Southern Ontario * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
Toronto & Southern Ontario * Various scales * 2013 * ITMB
Toulon * France * 1:12,500 * 1981 * Plan Guide Blay
Toulouse * France * 1:13,000 * 1982 * Plan Guide Blay
Tours * France * 1:8,500 * 1988 * Plan Guide Blay
Trail to Tutuila
Trail, British Columbia * See: British Columbia - Southeast British Columbia Communities
Trans Canada Trail * See: Canada (Except B.C.) Parks and Trails Map Box - Atlantic Canada Region * Canada (Except B.C.) Parks and Trails Map Box - Ontario * Canada (Except B.C.) Parks and Trails Map Box - Quebec * B.C. Trails & Parks Map Box - R-T
Trenton * New Jersey * 1983 * Champion Map Corp.
Treviso * Italy * 1:10,000 * 1991 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Tri-Cities Street Map and Tourist Guide * British Columbia * 1:28,000 * 2001-2002 * Maps Unlimited
Trier * Germany * 1:20,000 * 1984 * RECO
Trinidad & Tobago * 1:150,000 * 2011 * ITMB
Trois-Rivieres * Quebec * [No scale] * 1996-1997 * Transhumance communications Inc.
Truro, Nova Scotia * See: Nova Scotia/Truro/New Glasgow
Tsukuba, Japan * See: Tokyo
Tucson * Arizona * 1:39,000 * 1994 * Rand McNally
Tulsa * Oklahoma * 1:46,000 * 1993 * Rand McNally
Tumbler Ridge (2) * British Columbia * [No scale] * [2001?] * District of Tumbler Ridge
Tunbridge Wells * England * [1986?] * Ordnance Survey Maps
Tunisia * See also: Algeria and Tunisia
Tunisia * 1:700,000 * [Received 2010] * Freytag & Berndt
Tunisia * 1:1,120,000 * 2001 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Tunisia * 1:1,000,000 * [1992?] * Baedeker/Hallwag
Tunisia and Algeria * 1:1,000,000 * 1990-91 * Hallwag
Tunisia and Libya (2) * Various scales * 2011 * ITMB
Turkey * 1:1,100,000 * 2013 * ITMB
Turkey * 1:800,000 * 2011 * Marco Polo
Turkey * 1:1,100,000 * 2011 * ITMB
Turkey * 1:500,000 * [2000?] * ADAC
Turkey * 1:1,600,000 * 1990 * Ravenstein
Turkey - Antalya, Konya, Alanya, Icel, Adana, Kibris (Zypern) [4] * 1:500,000 * 1994 * KVRR
Turkey - Central * 1:550,000 * 2015 * ITMB
Turkey - East * 1:800,000 * 1989-90 * Roger Lascelles
Turkey - Edirne, Istanbul, Kocaeli, Sakarya, Bursa, Canakkale [1] * 1:500,000 * 1994 * KVRR
Turkey - Iskenderun, Hatay, Gazi Antep, Nemrut Dg., Mardin, Hakkari [7] * 1:500,000 * 1994 * KVRR
Turkey - Rize, Kars, Erzurum, Mus, Diyarbakir, Van [6] * 1:500,000 * 1994 * KVRR
Turkey - Samsun, Trabzon, Sivas, Erzincan, Kayseri, Malatya [5] * 1:500,000 * 1994 * KVRR
Turkey - South Coast * 1:550,000 * 2016 * ITMB
Turkey - West (2) * 1:550,000 * 2014 * ITMB
Turkey - Western * See also: Istanbul & Western Turkey
Turkey - Zonguldak, Sinop, Ankara, Yozgat, Goreme, Aksaray [3] * 1:500,000 * 1994 * KVRR
Turkmenistan * See also: Kazakhstan * or Asia, Central
Turkmenistan, Tajikistan & Kyrgyzstan * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
Turpan * China * 1:20,000 * 1992
Tuscany and Umbria * Italy * Various scales * 2005 * Frommer's
Tutuila (American Samoa) * See: South Pacific Islands
U - UBC to Uzbekistan
UBC-Ulm | Uni | Uru-Uzb
UBC to Ulm
UBC * See: University of British Columbia
Ucluelet, British Columbia * See also: Long Beach, British Columbia
Ucluelet * British Columbia * [No scale] * [received 1996] * Ucluelet Chamber of Commerce
Udaipur * Rajasthan * India * 1:20,000 * 1973 * Survey of India
Udine * Italy * 1:10,000 * 1985 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Uganda * See also: Kenya/Tanzania/Uganda
Uganda * 1:600,000 * 2014 * ITMB
Uganda * 1:700,000 * 2005 * Nelles Maps
Uganda * 1:800,000 * 1999 (2nd edition) * ITMB
Ukraine * See also : Crimea * Ukraine
Ukraine * 1:1,200,000 * 2001 * Freytag and Berndt
