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Working as a Translator or Interpreter

Industry Overview

Translators and interpreters usually specialize in two languages, including one of the official languages of Canada (English or French).  In British Columbia, you may have an advantage in the job market if you are fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese or Punjabi. There is also a growing demand for interpreters and translators who are fluent in Spanish.

For translators, most demand is for technical materials. Employment prospects are good if you are familiar with the following subjects:

  • scientific and technical fields
  • law
  • biology or pharmacy

Most jobs are in large urban centres such as Metro Vancouver or Victoria.

Job Outlook in BC

an infographic showing the job openings outlook in british columbia for translators and interpreters

Chart from: WorkBC

WorkBC provides job openings in BC regions from 2022-2032:


Region Employment in
Average Annual
Employment Growth
Number of Job
Vancouver Island 220 1.7% 90
Lower Mainland / Southwest 1,390 1.5% 560

 You can learn more about working as a translator or interpreter from:


Translators, Terminologists & Interpreters
Profiles for Translator and Interpreter

Types of Employers

Translators work for any organization that needs translation of written materials including:

  • private translation agencies
  • government departments
  • multinational corporations
  • publishing houses

Interpreters work for:

  • government
  • large corporations
  • courts
  • conference centres
  • the media
  • international organizations such as the United Nations

You may work as an independent freelancer, contracting your services to more than one organization.

Salary & Working Hours

In BC the median annual salary for translators and interpreters is $56,895. Your income depends on certification, experience, education, and type of employer. Earnings also depend on the languages you speak and the subject matter being discussed.

If you work on a freelance basis you usually earn an hourly or daily rate. Hourly wages can range from about $18 to $41, although some can make $50 or more an hour.

Sources: WorkBC & Career Cruising

In BC regions you can expect to make:

a chart showing hourly wages for translators and interpreters in BC regions

The federal government publishes the salary ranges for translators from its most recent collective agreement.  2021 salaries with the federal public service ranged from $ 59,457 to a maximum of $121,897.

Working Hours

Translators: If you are employed by large companies or the government you generally work regular 7 to 8 hour days, 5 days a week. In rare circumstances you may be asked to work evenings or weekends to deal with unexpected events. As a freelance translator, you schedule your own work. This can vary depending on the demand for your services.

The hours for salaried interpreters are often long and irregular. If you work on a freelance basis and are able to find clients, you can work as much or as little as you want.

For more information: