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Current Science 8 Textbooks

Cover Image for BC Science 8

BC Science 8

Sandner, Lionel

500 A11G8s


This general science text covers cells and systems, optics, fluids and dynamics, and water systems.

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Cover Image for B.C. Science Probe 8

B.C. Science Probe 8

LeDrew, Barry

500 A11G8L


This text extensively covers every part of the Science 8 curriculum with accompanying labs, activities, reviews, questions, learning tips, and diagrams.

Current Science 9 Textbooks

Cover Image for BC Science 9

BC Science 9

Sandner, Lionel

500 A11G9s


This is a comprehensive text with BC-related content and many extension topics and student questions.

Remote Media URL
Cover Image for B.C. Science Probe 9

B.C. Science Probe 9

LeDrew, Barry

500 A11G9L


This textbook covers topics of reproduction, atoms, elements and compounds, electricity, and space exploration.

Current Science 10 Textbooks

Cover Image for BC Science 10

BC Science 10

Sandner, Lionel

500 A11G10sa


This textbook covers subjects like sustaining the Earth’s ecosystems, energy transfer in natural systems, chemical reactions and radioactivity, and motion.

Cover Image for B.C. Science Probe 10

B.C. Science Probe 10

LeDrew, Barry

500 A11G10L


This comprehensive text provides informative visual graphics, hands-on activities, and group work options, as well as opportunities for self-assessment and review.

Useful Websites

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Sample B.C. Provincial Exams may be obtained from the B.C. Ministry of Education website.

Useful Website Description

The Vancouver Community College Bookstore, at the Broadway campus, has a selection of high school textbooks in stock. They may also be able to order books that are not in stock from some publishers. The Vancouver School Board does not sell textbooks.