Ukraine & Moldova * 1:1,000,000 * 2015 * ITMB
Ukraine, Belarus and Western Russia * 1:2,000,000 * 1996 * Bartholomew
Ulm * Germany * 1:18,000-1:35,000 * 1989-90 * Falk
Ulm * Germany * 1:20,000 * 1990 * Falk
United to University
United Arab Emirates * See also: Dubai * United Arab Emirates * Dubai/UAE & Oman
United Arab Emirates and Oman * 1:1,500,000 * 1998 * K and G
United States * 1:4,725,000 * 2004 * MapArt
United States / Canada Border * 1:2,500,000 * 2012 * ITMB
United States, Central & Mississippi River * 1:1,840,000 * 2011 * ITMB
United States, Central and Western * 1:3,000,000 * 1993 * Rand McNally
United States, Deep South * See also: Florida & U.S. Deep South
United States, East Half * 1:2,300,000 * 2010 * ITMB
United States, Eastern * Various scales * 2005 * MapArt
United States, Eastern * 1:2,200,000 * [1998?] * Rand McNally
United States, Great Lakes * See: Great Lakes
United States, Mid-Atlantic (Allegheny Highlands) * 1:500,000 * 2013 * Michelin
United States, National Parks * [No scale] * 1997 * Rand McNally
United States, Northeast * See also: Boston & USA Northeast
United States, Northeast/Canada, East * 1:2,400,000 * 2014 * Michelin
United States, Northeastern * Various scales * 2004 * MapArt
United States, Northwest * See: Seattle & Northwest USA
United States, Pacific Coast (2) * 1:1,000,000 * 2012 * ITMB
United States, Pacific Northwest * 1:1,000,000 * 2013 * ITMB
United States, Pacific Northwest * 1:3,000,000 * [199?] * Berndtson and Berndtson
United States, Rocky Mountains * See: Canada – Rocky Mountains
United States, South Atlantic States * 1:1,000,000 * 2015 * ITMB
United States, Southeast * 1:2,400,000 * 2014 * Michelin
United States, Southwest * See: San Diego & USA SW Border
United States Bases * See: Japan - U.S. Bases
University of British Columbia * Campus map * Vancouver, British Columbia * No scale * 1994/95 * U.B.C.
Uruguay to Uzbekistan
Uruguay * See also: Argentina/Chile/Paraguay/Uruguay *or Argentina, North & Uruguay
Uruguay (3) * 1:800,000 * 1997 * ITMB
Uruguay & Montevideo * Various scales * 2015 * ITMB
Uruguay/Montevideo * 1:800,000 * 2004 * ITMB
Urumqi * China * 1:10,000 * 1992
Usti Nad Labem * Czech Republic * [No scale] * [No date] * Neprodejne
Utah * United States * 1:1,250,000 * 2000 * National Geographic/MapQuest
Utah * United States * 1:1,115,000 * 1996 * Rand McNally
Utah * United States * 1 inch = 16 miles * 1990 * Utah Dept. of Transportation
Utah & Colorado * United States * 1:750,000 * 2016 * ITMB
Uzbekistan * See also: Kazakhstan * or Asia, Central
Uzbekistan & Kazakhstan * Various scales * 2014 * ITMB
V - Vancouver to Virginia
Van-Vav | Ven-Vic | Vie-Vir
Vancouver to Vava'u
Vancouver * British Columbia * See also: Richmond * British Columbia * Richmond & Vancouver Bike & Hike
Vancouver (3) * British Columbia * Vancouver & Area * Various scales * 2025 * MapArt
Vancouver (2) * British Columbia * FastTrack Vancouver * Various scales * 2020 * MapArt
Vancouver (2) * British Columbia * Vancouver & Area * Various scales * 2020 * MapArt
Vancouver * British Columbia * Metro Vancouver Cycling Map * Various scales * 5th ed. 2012 * TransLink
Vancouver * British Columbia * Metro Vancouver City Map * Various scales * 2011 * GM Johnson
Vancouver & Burnaby (3) * British Columbia * 1:20,000 * 2023 * ITMB
Vancouver/Fraser Valley (2) * British Columbia * Various scales * 2021 * MapArt
Vancouver - Historic Chinatown * 2001 * City of Vancouver Heritage Conservation Program
Vancouver – North * British Columbia * 92 G/6 North Vancouver & 92 G/7 Port Coquitlam * 1:50,000 * 2023 * ITMB
Vancouver – North * British Columbia * North & West Vancouver Biking & Hiking * Various scales * 2021 * ITMB
