Board Meeting February 2020
350 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC
Canada V6B 1B1
Date/Time: Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
Location: Morris J. Wosk Boardroom - Level 8 - Central Library
Vancouver Public Library acknowledges that our work takes place on the unceded homelands of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations
Board Agenda: February 2020
2020 Indigenous Storyteller-in-Residence - Nova Weipert
Public Survey Results
a) Removal of Items from Consent Agenda
b) Approval of the Agenda – Additions/Alterations
c) Minutes – Receive/approve draft minutes of Board meeting held January 22, 2020: Download
a) Trustee Roundtable
b) CUPE Local 391
c) Friends of VPL
d) VPL Foundation
a) 2020 Trustee Appointments: Download
a) Law Reform Advocacy Options: Download
a) Monthly Outcomes Report – January 2020
b) BCLTA Liaison Report: Download
c) Draft Minutes - February CRPD Committee Regular Mtg.: Download
d) Trans, Gender Diverse & Two-Spirit Inclusion Planning: Download
e) VPL 2020 Quarterly Progress Report - Q4 2019: Download
f) Draft Minutes - February SFHR Committee Regular Mtg.: Download
g) Q4 2019 Financials: Download
h) Public Facing Rentals: Download
THAT the Library Board will go into meeting later tonight which is closed to the public, pursuant to Section 7(o) of the Board Procedure Policy, to discuss matters related to paragraphs:
Section 7(o)(iv) Security of the property of the Library
Section 7(o)(viii) The receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose
Vision Statement - An informed, engaged, and connected city.
Mission Statement - A free place for everyone to discover, create and share ideas and information.
We value:
- diversity
- access for all
- intellectual freedom
- learning and curiosity
- patron-centred services
- community-led planning
- community partnerships
- innovation and creativity
- respectful spaces and communication
- staff development and collaboration
- effective use of resources
- sustainability
Board Minutes: February 2020
Present: Jennifer Chan, Chair; Kurt Heinrich; Zahra Hussein; Rebecca Jules; Kevin Lowe; Stuart Mackinnon, Vancouver Park Board Commissioner; Raji Mangat, Vice Chair; Barbara Parrott, Vancouver School Board Trustee; Harlan Pruden; John Schaub; Rhonda Sherwood, Vice Chair; Abeer Yusuf
Absent: Clr. Christine Boyle, Vancouver City Councillor
Management Present: Christina de Castell, Chief Librarian; Kay Cahill, Director, Collections & Technology; Julie Iannacone, Director, Neighbourhood & Youth Services; Julia Morrison, Director, Corporate Services & Facilities; Balwinder Rai, Director, Human Resources
Absent: Dawn Ibey, Director, Library Experience; Carol Nelson, Director, Planning & Communications
Staff: Janet Horne, Manager, Library Systems; Patricia Chong, Manager, Policy & Planning; Scott Fraser, Manager, Marketing & Communications; Chris Galanopoulos, Security Coordinator
Guests: Ann True, President, Friends of VPL; Kari Scott-Whyte, President, CUPE Local 391; Tanya Ferry, Vice President, CUPE Local 391; Julian Key, Member-at-Large, CUPE Local 391
Recording Secretary: Chrysalyn Tolentino, Executive Assistant
1. 2020 Indigenous Storyteller-in-Residence
Erin Watkins, Manager of Programming & Learning, introduced artist and filmmaker Nova Weipert as the 2020 Indigenous Storyteller-in-Residence. He is a recent graduate of the Emily Carr University of Art + Design, and has worked on a number of film projects and his latest film project, titled Leaving Earth, is a documentary on his transition to two-spirit and was nominated for the President’s Media Choice Award. He shared a powerful personal experience and his journey to decolonization. Nova is planning a series of public events about current issues facing Indigenous communities, the Two-Spirit journey and gender expression and identity.
2. Adrienne Smith Law
Adrienne Smith addressed the Board on the impact of the VPL Room Booking Policy and shared that some of the most vulnerable patrons now avoid coming to the Library since they don’t feel safe. Adrienne noted that in their legal opinion, it is possible for the Board to have a policy that avoids rentals that are discriminatory and noted that there is a broad misunderstanding of what hate speech is. Adrienne invited the Board to attend their talk on Hate Speech, Freedom of Expression and Transgender Human Rights on March 26.
