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Working as a Bookkeeper & Accounting Technician

Industry Overview

In BC, approximately 22,000 people work in this occupation and 38% are working mostly full time. 

Employers often look to hire experienced accounting technicians and bookkeepers, which can make it difficult to find work right after you finish your education. Experience in this career may be gained by doing volunteer work or through a co-operative education program.

Being able to adapt to technological change is also important in this occupation.

Job Outlook in BC, 2021-2031

Employment Outlook for Bookkeepers & Accounting Technicians

Chart from WorkBC

Outlook by BC Region, 2021-2031

Regional Outlook for Bookkeepers & Accounting Technicians

Source: WorkBC

You can learn more about working as a Bookkeeper and Accounting Technician in BC from:

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Types of Employers

Bookkeepers work for all types of businesses and organizations including:

  • Professional business services such as law firms or insurance offices
  • Retail stores
  • Wholesale businesses
  • Restaurants
  • Construction and manufacturing sectors
  • A variety of other industries
  • You may also be self-employed.

Salary & Working Hours

Your salary depends on experience, education, location, and employer.  In BC, the annual median salary is $50,138.  Full-time bookkeepers usually receive benefits in addition to a salary. These may include paid sick days, vacation time, and dental coverage.

In BC regions you can expect to earn:

Hourly Wages for Bookkeepers & Accounting Technicians in BC Regions

Job Bank, Wages

Sources: WorkBC & Career Cruising

Working Hours

You generally work a standard Monday to Friday work week, though some evening or weekend work may be required. During the tax preparation season you may have to work unusually long hours.

If you are employed in industries affected by seasonal conditions, such as forestry and construction, you may experience seasonal slowdowns or even layoffs.

Source: Career Cruising