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Digital Library

Vancouver Public Library subscribes to thousands of online books, audiobooks, magazine and newspaper articles, indexes, and other recreational and research resources. Explore our digital collections below, or try one of our research guides, to point you in the right direction.

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  • A recognized magazine for its reporting and key insights on business and the financial world.

    Access: Everywhere for VPL cardholders
  • Offers fully searchable in-depth historical coverage in the areas of leadership, personal finance, business and real estate.

    Access: Everywhere for VPL cardholders
  • In-depth corporate data on Canadian companies.

    Access: Everywhere for VPL cardholders
  • Offers complete online access to all volumes of the Dictionary of Literary Biography. 

    Access: Everywhere for Vancouver residents
  • Contains directory information on businesses, consultants and consulting organizations, print, publications media and broadcast media.

    Access: Everywhere for VPL cardholders
  • Thousands of high quality, full-text, downloadable encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries and travel ebooks. *Also suitable for research at the elementary, high school and undergraduate levels.

    Access: Everywhere for VPL cardholders
  • A master index to the major literature products published by Gale. Provides access to author and title listing for over 165,000 authors.

    Access: Everywhere for everyone
  • Authoritative critical essays and biographical profiles on literary works and authors.

    Access: Everywhere for Vancouver residents
  • Access the full image of the Globe and Mail newspaper from 1844 to 2018.

    Access: Everywhere for Vancouver residents
  • Provides detailed, current information on grant making foundations, corporate community investment programs, government funding programs, and American foundations that will fund Canadian charities.

    Access: At VPL locations only