What Are The Wages And Benefits?

Food & Beverage Servers
In British Columbia, the median annual salary for food & beverage servers is $31,284.
In BC’s regions, you can expect to make:

Table from Job Bank Wage Report
Your earnings vary depending on skills, experience, employer, location, and the number of shifts worked. Some work full-time, but a large number work part-time.
Although server’s wages are typically low, you usually receive tips from customers for good service, averaging between 10% and 20% of customer’s bill.
In some large restaurants and hotels, you belong to unions and their wage rates are negotiated by union representatives.
In British Columbia, the median annual salary for bartenders is $33,370.
In BC’s regions, you can expect to make:

Table from Job Bank Wage Report
Earnings for bartenders depend on factors such as the number of hours worked, experience, and the size and location of the establishment. You are typically paid an hourly wage—usually ranging from minimum wage to a high of about $22.00. However, a large portion of your earnings comes in the form of tips. As a result, how much you earn annually depends on your customer service skills.
Sources: WorkBC and Career Cruising