3. Coalition Against Trans Antagonism
The representative spoke to the Board on behalf of the Coalition Against Trans Antagonism (CATA) raising concern over an event scheduled to take place in March. CATA received 5,000 signatures on their petition calling for the cancellation of the event. CATA is also standing in solidarity with the VPL union who recently voiced their concerns over the event. They noted that it is absolutely critical that the library remains a safe place for the most marginalized groups in our community and members of Vancouver’s transgender and sex worker communities rely on VPL’s services when often no other safe or affordable alternatives are available. They also noted that hosting the event contradicts the City of Vancouver’s 2SLGBTQ+ Advisory Committee guidelines as it jeopardizes the safety of these groups. CATA urges the Library to restore its reputation as a place of inclusion, safety and community by standing up to the targeting of marginalized groups.
4. Public Survey Results
Patricia Chong, Manager of Policy & Planning, presented for Trustee information the results of the 2019 Public Opinion Survey conducted by Insights West. The survey measured perceptions, satisfaction, awareness and familiarity of library services and compared these with the 2018 results. The public’s overall satisfaction with VPL services remains extremely strong, and satisfaction among 18-34 years old increased significantly in 2019; high awareness of services exists, however, familiarity with non-core VPL services remains low. Vancouverites have an exceptionally favourable perception of VPL and the VPL brand ranks highly among 450+ brands in the Insights West database. Trustee Pruden asked for Indigenous and gender-based information gathered in the survey.
5. Removal of Items from Consent Agenda
There were no agenda items removed from the Consent Agenda.
6. Approval of the Agenda
Moved by Harlan Pruden and seconded by Raji Mangat
THAT the Board approve the regular meeting agenda as amended.
7. Approval of the Items for Consent
Moved by Raji Mangat and seconded by Rhonda Sherwood
THAT the following Board reports be approved on consent:
- Monthly Outcomes Report – January 2020
THAT the Library Board receive the report for information
- BCLTA Liaison Report
THAT the Library Board receive the report for information.
- Draft Minutes – February CRPD Committee Regular Meeting
THAT the Library Board receive the draft minutes for information.
- Trans, Gender Diverse & Two-Spirit Inclusion Planning
THAT the Library Board receive the report for information.
- VPL 2020 Quarterly Progress Report – Q4 2019
THAT the Library Board receive the report for information.
- Draft Minutes – February SFHR Committee Regular Meeting
THAT the Library Board receive the draft minutes for information.
- Q4 2019 Financials
THAT the Library Board receive the report for information.
- Public Facing Rentals
THAT the Library Board receive the report for information.
8. Minutes
The draft minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 22, 2020 were presented to the Board for approval.
Moved by Stuart Mackinnon and seconded by Raji Mangat
THAT the draft minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 22, 2020 be approved as received.
Trustee Roundtable
Board Chair Chan encouraged each Trustee to share what motivated them to apply to the Library Board and what continues to motivate them as a Trustee:
Vice Chair Mangat shared that when she moves to a new place, the first physical space she visits is the library, and what motivates her to stay volunteering is the learning, camaraderie and relationships that she developed here.
Trustee Sherwood started volunteering due to curiosity, civic engagement and interest in learning experiences. What's kept her volunteering is the peer support, camaraderie, and passion for serving the library.
Trustee Mackinnon enjoys governance work and has been a part of a lot of boards. He has been a library user since age four, and when he entered politics in 2005, the campaign material he gave out were bookmarks. Some of his favorite years of board work were those when he was a Park Board liaison to VPL in 2009. He was pleased to be a liaison in 2019 and to come back again this year.
Trustee Yusuf has always loved reading and is a big fan of libraries. Serving in the board as a young immigrant is a small way to repay her debt to her mother who was a librarian.
Trustee Hussein volunteered due to three reasons: service is an ethic of her faith, she feels it’s her responsibility to give back, and for the opportunity to learn new things. She quoted Aga Khan “We have an opportunity and responsibility to assist people and communities to construct strong, resilient foundations, to ensure sustainable progress and lasting, positive change and to support and lift the hopeful voices of the continent’s youth.”
Trustee Jules noted that the library appeals to her because she sees it is a role in supporting youth at times when they may not have other places to go.
Trustee Pruden appreciates the library board due to its attentiveness to reconciliation and the LGBT and Two-Spirit community, the learning opportunities, and to the wisdom shared collectively. He continues to be amazed on how Trustees plan and their strategic thinking.