Vancouver - North Shore * British Columbia * Vancouver’s North Shore Hiking Trails/Fraser Valley * Various scales * 2019 * ITMB
Vancouver - North Shore (4) * British Columbia * Vancouver's Northshore Hiking Trails/Vancouver's Northshore Mountains * Various scales * 2011 * ITMB
Vancouver Island * British Columbia * See also: Tofino & Vancouver Island South & Victoria & Vancouver Island South
Vancouver Island (4) * British Columbia * 1:270,000 * 2016 * ITMB
Vancouver Island (2) * British Columbia * 1:250,000 * 2008 * ITMB
Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast * British Columbia * 1:550,000 * 1997 * Rand McNally
Vancouver Island - South * British Columbia * 1:250,000 * 2006 * ITMB
Vancouver Island/Sunshine Coast/Gulf Islands (2) * British Columbia * Various scales * 2025 * MapArt
Vancouver Island/Sunshine Coast/Gulf Islands (2) * British Columbia * Various scales * 2023 * MapArt
Vancouver Island/Sunshine Coast/Howe Sound * British Columbia * 1989 * Informap
Vanderhoof * British Columbia * 1989
Vanuatu * See: South Pacific Islands
Varadero * Cuba * 1983 * Instituto Cubano de Geodesia y Cartografia
Vaughan, Ontario * See: Markham, Ontario
Vava'u Group/Tongatapu Islands * See: Tonga
Venezuela to Victoria
Venezuela * 1:1,750,000 * 2000 * ITMB
Venezuela/Colombia/Ecuador * 1:4,000,000 * 2000 * Collins
Venice * Florida * 1981 * West House of Maps
Venice * Italy * 1:5,500 * 2014 * Michelin
Venice * Italy * 1:5,500 * 2012 * Marco Polo
Venice * Italy * 1:5,500 * 2011 * Hallwag
Venice * Italy * 1:4,500 * 2003 * ITMB
Venice * Italy * 1:6,500 * 2000 * Dorling Kindersley Ltd.
Venice * Italy * 1:6,500 * 1996 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Vermont, United States * See also: Maine/New Hampshire/Vermont, United States
Vermont * United States * 1:316,800 * 1992 * Vermont Travel Division
Vernon, British Columbia * See also: Kamloops/Revelstoke/Vernon, British Columbia
Vernon * British Columbia * No scale * 2001 * Polara Maps and the Sun Review
Verona * Italy * 1:12,000 * 1988 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Versailles * France * No scale * No date * Plans Guides Blay
Versailles * France * 1:14,000 * 1981 * Plan Guide Blay
Verwoerdburg/Midrand * South Africa * 1:25,000 * 1984 * Map Studio
Vicebsk, Belarus * See: Belarus
Vicenza * Italy * 1:14,000 * 1986 * Litografia Artistica Cartografica
Victoria (2) * British Columbia * Greater Victoria * Various scales * 2025 * MapArt
Victoria (2) * British Columbia * Greater Victoria * Various scales * 2023 * MapArt
Victoria * British Columbia * Greater Victoria Cycling / Walking Outdoor Map & Street Guide * Various scales * 2019 * Davenport Maps
Victoria * British Columbia * Victoria & Vancouver Island South * Various scales * 2019 * ITMB
Victoria (4) * British Columbia * Visitor Map & Street Guide of Greater Victoria & West Shore * Various scales * 2011/2012 * Davenport
Victoria * British Columbia * Greater Victoria and Island Communities * 1998 * Rand McNally
Victoria * Greater Victoria Western Communities and Saanich Peninsula * British Columbia * Various scales * 2000 * Rand McNally
Victoria & West Shore * British Columbia * Various scales * 2013/2014 * Davenport
Victoria Falls * See: Livingstone and Victoria Falls, Zambia
Victoria/Gulf Islands * British Columbia * Cycling & Walking Map * Various scales * 5th ed. (added 2013) * Davenport
Victoria/Gulf Islands * British Columbia * Cycling & Walking Map * Various scales * 4th ed. (added 2012) * Davenport
Victoria/Saanich Peninsula/Colwood/Sooke * British Columbia * 1:25,000 * 2005 * MapArt
Vienna to Virginia
