Shakespearean Literature
William Shakespeare is possibly the most well-known English writer that ever lived. The sheer volume of literary criticism that his plays and poems have generated over the past centuries necessitate that his works stand in a category of their own - Shakespearean Literature. Use the following resources to locate his complete works as well as the many books, articles, and essays that have been written about them.
Modern Translations and Critical Essays on Individual Plays: Recommended Print Series
For modern translations of Shakespeare’s plays search try these excellent series in print:
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Shakespeare made easy
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. No fear Shakespeare
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Simply Shakespeare
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Shakespeare on the double
Try these series in print for critical essays on individual plays:
Finding Literary Criticism
The library has many works of criticism on The Bard. Search his name in the library catalogue by subject and add the phrase Criticism and Interpretation.
If an entire book has been written about a play, such as Hamlet, you may find it at the library. Search for the catalogue by subject and include The Bard's name and the title of the play.
For analysis of Shakespeare’s sonnets, use poetry criticism resources instead of Shakespearean criticism resources:
- Poetry for Students (annual) -- 809.105 P745 LIT Ref Resources
- Masterplots II : Poetry series (2002) -- 809.1 M42m1 LIT Ref Resources
Key Reference Materials
Shakespearean Criticism
822.3 Ds52
Critical interpretations of the plays of Shakespeare. Volumes one through ten present critical overviews of each play and feature criticism from the 17th century to the present.