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Nonprofit Organizations

Photo of a bulletin board with a post-it-note depicting a lightbulb
Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

This guide provides resources for those starting or currently running a nonprofit organization or charity, including information on how to raise funds and comply with legal requirements. It's important to note that each province has its own legislation regarding the operation of nonprofit organizations. In order to operate in the province of British Columbia, a nonprofit organization must be registered under the Society Act. In order to operate on a nationwide basis, it must be incorporated federally.

Starting a Nonprofit

Useful Website Description

British Columbia (provincial law). Governs how societies (not-for-profit corporations) are created and run in BC.

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Everything you need to know to start a nonprofit in BC, including information on the Society Act and how to incorporate, maintain, and dissolve your society.

Useful Website Description

This service allows you to: Incorporate your Society; File a Transition Application; File an Annual Report; Change registered office address; Update director information; Change bylaws; Access certified documents; Register an Extraprovincial; Non-share Corporation.

Useful Website Description

Frequently asked questions include: Are Canadian charities allowed to conduct political activities? Are there Residency Requirements for the Directors of a Canadian Charity? Can a Canadian charity do any social activities? Can Canadian Charities Operate Outside of Canada? Can Canadian Charities use Foreign Intermediaries or Contractors? How do I find out more about Canadian Charities and Foreign Activities?

Useful Website Description

Step-by-step instructions on registering to operate nationwide as a nonprofit. Includes downloadable forms, information kits, legislation, policies, and more.

Useful Website Description

Connects charities and nonprofits with resources that help develop organizations and support the work you do for your communities.

Useful Website Description

Click "Transition to the new Societies Act" for information on how to ensure that your society complies with the New Society Act and offers guidance for those societies incorporated in BC prior to November 28, 2016 who must transition.

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Information about registered charities, including how they are different from other nonprofit organizations.

Useful Website Description

Provides staff of charitable and non-profit organizations in British Columbia with access to the latest research and knowledge in their fields.

Funding a Nonprofit

Useful Website Description

Choose from a variety of options including funding for: Arts, Culture, Sport, Environment, for Indigenous People, Health Research and Student Aid.

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Options are available for cultural nonprofits and organizations.

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Search for BC funding and grant opportunities.

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British Columbia funding opportunities for nonprofit organizations. List created by the University of British Columbia.

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Arts, community, green, heritage conservation, and sports grants are provided by the City of Vancouver.

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Supports neighbourhood-based groups who want to creatively enhance parks or other public lands through community art, environmental stewardship, or garden projects. 

Useful Website Description

The Vancouver Foundation supports thousands of community projects every year. Highlights include: systems change grants, small neigbourhood grants, investment readiness, and more.

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Provides links to funding agencies Canadian individuals and organizations: Canadian Foundations; Arms-Length Agencies and Independent Funding Sources; Corporate Funding Programs; Government Funding Programs; Microcredit Funding Programs

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Both national and provincial funding opportunities offered by large corporations.

Useful Website Description

Multiple lists of funding sources which provide monetary support for schools, public libraries, researchers, academic institutions, and even individuals for research, educational enhancement, or a variety of other related purposes.

Useful Website Description

The Canadian Donor's Guide is the annual reference book for donors and their advisors containing data on charities collected by questionnaire as well as pertinent editorial content.

Law and Government Subject Icon

Provides detailed, current information on grant making foundations, corporate community investment programs, government funding programs, and American foundations that will fund Canadian charities.

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Local Organizations

If you are looking for existing organizations upon which to model your charity or nonprofit, use the resources below to find appropriate examples. You can often find useful resources on an organization's official website (e.g., annual reports, financial reports, constitution, bylaws, etc.) that can help when it comes to drafting your own versions. We also have print copies of select annual reports on Level 4 of the Central Library.

Useful Website Description

Most of the service agencies listed here are either nonprofits or charities.

Useful Website Description

All listings are charities and therefore are registered nonprofit organizations. There is also a geographic index for the organization’s head office.

Useful Website Description

Updated reports on approximately 760 charities. Gives details of their programs, finances, salary information, registration number and more. Search box also enables searching other ways than just by a charity's name.

Useful Website Description

Provides lists of newly incorporated societies in BC from 2011 onward. To access this list, select: Corporate Registry Notices --> Societies and Firms --> select a Year --> select a Date --> Incorporations (BC).

Useful Website Description

Searchable database of registered as well as revoked charities in Canada.

Useful Website Description

Directory of Canadian charities and nonprofits organized by type of organization (e.g., arts, education, poverty, etc.).

General Reference Subject Icon

Provides access to government directories and information on thousands of cultural, financial & professional organizations.

Note: exporting records is not an option with this version of the resource.

Everywhere for VPL cardholders

Associations Canada: An Encyclopedic Directory

060 A84

Current edition can be consulted at the Central Library in the Level 3 Reference Resources collection. Also available online via Canada Info Desk.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I want to start a non-profit or a charity? What is the difference?

Should I incorporate my non-profit? How do I incorporate my non-profit?

Do I need to incorporate both provincially and federally? How do I incorporate federally?

How do I register my charity?

I need help creating bylaws for my organization.

Do I need to make changes to my existing non-profit under the new Societies Act?

Digital Library Resources

Law and Government Subject Icon

Provides detailed, current information on grant making foundations, corporate community investment programs, government funding programs, and American foundations that will fund Canadian charities.

At VPL locations only

The Management of Nonprofit and Charitable Organizations in Canada

658.1148 M26s1

Foundational guide to managing a non-profit in Canada.