Vienna * Austria * 1:15,000 * 2012 * Marco Polo
Vienna * Austria * 1:15,000 * 2010 * Hallwag
Vienna * Austria * 1:20,000 * [received 2003] * Freytag and Berndt
Vienna * Austria * 1:12,500 * 2001 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Vienna * Austria * 1:12,500 * 1991-92 * Hallwag
Vierzon * France * No scale * 1992 * Office de Tourisme
Vietnam * 1:900,000 * 2015 * ITMB
Vietnam * Various scales * 2002/2003 * Periplus Travel Maps
Vietnam * 1:1,000,000 * 2000 (3rd edition) * ITMB
Vietnam * 1:1,000,000 * 1996 * ITMB
Vietnam - Mekong Delta * See also: Ho Chi Minh City & Mekong Delta
Vietnam - Mekong Delta * 1:550,000 * 1999 * ITMB
Vietnam - North * See: Hanoi & Vietnam North
Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia * 1:1,250,000 * 2004 * ITMB
Vilnius * Lithuania * 1:15,000 * [received 2001] * GeoCenter
Vilnius * Lithuania * 1:23,000 * 1994 * Briedis
Virgin Islands (British) * See: British Virgin Islands
Virgin Islands (United States) * See also: Puerto Rico & U.S. Virgin Islands
Virgin Islands (United States) * 1:68,680 * 1993 * Phillip A. Schneider
Virgin Islands (U.S. and Great Britain) * 1:50,000 * 2011 * ITMB
Virgin Islands (U.S. and Great Britain) (2) * Various scales * 1995 * ITMB
Virginia/West Virginia * United States * 1 inch = 14.5 miles * 1988 * Rand McNally
Virginia * United States * 1990 * Virginia Dept of Transportation
W - Wales to Wyoming
Wal-Wasa | Wash-Wat | Wel-Whi | Wic-Wit | Wol-Wyo
Wales to Wasaga Beach
Wales * See also: Great Britain
Wales, South * United Kingdom * 1:250,000 * 1982 * Estate
Wales, North * United Kingdom * 1:250,000 * 1982 * Estate
Walla Walla * Washington * 1 inch = 0.5 mile * 1995-96 * King of the Road Maps
Walsall (Transit Map) * Great Britain * 2 inch = 1 mile * 1993 * Centro
Wanako, New Zealand * See: New Zealand
Wanganui, New Zealand * See: New Zealand
Warsaw District * Poland * 1:100,000 * 1991 * PPWK
Warsaw * Poland * 1:26,000 * 1992 * Falk
Warsaw * Poland * 1:26,000/1:7,000 * 1991 * Cartographia Budapest
Warsaw * Poland * 1:26,000 * 1992 * PPWK
Wasaga Beach, Ontario * See: Collingwood/Midland/Owen Sound/Wasaga Beach
Washington to Watson
Washington, D.C. (2) * United States * 1:12,000 * 2012 * Michelin
Washington, D.C. * United States * 1:12,500 * 2002 * ITMB
Washington, D.C. * United States * Various scales * 2005 * Fodor's
Washington, D.C. * United States * Various scales * 2005 * Frommer's
Washington, D.C. * United States * Various scales * 2000 * Lonely Planet
Washington, D.C. * United States * [No Scale] * 1997 * MapEasy
Washington, D.C. * United States * 1:31,000 * 1995 * Rand McNally
Washington, D.C. (Transit Map) * United States * Metro * 1991
Washington * United States * See also: British Columbia - Southwest * British Columbia SW & Washington State
Washington * United States * See also: Oregon & Washington
Washington * United States * 1:1,027,500 * 2000 * Rand McNally
Washington * United States * 1:1,200,000 * 2000 * National Geographic/MapQuest
Washington * United States * 1:842,000 * 1998 * Washington State Dept. of Highways
Washington * United States * 1:842,000 * 1994 * Washington State Highways
Washington - Cascade Mountains (Mt. Baker/Mt. Adams/Mt. Rainier/Mt. St. Helens) United States * Various scales * 1991 * King of the Road
Washington - King and Pierce Counties * United States * Various scales * 1995-96 * King of the Road
Washington - King and Snohomish Counties * United States * Various scales * 1996-97 * King of the Road
Washington - Kitsap County * United States * Various scales * 1996-7 * King of the Road
Washington - Mount Rainier * United States * 1 inch = 6 miles * 1990 * Square One Map Co.
