Publishing & Self-Publishing
Recommended Books
APE, Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur
808.02 K22a
A comprehensive, easy to read how-to manual on self-publishing.
The Canadian Writer's Market
808.02 G65c11
Includes listings and submission advice on Canadian book and magazine publishers, as well as agent listings.
The Global Indie Author Your Guide to the World of Self-publishing
808.02 D376g2
A comprehensive guide to implementing a successful self-publishing project, in addition to technical instructions for building Kindle and ePub books.
Novel & Short Story Writer's Market
808.0205 F44
Published every year, this directory is targeted at fiction writers and packed with useful tips and up-to-date contact information.
Screenplays: How to Write and Sell Them
808.23 B33s
An accessible yet comprehensive guide to feature film screenplays.
Self Publishing in Canada A Complete Guide to Designing, Printing and Selling your Book
808.02 A5499s1
A step-by-step resource on self-publishing, from designing and printing to selling a book in Canada
The Writer's Market
808.0205 W9561
This annual periodical includes tips, interviews, and more US and Canadian listings than any other source. Entries include payment and submission information, writers' guidelines and quick tips from editors.