Not All Companies are the Same…

Every workplace has its own culture. Some standards and expectations may be written in policy manuals. However, some values and ways of communicating are unwritten.
Often the easiest way to figure out a particular workplace culture is to observe others and to ask.
Written Rules
Written rules are policies and procedures documented on paper by a company or organization. These rules help everyone understand their work responsibilities and may be found in documents such as a company’s policy manual or Code of Conduct. In general, written rules include items such as such as hours of work, sick leave, vacation and employee benefits.
Unwritten Rules
Some “unwritten rules” items that may vary company to company include:
Email and Phone Use
In general work email and phone lines are intended for work purposes. In most companies it is best to avoid using them for personal reasons, except for emergencies.
It is also recommended that you turn off your cell phone or put it on silent when at work and avoid answering it unless on a break.
Personal Business
Find out how you are expected to deal with personal and family business such as caring for sick children or parents, medical appointments, making personal phone calls, etc. [Sometimes these issues are included in a company’s written rules].
Breaks are required by law. However, in some companies breaks are formal, requiring you to take a coffee or lunch break at a specific time. In other companies you can take your break whenever you want it. It is best to start by observing your co-workers.
Many workplaces no longer want employees to use perfume or cologne because others may have allergies.