Washington - Olympic Peninsula * United States * Various scales * 1991 * King of the Road
Washington - Puget Sound Area * United States * 1:184,400 * 1995 * Rand McNally
Washington - Skagit County (includes Mount Vernon, Anacortes, Sedro Woolley) United States * 1:33,000 * 2002 * G.M. Johnson
Washington - Skagit County * United States * Various scales * 1996-97 * King of the Road
Washington - Snohomish County, Northwest * United States * Various scales * 1995-96 * King of the Road
Washington - Stanwood Area and Camano Island * United States * 1991 * Stanwood/Camano News
Washington - Whatcom County (Bellingham area) * United States * Various scales * 1996 * King of the Road
Washington, Northern * Southwest British Columbia and Northern Washington * 1:840,000 * 1996 * Gem Trek
Waterford * Ireland * 1:11,000 * 1998 (1st edition) * Ordnance Survey Ireland
Waterloo, Ontario * See also: Kitchener/Waterloo/Cambridge
Waterloo * Ontario * 1:100,000 * 1981 * Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications
Watson Lake * Yukon * 1999 * PR Services
Welland to White Rock
Welland, Ontario * See also: St. Catharines/Welland/Port Colborne * Ontario
Welland/Port Colborne * Ontario * 1993 * Metromap Publications
Wellington * New Zealand * 1991 * UBD
Wellington * New Zealand * 1:250,000 * 1986 * Infomap
Wenatchee * Washington * 1 inch = .5 mile * 1995/96 * King of the Road Maps
West Bengal * India * 1:1,100,000 * 1984 * Tamilnad Printers and Traders Pvt. Ltd.
West Indies * See also: Caribbean
West Indies and The Caribbean * 1:3,250,000 * 1991 * Bartholomew
West Palm Beach * Florida * 1985 * Champion Map Corp.
West Nusa Tenggara * See: Java
West Vancouver, British Columbia * See: Vancouver – North * British Columbia * North & West Vancouver Biking & Hiking
West Virginia * United States * 1 inch = 12 miles * 1990-91 * West Virginia Dept. of Transportation
Western Sahara * See: Morocco (including: Western Sahara and the Canary Islands)
Westpost, New Zealand * See: New Zealand
Wewak * Papua New Guinea * Various scales * [No date] * Wirui Press
Whangarei, New Zealand * See: New Zealand
Whatcom County, Washington * See: Bellingham and Whatcom County
Whidbey Island * Washington * Various scales * 1996 * King of the Road Maps
Whistler and Region (2) * British Columbia * 1:50,000 * 2003 * ITMB
Whistler and Region * British Columbia * 1:50,000 * 1999 (5th edition) * ITMB
Whistler & Sea to Sky Highway * British Columbia * Various scales * 2008 * ITMB
Whistler & Vancouver * British Columbia * Various scales * 2007 * ITMB
Whistler area, British Columbia * See also: British Columbia - Garibaldi Region * or Trails and Parks Map box (Whistler/Blackcomb)
Whistler/Squamish/Sunshine Coast * British Columbia * Various scales * [1999-2000?] * Westport Publishing
White Rock, British Columbia * See also: Surrey/Langley/White Rock * British Columbia
White Rock and South Surrey Peninsula * British Columbia * 1 km = 4 cm * 1996 * White Rock and South Surrey Chamber of Commerce
White Rock/Surrey, South * British Columbia * 1:20,000 * 1992 * ITM
Wichita to Witten
Wichita * Kansas * 1:42,000 * [199?] * Rand McNally
Wiesbaden * Germany * 1983 * Bollmann
Wigan * United Kingdom * 5.25 inches = 1 mile * 1988 * Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
Wilhelmshaven * Germany * 1:20,000 * 1986-87 * Falk
Willemstad, Curacao * See: Curacao
Williams Lake, British Columbia * See also: Prince George, British Columbia
Williams Lake * British Columbia * [No scale] * 2001 * Williams Lake Tribune
Wilmington * Delaware * [received 1993] * Champion Map Corp.
