Genealogy and Family History

Genealogical research is one of the most popular and fastest growing hobbies in North America. This guide will assist the first time and advanced family history researcher with the ever-growing amount of resources available in print and online.
This guide is divided into 6 major sections:
Presents principles and strategies commonly used by genealogists, and explains how to use standard genealogy charts. Printable charts are included.
Introduces a variety of sources in which information about individuals and families may be found, including civil registration, church records, newspaper announcements, directories, military records, cemetery records, and other sources. Examples are provided, together with information on how to access the actual records themselves.
Special Topics
Covers in more detail topics such as Canadian civil registration, records for specific populations, geneological resources in other countries, and more.
Facilities and Services
Describes the equipment and services that are available at the library and beyond to assist you with your family history research.
A bi-annual newsletter - distributed by email and also available in print at the Central Library - to highlight new genealogical materials at VPL, upcoming workshops and programs, and other information of interest to genealogists.
Genealogy Buzz
A blog about new and interesting developments in the world of genealogy.
New Titles at VPL
You can view a list of genealogy-related titles recently added to the library collection via the library's catalogue.
Program Spotlight
Digital Library Resources
Recommended Titles
The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography
Online Periodical or Article - 1893-
Online Periodical or Article - 2017-
The Bi-monthly Newsletter of the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, Inc Online Periodical or Article - 1994-