Trustee Parrott is a teacher and a lifetime learner and considers teaching a child to read is critical. It is because of the importance of school and learning that she ran for the School Board.
Trustee Schaub believes in volunteerism. The library is incredibly important to him as he had spent a lot of time in the library when he was young.
Trustee Lowe is fascinated in the role of the public institution in community well-being. The library is an institution for all and its complexity as well as how it evolves with society in a meaningful way is what drew him to volunteer.
Trustee Heinrich believes in volunteerism as well. When he was on paternity leave, he was always at Britannia branch and was impressed on how amazing that space feels. He continues to volunteer in order to contribute to the Library.
Board Chair Chan shared that her parents moved to Canada in the 1970’s and they did not have much, but they spent a lot of time in the library and she had wonderful interactions with librarians.
CUPE Local 391
Kari Scott-Whyte, President of CUPE 391, shared that the Union held their general meeting and bi-election on January 28 where members elected Gloria Hershorn as member-at large as well as passed their annual budget. Union members, after an emotional and thoughtful discussion, passed a motion to issue a public statement in response to the Board’s decision on the room rental request. Kari referred to the board reports on law reform and the public facing rental report and the Union is interested to see how these will progress as they have an impact on staff. Kari also reported that the Union fully supports the United Way Period Promise Campaign and added that champions will advocate for free menstrual products to be supplied in staff washrooms.
Friends of VPL
Ann True, President of the Friends of VPL, reported that the Friends conducted a book sale from January 23-25 and held a volunteer brunch on February 2. She thanked Chief Librarian de Castell for speaking during the brunch. The Friends will send a call out for book donations until March 8 at the Fraserview, Kitsilano and Renfrew branches, as well as two locations at Central Library. She added that the Friends is looking for a new treasurer to join their board.
VPL Foundation
No report.
9. 2020 Trustee Appointments
The Chief Librarian presented a report recommending Board Trustee appointments to the BCLTA, Public Library InterLINK Board, and Friends of VPL Board for 2020.
Moved by Harlan Pruden and seconded by Raji Mangat
THAT the Board appoint Rhonda Sherwood as representative to the BCLTA for a term of one year;
THAT the Board appoint Harlan Pruden as representative to the Public Library InterLINK Board for a term of one year; and
THAT the Board appoint Kevin Lowe as liaison to the Friends of VPL Board for a term of one year.
10. Law Reform Advocacy Options
CRPD Committee Chair Kurt Heinrich presented the report and advocacy plan that includes study and consultation with organizations that support LGBTQ2+ communities in Vancouver and calling on politicians to explore ways to reduce discrimination including the potential for law reform. The Committee also identified opportunities to expand the initial consultation with legal experts on human rights and freedom of expression which has identified the West Coast LEAF, Pivot and the BC Civil Liberties Association. Vice Chair Mangat suggested that staff also consult with the Human Rights Legal Support Centre and the Canadian Human Rights Commission. With the assistance of Board Chair Chan and Vice Chair Mangat, staff drafted a BCLA Resolution on campaigning for political action to combat discrimination and hate directed at equity-seeking groups. Trustee Mackinnon proposed that the Board endorse the proposed resolution.
Moved by Harlan Pruden and seconded by Kurt Heinrich
THAT the Board receive the report for information.
Moved by Stuart Mackinnon and seconded by Abeer Yusuf
THAT the Board endorse the resolution to be submitted to BCLA.
11. COVID-19
The Chief Librarian provided some updates on COVID-19 and noted that the City of Vancouver Emergency Management Agency is following the Vancouver Coastal Health and BC Center for Disease Control for up-to-date information on the virus and preventing its spread. We are also providing hand sanitizer in staff areas and providing staff information on proper hand-washing. Information Services have included health information tab on the website and Marketing & Communication staff are posting announcements on social media with links to the Vancouver Coastal Health Site. She also noted that staff will be working on protocols to prepare if the outbreak evolves rapidly. Trustee Pruden asked staff to consider a program to help dispel racism and curtail misinformation. The Chief Librarian asked that Trustees, especially those working in the health sector, provide suggestions on possible speakers that we could invite as panelists if they have them.
Moved by Raji Mangat and seconded by Zahra Hussein
There being no further business, the Chair declared the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. and moved to in-camera as per Board Procedure Policy 7(o)(iv) Security of the property of the Library, and Board Procedure Policy 7(o)(viii) The receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.
Signed by: Jennifer Chan, Chair and Christina de Castell, Secretary