Winchester * United Kingdom * 4 inches = 1 mile * 1986 * Estate
Windermere, British Columbia * See: Columbia Valley
Windsor & Essex County * Ontario * 1:25,000 * 2005 * MapArt
Windward Islands * See: St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Winnipeg * Manitoba * Various scales * 2021 * MapArt
Winnipeg * Manitoba * 1:44,000 * [1998?] * Rand McNally
Winnipeg (Street Finder) * Manitoba * 1991-92 * Allmaps
Wisconsin * United States * 1 inch = 13 miles * 1991-92 * Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation
Witten * Germany * 1977 * Bollmann
Wolfsburg to Wyoming
Wolfsburg * Germany * 1:16,000/1:30,000 * 1989-90 * Falk
Wolverhampton (Transit Map) * Great Britain * 1993 * Centra
Woodstock, Ontario * See: Stratford/Woodstock
World * 1:30,000,000 * 2019 * Times
World * 1:30,000,000 * 2016 * Times
World * 1:32,000,000 * 2012 * Marco Polo
World * 1:25,000,000 * 2005 * Times
World * 1:28,500,000 * 1998 * Michelin
World (Physical) * 1:30,000,000 * 1987 * Bartholomew
World - Pacific Centered * 1:30,000,000 * 1996 * Hema
Wuhan (2) * China * 1982 * Cartographic Publishing House
Wurzburg * Germany * 1:15,000 * 1989-90 * Falk
Wyoming * See also: Colorado/Wyoming
Wyoming (with Colorado) * United States * 1:356,400 * 1996 * Rand McNally
X - Xi'an
Xi'an * China * 1985 * Cartographic Publishing House
Xi'an * China * [199?] * China Tourism
Y - Yakima to Yukon
Yak-Yok | Yuc-Yuk
Yakima to Yokohama
Yakima * Washington * 1996-97 * King of the Road Maps
Yale, British Columbia * See also: Hope, British Columbia
Yale * British Columbia * 1984
Yaounde, Cameroon * See: Cameroon
Yellowhead Highway * See: Canada - West - Yellowhead Highway
Yellowknife, N.W.T. * See: Northwest Territories
Yemen * 1:1,500,000 * 1997 * Freytag and Berndt
Yemen * 1:1,000,000 * 1996 * Insight Fleximap, Berndtson and Berndtson
Yemen & Oman * 1:1,400,000 * 2012 * ITMB
Yokohama, Japan * See also: Tokyo 1997
Yokohama * Japan * 1:25,000 * 1982 * Japan Guide Map Co.
Yucatan to Yukon
Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico * See: Mexico - Yucatan Peninsula
Yugoslavia * See also: Bosnia-Herzegovina* or Croatia * or Slovenia
Yugoslavia * 1:600,000 * 1993 * Geokarta
Yugoslavia * 1:500,000 * 1990 * Miroslav Krleza
Yugoslavia * 1:600,000 * 1989 * Freytag and Berndt
Yugoslavia, Dalmation Coast * * 1:500,000 * 1989 * Cartographia
Yugoslavia, Slovenia, Croatia (with Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia) * 1:600,000 * 1998 * Freytag and Berndt
Yukon * See also: Northwest Territories and Yukon
Yukon * 1:1,500,000 * 1995 * ITMB
Yukon & Northwest Territories SW * Various scales * 2017 * ITMB
Yukon/N.W.T./Alaska (2) * Various scales * 2023 * MapArt
Yukon Territory * 1:1,000,000 * 2015 * ITMB
Z - Zagreb to Zurich
Zagreb to Zurich
Zagreb * Croatia * 1:15,000 * 1992
Zambia * 1:1,500,000 * 2005 * ITMB
Zambia - Parks * 1:3,000,000 * 1985 * Government of the Republic of Zambia [filed in Parks Box]
Zimbabwe * See also: Botswana & Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe * See also: Harare and Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe (2) * 1:1,250,000 * 1995 * ITMB
Zurich * Switzerland * 1:16,000 * 2011 * Hallwag
Zurich * Switzerland * 1:14,500 - 35,000 * 2001 * ADAC
Zurich & Switzerland NW * Switzerland * Various scales * 2014 * ITMB