Substance Use

Substance use refers to the use of alcohol, cannabis, cigarettes, and other prescription and illegal drugs. Substance use may lead to substance use problems when it causes to harm the individual or the people around them. Here are resources to help you learn more information about substance use.
For help finding substance use support, community organizations and other substance use services, please consult the Substance Use Services page on the Community Resource and Social Services guide.
If you need help finding a psychiatrist, psychologist, or counselor in Vancouver and surrounding areas, please consult our pages on Health Services or Mental Well-Being.
For urgent, life-threatening issues, call 9-1-1 to report the details of your mental health emergency.
General Information
Find general information about substance use and common types of substances.
Substance Use Problems & Prevention
Use these resources to find information about problems related to substance use.
For books about addiction and substance use, browse the titles recommended on the Addition and Substance Use page on the Self-Help guide.
For help finding substance use support, community organizations and other substance use services, please consult the Substance Use Services page on the Health Services guide.
Understand the stigma and discrimination related to substance use and substance use problems.
Research & Publications
Support Helplines & Services
For an extensive list to find substance use support, community organizations and other substance use services, please consult the Substance Use Services page on the Community Resource and Social Services guide.