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Health Services

Use the resources below to find medical professionals and healthcare facilities in the Greater Vancouver area. If you need assistance choosing a health service, dial 8-1-1 to connect with a registered nurse, dietician, pharmacist, or other healthcare representative who can help you to navigate your options.

Medical Doctors and Surgeons

The physician directory allows individuals to verify whether a physician is currently registered and licensed with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia, and provides information on a physician’s credentials and scope of practice.
The easiest way to find a family doctor who is accepting new patients in your area is to call 8-1-1 and speak with a health services navigator.
Find a doctor in your community who is able to conduct medical appointments with patients virtually (by phone, online video, etc.).
Read and provide reviews for local doctors.

Canadian Medical Directory

610.92 C21

Find up-to-date information on doctors and surgeons in Canada, including contact information and specialties. This directory also includes medical organizations, including associations, cancer centres and provincial administrative contacts.

Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and Counselors

See our page on Mental Wellbeing for additional resources, including a list of 24/7 crisis support helplines and mental health drop-in centres in Vancouver.

Useful Website Description

Search by audience, topic, or location for local services and information resources.

A list of free or lower cost counseling services in Vancouver. Compiled by the Canadian Mental Health Association’s (CHMA) Peer Navigator Program.
A resource list of lower-cost, sliding-scale and free counselling services in Metro Vancouver, primarily the city of Vancouver. Updated quarterly.
Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in mental health. To see a psychiatrist, get a referal from your family doctor. For a list of practicing psychiatrists in BC, select the "psychiatry" specialty when searching physicians.
Find a registered psychologist by city, specialty, language, and more.
Find a psychologist by city, client type, problem type, therapy method, and language.
Find a clinical counsellor by city, specialty, language, and more.

Dentists and Optometrists

A listing of free or lower cost dental services in BC. Eligibility requirements may apply.
Find a dentist in your area who is accepting new patients.
Useful Website Description

Search for dental surgeons by name, city, or specialty.

Search for opticians by name, city, postal code, phone number, specialty, or language.

Hospitals, Clinics, and Labs

You can search for walk-in clinics, emergency rooms, hospitals, mental health programs, home care programs, pharmacy services, laboratory services, and more. Search by keyword or try our Guided Search to narrow down your search results by category.
A list of free medical clinics in the Vancouver region. Click on "Healthcare" on the home page and enter your postal code to find services in your neighbourhood. You can also search by specific type of service. Services can also be found by dialing 2-1-1.
This directory can help you find a variety of health services including specialized facilities for various conditions and audiences, assisted living facilities, hospitals, residential care, and more.
LifeLabs is a Canadian-owned company where you can go for lab tests (blood, urine, etc.). Drop-in or book an appointment online.
Find locations and estimated wait times for walk-in clinics in Vancouver.
Find the average wait time for Vancouver, Richmond, and North Shore emergency departments. Updated approximately every 5 minutes.
Useful Website Description

Explore indicators to better understand your health system and the health of Canadians. Search by hospital, long-term care organization, city, health region, province, or territory.

Pharmacies and Dispensaries

See our page on Drugs and Vaccines for additional resources.

A Canada-wide directory for access to medical or recreational marijuana.

BC Health Insurance

Find information about BC's provincial health insurance system, or Medical Services Plan. MSP monthly premiums were eliminated as of January 1st, 2020.
All BC residents can apply for free supplemental drug coverage through BC's Fair PharmaCare. It is an income-based system such that the less money you earn, the lower your deductable and the more coverage you receive. This plan can be used to help to cover the cost of prescription drugs, certain medical supplies, and pharmacy services.
In addition to Fair PharmaCare, there 7 additional plans to help specifc groups cover their medical expenses. Eligible groups include: permanent residents of care facilities, recipients of BC Income Assistance, people with cystic fybrosis, lower-income people who require psychiatric medications, and others.

Useful Websites

Useful Website Description

A directory of health services provided by the provincial government, provincial health authorities, and non-profit agencies across the province, including walk-in clinics, emergency rooms, hospitals, mental health programs, home care facilities, pharmacy services, testing laboratories, and more.

Useful Website Description

Information about the 21 regulated health care professions in BC. Provides links to directories for finding local naturopathic physicians, acupuncturists, midwives, chiropractors, massage therapists, and more.