
The Vancouver Public Library collection includes historical newspapers (primarily for British Columbia). The Library also subscribes to electronic databases which provide historical access to key British and American newspapers. For more information about our holdings, see our page on Newspapers - Current & Historical.
If a newspaper is currently being published both the current and historical issues of the paper will be located on level 5. If it is a British Columbia paper that is no longer being published, historical issues will be in Special Collections (Level 7).
Newspaper Directories
The following books may be helpful if you are trying to determine which newspaper(s) were published in a specific time and place. To find other bibliographies or union lists of newspapers, ask the information staff at the Central Library for assistance. The Newspapers on Microfilm and Newspapers on the Internet tabs may also be useful.
Union Catalogue of British Columbia Newspapers, 3 vols
Ref. 071.1X K81u
Union List of Canadian Newspapers
Ref. MICROFICHE 071.1X C212ua
Newspapers on Microfilm
Central Library has a large collection of newspapers, both recent and historical. The focus of the collection is on BC and Canada, however we also collect some international papers.
Beyond VPL
Additional collections of newspapers on microfilm are available both locally and elsewhere. In some cases, films are available via interlibrary loan.
Online Newspapers
Many newspapers have their own websites though content is often limited to current and recent editions. A number of old newspapers have been digitized for the Internet. Some are free; others are available by subscription only.