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What is an Internship?

An internship is on-the-job training offered by an employer to provide you with practical experience. Often internships are offered to recent graduates of a degree or diploma program to improve your resume and gain experience in your field. There are also internship opportunities that help newcomers to Canada gain Canadian experience.

Internships are normally for a set time, usually 3 to 6 months. They can be either part-time or full-time hours.

Note: Because internships are considered “work” by the Employment Standards Act of British Columbia, all advertised internships must be paid positions.

Occasionally internships will be advertised as unpaid experience for school credit. This type of experience is actually classified as a practicum in British Columbia.

Internships and practicums are different. A practicum is part of your formal education in college or university. Practicums are not considered “work” because they provide hands-on training required to complete your degree or diploma. No wages are paid for this type of work experience; instead you get credit toward your education.

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