Historical Company Information
This page lists some of the specialized resources that are available at the Vancouver Public Library and online for locating historical company information.
VPL maintains a collection of historical trade directories, city directories, and yellow pages in the Special Collections department on Level 7 of the Central Library.
- Trade directories contain brief company information, contact information and specialized industry information. VPL has historical trade directories for a variety of industries.
- City directories can be used to find location information and sometimes ownership of a company. VPL maintains a collection of directories for many BC cities, including an online database for British Columbia City Directories from 1860-1955. Directories from 1956 onward can be found in Special Collections.
- VPL holds a collection of past telephone books for some major Canadian cities.
Financial Post Cards
VPL has a collection of Historical Financial Post Cards going back 70 years. They include general company information, executive names, operations, news, history, and financials for public Canadian companies. They can be viewed by visiting the Central Library and speaking to information staff. These cards are the predecessor to the online FP Advisor database, which can be accessed below.
Annual Reports
Access to annual reports and financial information will depend if the company is public or private.
Public companies
- Annual reports are a good place to learn about an organization's finances, operations, performance, strategies, subsidiaries, forecasts, and more. Publicly traded companies are required by law to provide annual reports. Non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and government bodies also release annual reports.
- Start with the company's annual report.
- VPL maintains a limited collection of print annual reports for BC and other Canadian companies. These can be searched in our catalogue (e.g. [Company name] + "annual report").
- Additional annual reports, financial statements and other company filings can be found in:
- SEDAR+ for Canadian public Companies
- You will need to go to SEDAR's legacy page for anything earlier than 1997 (functionality on this site is questionable)
- EDGAR (US public companies from 1994)
- SEDAR+ for Canadian public Companies
Private companies
- Privately-held companies are not required to release public filings which will make it difficult to find information about them.
- Sparse information may be available using the resources listed in the tabs in this guide.
Historical Annual Reports
- VPL holds historical annual reports of over 100 British Columbia companies dating from 1957-1992. A full listing of these uncatalogued reports, including company name and dates, can be found in the Historical Uncatalogued Annual Reports B.C. list.
- These historical annual reports can be viewed by visiting the Central Library and speaking to information staff.
Print Indexes
Indexes may be helpful in finding citations to articles about a company. Listed below are a few Canadian business-focused print indexes available at the Central Library. For more suggestions, see the Other VPL Resources tab below.
Canadian Business Periodicals Index
330X C21
Covers dates 1975-1992. Index of approximately 150 Canadian magazines, as well as financial newspapers, on the topics of business, economics, industry and administrative studies. Later dates are titled Canadian Business Index. This index is continued by the Canadian Index (050X C2124) and Canadian Business and Current Affairs database (see Digital Library Resources section below).
Index to the Financial Post, 1907 to 1948
332.0971X F491a
Later issues of the Financial Post are continued in the Canadian Business Periodicals Index.
Province Newspaper Index
071.1X P96
This index covers the Province newspaper from 1960-1979 and focuses on business-related news.
Other VPL Resources
Business Clipping Files
VPL has a collection of clipping files on old BC companies. Clippings include general company information and news items. Located on Level 7 of the Central Library, in the Special Collections vault - please ask for assistance.
Business Card Index
VPL has a historic collection of citations for information on companies and biographic information on business owners. The index includes mainly BC, with some other Canadian, companies. Located on Level 4 of the Central Library in the Staff-Only area - please ask for assistance.
Newspaper Collection
The Central Library maintains a large collection of historical newspapers on microfilm, located variously on Level 5 and Level 7 (Special Collections). For additional details, please see our page on Newspapers - Current and Historical.
Useful Websites
Digital Library Resources
Recommended Titles
International Directory of Company Histories
338.7409 I61d
One of the most comprehensive and detailed corporate history directories. Includes information on the development of the world's 8,500 largest and most influential companies. Available in print as well as online through Gale Ebooks (go directly to a specific history profile by adding the company name to your search for "International Directory of Company Histories").
Who Owns Whom
658.105 W62
VPL owns past editions of Who Owns Whom as far back as 1973. This title details corporate linkages worldwide.
Inter-Corporate Ownership
338.74 C2121b
A unique directory of "who owns what" in Canada. It provides up-to-date information reflecting recent corporate takeovers and other substantial changes. VPL holdings go as far back as 1967. CD-ROM version is available for use on computer station CEN4027 at the Central Library.
The Financial Post Survey of Corporate Securities of Canada
332.63 F49
Includes brief company summary, directors, financials and affiliates for Canadian public companies. Covers dates 1934-1948. This publication is continued by the Financial Post Survey of Industrials (332.63 F49).
The Financial Post Survey of Industrials
332.63 F49
Details of operations, management, financial data and subsidaries of Canadian public companies. Covers 1949-1984.
Moody's Complete Corporate Index
332.6705 M81c
Moody’s published a series of large volumes annually which had summaries of financial information on publicly traded firms. Whilst USA focused, there were considerable numbers of international firms (e.g. Canadian, British etc.) also included. Start by searching Moody's Complete Corporate Index to find out which volumes of Moody’s include the company you are looking for. The index covers 1977-2002. VPL owns Moody's Bank & Finance Manual (2001-02), Moody's Industrial Manual (1930-2002) and Moody's International Manual (1981-2000).
Hoover's Handbook of Emerging Companies
338.74025 H7893
Profiles of America's most exciting growth enterprises.