Chinese Canadians

Interest in genealogy has surged in recent years, but there have been few targeted resources available to help Chinese Canadians who wish to explore their personal connection to history. The Vancouver Public Library has created a Chinese Canadian Genealogy research guide to help fill this gap. VPL received partial support from Library and Archives Canada to research this topic .
Chinese Canadian Genealogy Research Guide
Our Chinese Canadian Genealogy research guide provides a wide range of resources aimed at Chinese Canadian genealogists or anyone with an interest in Chinese Canadian history and culture. Major sections of the research guide include:
- Basics – Introduction to principles, strategies, and tools commonly used by genealogists.
- History and Pioneers – Overview of milestones in Chinese Canadian history, pioneer stories, current heritage projects, and so on.
- Chinese Names – Exploration of the characteristics of Chinese names and their implications for genealogical research.
- Family Sources – Tips for interviewing family members, sample questions, and information about documenting family heirlooms and treasures.
- Immigration Records - Introduction to a variety of sources that may include records of immigrants to Canada from China.
- Other Records – Overview of other sources of family history information, including civil registration records, newspaper announcements, directories, cemetery records, and more.
- Back to China – Information on genealogical resources in China and tips for finding your ancestral home.
Guangzhou Library
For those seeking genealogical records or information about families within the city of Guangzhou and Guangdong Province you can send your questions via email to the Guangzhou Library at:
Telephone #: (020) 83836666
While Chinese is the preferred language you can submit questions in either English or Chinese. When submitting a query, please provide as much information as possible: family names, known locations of residences and any known immigration information. The more detailed the information provided, the better the chances of successfully providing you with the information you seek.
如您要查詢宗譜資料和家族信息, 您可以將您的查詢要求以電子郵件的形式發送到廣州圖書館
電話號碼: (020) 83836666
家譜查詢中心的主要服務語言為中文,同時他們也接受英文查詢。有查詢需求的讀者請盡可能提供詳細的信息, 如:所查姓氏,家族所在地以及所知的遷移線索等等。盡可能詳細的信息將更有利於家譜查詢中心的工作人員查找到相應的資料。