What Is The Job Outlook In BC?
Demand for audiologists & speech language pathologists is driven by a growing and ageing population, greater public health awareness, and new medical technologies and procedures. JobBank Canada anticipates a shortage of these professionals over the next 10 years.
Industry reports that audiologists and speech-language pathologists are needed throughout B.C. In particular, there is increased demand in northern and remote areas of the Province. As employers outside of the Lower Mainland and southern Vancouver Island regions have difficulties finding workers, the B.C. provincial government has offered loan forgiveness to audiologist and speech-language pathology graduates who commit to work in underserved regions of the province.
Employment Outlook 2021-2031

The range of techniques and services provided by audiologists and speech-language pathologists will continue to change due to new service demands. Life-saving procedures have a greater success rate than in the past, resulting in a higher occurrence of communicative disorders. In addition, increased concern over occupationally induced hearing disorders, and early detection of communication problems in children, has significantly expanded the public role of the audiologist and speech-language pathologist.
Sources: WorkBC Career Profile, Job Bank Canada, Job Prospects