Current Physics 11 Textbooks
Fundamentals of Physics Combined Edition
530 F98m3
This student book combines text and visuals with lab investigation, examples, sample problems, and chapter review problems.
McGraw-Hill Ryerson Physics
530 P5785e
This book with CD-ROM is a very well-organized, user-friendly resource, covering most BC Physics 11 content.
Physics Principles and Problems
530 A11G11z1
This popular book presents concisely developed concepts supported by math and everyday applications.
Current Physics 12 Textbooks
Physics, 8th ed.
530 A11G12c2
This student text provides visuals, conceptual flow charts, chapter reviews, and problem sets to help students develop conceptual understanding and use it to solve problems.
Physics Algebra, Trig
530.076 H44p1
This book with CD-ROM emphasizes how things work and provides everyday examples and applications.
Physics Principles With Applications
530 A11G12g6
This physics text is algebra-based and provides engaging, everyday applications. Estimation examples show how to make order-of-magnitude estimates even when data is scarce.