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Government Income Assistance

Resources to help you access government financial support.

Income Assistance (Welfare)

In BC, the Income Assistance Program (also called welfare) provides support and shelter assistance for those who are eligible. For most people the program is temporary, but for some it may be a long-term need.

You may be eligible if you are:

  • out of work or earning very little
  • awaiting other income
  • unable to work
  • in immediate need of food, shelter or urgent medical attention

To apply, go to the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction.

If you can’t complete the application online, call 1 866 866-0800 or visit your local office.

Welfare rules are tricky. For help applying try reading Legal Services Society's publication Your Welfare Rights: How to Apply for Welfare publication. It also provides information on how to appeal a ministry decision. The Central library has print copies that you can keep on level 2.

A series of guides that cover welfare rights in BC, including how to apply online or in person, a breakdown of the benefits you'll receive, and what will be expected of you while you are receiving welfare benefits. Also includes information on income assistance for people living on reserves.
In-person service locations in Vancouver.

Disability Benefits

Provided by British Columbia's provincial government, disability assistance is for people who – through disability – cannot work or have difficulty working full-time. The government helps these people through financial aid, training programs and education. If you have disabilities, you may qualify for persons with disabilities (PWD) benefits.

To qualify:

  • You must be at least 18 years old
  • Your disability must be severe and be expected to last for two years, and
  • It must directly or significantly restrict your ability to perform daily living activities.

Also, because of your disability, you need:

  • Significant help from another person or
  • Help from an assistive device (e.g. a wheelchair), or
  • Help from an assistance animal.

Apply online through the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction.

You are also entitled to other services and financial benefits through the Federal Government. Service Canada has compiled a list of your benefits.

If you need help applying, The Disability Alliance BC helps people with disabilities to obtain BC disability benefits. They also help with the application process. Go to their Help Sheets page and you will find answers to a variety of questions like: how to appeal the denial of the PWD benefit; People with disabilities on Reserve; Rate Amounts; and more.

For further information Clicklaw offers multiple help guides on the topic of assistance for people with disabiities.

Find out if you are eligible for disability assistance in BC and how to apply online.
Make an appointment to get one-to-one assistance applying for disability benefits. If you require legal advice because of a problem relating to your disability benefit, call 1-800-663-1278 toll-free to learn about your options.
Find information on the most common deductions and credits that can be claimed for someone with an impairment in physical or mental functions. Includes links to the DTC (see above) for yourself, a dependent, or a spouse.
Use the online client service request form to get connected with the help you need.

Employment Insurance

Employment Insurance (EI) provides temporary financial assistance to unemployed Canadians who have lost their job through no fault of their own, while they look for work or upgrade their skills.

Canadians who are sick, pregnant, or caring for a newborn or adopted child, as well as those who must care for a family member who is seriously ill may also be receive financial support through Employment Insurance.

If you are eligible, you can apply for Employment Insurance through Employment and Social Development Canada

Applications are done online. If you need help, call Employment & Social Development Canada at 1-800-206-7218. You can apply online at any Service Canada Centre using one of the many Internet kiosks available. Go here: To find out when your local Service Canada Centre is open.

The government website provides a fair amount of detail on qualifications for EI  as well as the process: How to Apply.

Please ask a librarian if you need help accessing the form. For more information, especially on the legalities, go to Clicklaw's Legal Help Guides for Employment Insurance.

Useful Websites

Useful Website Description

Click on "Financial Assistance" on the home page and enter your postal code to find services in your neighbourhood. You can also search by specific type of service.