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Working as a Chiropractor

Industry Overview

Chiropractor is identified as a high opportunity occupation by WorkBC. There are approximately 1,200 chiropractors in British Columbia. Most are employed in the Mainland/Southwest and Vancouver Island/Coast regions of the province.

Job Outlook in BC

employment in 2022, average annual employment growth 2022-2032, expected number of job openings 2022-2032; for BC regions

Chart from WorkBC

WorkBC provides job openings in BC regions from 2022-2032:

Region  Employment  
in 2022
Average Annual Employment Growth Estimated  
Number of Job Openings
Vancouver Island 210 2.5% 100
Lower Mainland /Southwest 720 1.9% 340
Thompson-Okanagan 150 n/a n/a
Kootenay 70 n/a n/a
Cariboo 30 n/a n/a
North Coast & Nechako 30 n/a n/a
Northeast 20 n/a n/a

You can learn more about working as a Chiropractor in BC from:

Useful Website Description

profile for Chiropractor

Types of Employers

Chiropractors are usually self-employed. Most work in private practice, including group or team practices, and clinics that offer a mix of health-care services. 

Salary & Working Hours

The median annual salary for chiropractors in BC is $53,032.

Most chiropractors are self-employed, which means you run your own clinic or office. Earnings can vary based on your location. Chiropractors in large urban areas usually earn more than those in smaller communities.

low, median and high annual wages in BC regions

Source:  Job Bank Wage Report

Your income also depends on how much you charge for your services and how many patients you see.

From WorkBC and Career Cruising database

Working Hours

Chiropractors generally work about 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week. You may set your own hours in private practice. 

Evening and weekend work is common.